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Chat Server in Go

This repository is a Go language-based transformation of the original smallchat by antirez. We present a simple yet powerful chat server written in Go, leveraging the concurrency and network libraries of Go to provide a robust chat service that handles multiple clients over TCP connections.


  • Multi-client support using TCP connections.
  • Nickname setting for clients with the /nick command.
  • Broadcast messages to all connected clients.
  • Max client limitation to prevent overloading the server.
  • Graceful handling of client disconnection.

Getting Started


Before you can run this server, you need to have Go installed on your system. You can download and install Go from the official site.


To start using this chat server, you need to clone this repository to your local machine. You can do this by running the following command:

git clone

After cloning the repository, navigate to the directory where the repository is located and build the server using the Go build command:

go build

Running the Server

To run the server, simply execute the built binary:


The server will start and listen for incoming TCP connections on port 7712.

Connecting Clients

To connect a client to the server, use any TCP client, such as netcat or telnet:

telnet localhost 7712

Once connected, you can set your nickname using the /nick command followed by your desired nickname:

/nick YourNickname

After setting a nickname, any text you type will be sent to all connected clients.


The server uses a concurrent design where each client connection is handled in a separate goroutine. This allows for scalability and responsive client handling.

  • ChatSystem struct - Holds the core chat logic, including observer management and message broadcasting.
  • Client struct - Represents a connected client and is responsible for sending and receiving messages.

Code Structure

  • main.go - The entry point of the server that initializes the chat system and listens for client connections.


Feel free to fork and extend the functionality of this chat server. You can add new features like private messaging, chat rooms, and user authentication as needed.


Contributions are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

The README template provided above should be added to your repository with modifications reflecting your specific GitHub username and repository information where applicable. Make sure to add a LICENSE file containing the MIT License text to your repository as well.


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