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Diceware password server

Scala diceware password server based on Finatra.


  • jdk8
  • sbt

Build and Run

$ sbt clean assembly
$ java -jar server/target/scala-2.12/diceware-server.jar -doc.root=/site

Note: You might want to use the basic ReactJS user interface created for the application. To this end first build it like so:

$ cd ui && npm i && npm run build && cp dist/* ../server/src/main/resources/site/

Then execute the steps outlines previously (assembly etc).


Through the assembly and docker plugin, it is possible create a Docker image that can be instantiated wherever docker is available.

$ sbt clean assembly docker
$ docker run --rm --name diceware-scala -d -p8888:8888 frlab/diceware:<version> 


The project has ScalaTest tests and is configured to provide test coverage reports with JaCoCo.

To run the automated tests, just execute:

$ sbt test

Code Coverage

Currently, the project is configured to run code coverage on all secondary projects and then aggregate the reports under the root project. The root project makes available the reports under target/scala-2.12/jacoco/report/aggregate.

There are two report types, HTML which can be directly reviewed and XML that is consumed by tools such as SonarQube to provide a thorough analysis report.

To generate the aggregate report just run:

$ sbt jacocoAggrate

For the JaCoCo to be consumed by SonarQube, their location must be defined in file under the key sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths. The entry should look like:



Default base URL: http://localhost:8888

Generate password: /generate

Optional parameters

  • words (int): number of words to use in the password
  • mode (flat|camel|snake): word concatenation mode

Example: http://localhost:8888?words=4&mode=flat

Display dictionary: /wordlist

Optional parameters

  • download: download dictionary as file


Since this project is Scala based, to run a SonarQube analysis, you will need to download SonarScanner. A file is already committed in the project and just needs to be edited accordingly. To send a build for analysis all you have to do is execute from project root:

$ sonar-scanner
