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M101P: MongoDB For Developers (Python) 05/2015

Notes on Cassandra, Hadoop & MapReduce from Cloud Computing


To build a blog with MongoDB and Bottle framework in Python(PyMongo)

Import a JSON file to MongoDB:

mongorestore --collection messages --db enron messages.bson

See Final/ for answers to the final exam.

  • Week 6, completed 7/3/15.

Drivers, impact of replication and Sharding on design and development.

  • Replica set
  • Primary vs. secondary server
  • W & J parameter, Wtimeout
  • Read preference
  • Sharding, shard keys are immutable
  • Config servers

I had some problems with assignment 6.5 which required running a 3-node replica set on my local end. The file had an error message of:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 3, in <module>
   eval(compile(base64.b64decode(code), "<string>", 'exec'))
 File "<string>", line 36
   print "usage -m mongoConnectString"

Eventually I figured out that it's because my default Python version was Python3,but this course required Python2, so I was able to solve my problem through an easy python2

  • Week 5 Aggregate

Aggregation Pipeline: $project,$match,$group,$sort,$skip,$limit,$unwind(the reverse is $push),$out

Aggregation Expressions: $sum,$avg,$min,$max,$push,$addtoset,$first,$last

  • Week 4, finished 06/20/2015

    All about indexing. Using indexes, monitoring and understanding performance. Performance in sharded environments.

    Pluggable storage engines: MMAP(default) vs. WiredTiger

    Storage engines talk to drivers and influence how data is indexed and formated on the hard drive

    How to change default storage engine to Wired Tiger:

     # kill current MongoDB session
     killall mongod
     # make a new directory
     mkdir WT
     # change the storage engine
     mongod --storageEngine wiredTiger


  • Week 3, completed 6/11/15

    Schema Design - Patterns, case studies and tradeoffs. $Pull(remove) and $Push(insert)

Import Json file into MongoDB

mongoimport -d school -c students < HW3.1students.json

HW 3.2

# XXX HW 3.2 Work Here to insert the post

self.posts.insert(post, j=True)
# XXX HW 3.2 Work here to get the posts

cursor = self.posts.find().sort([('date',-1)]).limit(num_posts)
# XXX Work here to retrieve the specified post

post = self.posts.find_one({'permalink':permalink})

Shell output:

(mongo)Anyis-MacBook-Pro:HW3.2and3.3 Anyi$ python
Welcome to the HW 3.2 and HW 3.3 validation tester
Trying to create a test user  itBHbTE
Found the test user  itBHbTE  in the users collection
User creation successful. 
Trying to login for test user  itBHbTE
User login successful.
Trying to submit a post with title  zIYJVuUakbtdSxzqPsVhzWTkAnmZWg
Submission of single post successful
Trying to submit a post with title  CPxFWALizvMzJpGqlGApzumGbSISCy
Submission of second post successful
Trying to grab the blog home page at url  http://localhost:8082/
Block index looks good.
Found blog post in posts collection
Tests Passed for HW 3.2. Your HW 3.2 validation code is 89jklfsjrlk209jfks2j2ek
Trying to submit a blog comment for post with title zIYJVuUakbtdSxzqPsVhzWTkAnmZWg
Can't add blog comments (so HW 3.3 not yet complete)

HW 3.3


Shell output:

Successfully added blog comments
Tests Passed for HW 3.3. Your HW 3.3 validation code is jk1310vn2lkv0j2kf0jkfs

  • Week 2, completed 6/8/2015

    CRUD (Creating, Reading and Updating Data) - Mongo shell, query operators, update operators and a few commands. Create the user and session class for the blog app

    Use curl to download a json file and read it in python

     curl > reddit.json
     cat reddit.json | python -m json.tool | more
     # in mongo shell
     use reddit
     show collections

    2.1 JS file that creates a database in Mongo mongo < 2.1school.js

    2.4 Regex Mongo regex has an option of case insensitivity '$options':'i'

    2.5 Skip, limit, sort order: sort first, then skip, then limit

    2.6 insert_one()

    2.7 insert_many() In people.insert_many(people_to_insert,ordered=False), the ordered=False does not preserve the data when it's inserted into the database as in people_to_insert = [andrew,richard]

    ordered = True by default

    2.8 update_one() and update_many()

    2.9 replace_one() Cannot use $set in replace_one()

    2.11 delete_one() and delete_many()

    2.12 find_and_modify(), find_one_and_update()

    HW 2.1

    import json file into MongoDB

    mongoimport -d students -c grades < grades.json

  • Week 1, completed 5/28/2015:

    Introduction Introduction & Overview - Overview, Design Goals, the Mongo Shell, JSON Intro, installing tools, overview of blog project. Bottle, Pymongo.


My answers for M101P:MongoDB for Developers course in Python with PyMongo 3.0






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