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Merge branch 'releases' into debian-experimental
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* releases: (970 commits)
  REF _fit_newton use np.asarray(hess)
  REF: _fit_newton, add ridge_factor option, default 1e-10
  REF: _fit_newton add Ridge correction to Hessian, see also statsmodels#953
  Bug comment: commented out code, weigths don't sum to 1 see statsmodels#1845
  CLN: TST cleanup comment, unused code.
  REF: "is" None (not ==)
  BUG: fix if alpha is scalar, TST: try standardized
  REF: NegativeBinomial fit_regularized, try regularized Poisson for start_params
  DOC: add comment in notes about not penalizing NegBin shape parameter [skip ci]
  TST: TestNegativeBinomialL1Compatability use desired as start_params
  TST: adjust test, precision and start_params (failure on TravisCI)
  BUG: NegativeBinomial fix aic, bic for 'geometric', adjust tests
  REF add k_extra to NegativeBinomial, don't count it in df_model, df_resid
  TST explicitely define k_extra in test class
  CLN: a few cosmetic changes
  TST fix negbin geometric test for fit_regularized
  CLN L1NegativeBinomialResults rename closes statsmodels#1615,     remove redundant `__init__`
  BUG NegativeBinomial add fit_regularized closes statsmodels#1453 closes  statsmodels#1454     adjust test to handle extra parameter
  REF: has_constant remove special code in linear_model, is moved to data
  Fix const_idx with multiple const, more tests
  • Loading branch information
yarikoptic committed Jul 29, 2014
2 parents dc6d844 + 18a1faa commit 8f2ab7a
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 757 changed files with 66,487 additions and 12,146 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ help

# Project specific
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions .travis.orig.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Adapted from M. Brett's .yaml file for nipy:
# We pretend to be erlang because we can't use the python support in
# travis-ci; it uses virtualenvs, they do not have numpy, scipy, matplotlib,
# and it is impractical to build them
language: erlang
# Enable python 2 and python 3 builds. Python3.2 available in Ubuntu 12.04.
- PYTHON=python PYSUF=''
- PYTHON=python3 PYSUF=3
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-dev
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-numpy
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-scipy
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-setuptools
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-nose
# Cython needs manual install under Python 3
- if [ "${PYSUF}" == "3" ]; then
wget ;
tar xfvz Cython-0.17.1.tar.gz ;
cd Cython-0.17.1 ;
sudo python3 install ;
cd .. ;
sudo apt-get install cython ;
- wget -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list
- sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 2649A5A9
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-dateutil
- sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install $PYTHON-pandas
- sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install $PYTHON-pandas-lib
- sudo easy_install$PYSUF -U patsy
- if [ "${PYSUF}" != "3" ]; then sudo pip install coverage; fi
- if [ "${PYSUF}" != "3" ]; then sudo pip install coveralls; fi
- sudo $PYTHON install
# Ubuntu 12.04 installs statsmodels under the wrong path for Python 3
- if [ "${PYSUF}" == "3" ]; then
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels-*/statsmodels /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels ;
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels-* ;
# statsmodels was installed "system-wide" thus cd under dedicated
# travis-test/ directory to not try using local version without built extensions
- mkdir -p "${SRCDIR}/travis-test"; cd "${SRCDIR}/travis-test"
# Compose a script to run testing with coverage
- echo 'import statsmodels as sm; a=sm.test(); import sys; sys.exit((len(a.failures)+len(a.errors))>0)' >
- if [ "${PYSUF}" != "3" ]; then coverage run --rcfile=${SRCDIR}/.travis_coveragerc; else $PYTHON; fi
- if [ "${PYSUF}" != "3" ]; then coveralls; fi
139 changes: 93 additions & 46 deletions .travis.yml
@@ -1,50 +1,97 @@
# Adapted from M. Brett's .yaml file for nipy:
# We pretend to be erlang because we can't use the python support in
# travis-ci; it uses virtualenvs, they do not have numpy, scipy, matplotlib,
# and it is impractical to build them
language: erlang
# Travis script that uses miniconda in place of the system installed python
# versions. Allows substantial flexability for choosing versions of
# required packages and is simpler to use to test up-to-date scientific Python
# stack
language: python

# Enable python 2 and python 3 builds. Python3.2 available in Ubuntu 12.04.
- PYTHON=python PYSUF=''
- PYTHON=python3 PYSUF=3
# Default values for common packages, override as needed
- CYTHON=0.20
- PATSY=0.2
- PANDAS=0.12
- COVERAGE=false

fast_finish: true
- python: 2.7
- PYTHON=2.6
- NUMPY="1.6.2=py26_4"
- SCIPY="0.11.0=np16py26_3"
- python: 2.7
- PYTHON=2.7
- NUMPY=1.7
- SCIPY=0.12
- OPTIONAL=cvxopt
- python: 2.7
- PYTHON=3.3
- NUMPY=1.8
- SCIPY=0.13
- PANDAS=0.13
- python: 2.7
- PYTHON=2.7

on_success: always

# Setup anaconda
- wget -O
- chmod +x
- ./ -b
- export PATH=/home/travis/miniconda/bin:$PATH
- conda update --yes --quiet conda
# Fix for headless TravisCI
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
# Avoid noise from matplotlib
- mkdir $HOME/.config
- mkdir $HOME/.config/matplotlib
- cp $SRCDIR/tools/matplotlibrc $HOME/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
# Location for older version of matplotlib
- if [ ${MATPLOTLIB} = "1.2" ]; then mkdir $HOME/.matplotlib; fi
- if [ ${MATPLOTLIB} = "1.2" ]; then cp ${SRCDIR}/tools/matplotlibrc $HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc; fi
# Build package list to avoid empty package=versions; only needed for versioned pacakges
- PKGS="python=${PYTHON}"
- PKGS="${PKGS} numpy"; if [ ${NUMPY} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${NUMPY}"; fi
- PKGS="${PKGS} scipy"; if [ ${SCIPY} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${SCIPY}"; fi
- PKGS="${PKGS} patsy"; if [ ${PATSY} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${PATSY}"; fi
- PKGS="${PKGS} pandas"; if [ ${PANDAS} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${PANDAS}"; fi
- PKGS="${PKGS} Cython"; if [ ${CYTHON} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${CYTHON}"; fi
- PKGS="${PKGS} matplotlib"; if [ ${MATPLOTLIB} ]; then PKGS="${PKGS}=${MATPLOTLIB}"; fi

# Install packages
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-dev
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-numpy
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-scipy
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-setuptools
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-nose
# Cython needs manual install under Python 3
- if [ "${PYSUF}" == "3" ]; then
wget ;
tar xfvz Cython-0.17.1.tar.gz ;
cd Cython-0.17.1 ;
sudo python3 install ;
cd .. ;
sudo apt-get install cython ;
- wget -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list
- sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 2649A5A9
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install $PYTHON-dateutil
- sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install $PYTHON-pandas
- sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install $PYTHON-pandas-lib
- sudo easy_install$PYSUF -U patsy
- conda create --yes --quiet -n statsmodels-test ${PKGS} ${OPTIONAL} dateutil nose pip pyyaml setuptools
- source activate statsmodels-test
- if [ ${COVERAGE} = true ]; then pip install coverage coveralls; fi
- python install

- sudo $PYTHON install
# Ubuntu 12.04 installs statsmodels under the wrong path for Python 3
- if [ "${PYSUF}" == "3" ]; then
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels-*/statsmodels /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels ;
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/statsmodels-* ;
# For some reason, Python 3 will try to work with the build directory. Get out of folder to avoid breakage
- cd ../
- sudo $PYTHON -c "import statsmodels as sm; a=sm.test(); import sys; sys.exit((len(a.failures)+len(a.errors))>0)"
- python install
- mkdir -p "${SRCDIR}/travis-test"; cd "${SRCDIR}/travis-test"
# Show versions
- python -c 'import statsmodels.api as sm; sm.show_versions();'
# Compose a script to run testing with coverage
- echo 'import statsmodels as sm; a=sm.test(); import sys; sys.exit((len(a.failures)+len(a.errors))>0)' >
- if [ ${COVERAGE} = true ]; then coverage run --rcfile=${SRCDIR}/.travis_coveragerc; else python; fi

# Coverage only for 2.7
- if [ ${COVERAGE} = true ]; then coveralls --rcfile=${SRCDIR}/.travis_coveragerc; fi
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .travis_coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

branch = True
include =
49 changes: 37 additions & 12 deletions CONTRIBUTING.rst
Expand Up @@ -7,23 +7,42 @@ by submitting patches, statistical tests, new models, or examples.
`statsmodels` is developed on `Github <>`_
using the `Git <>`_ version control system.

Submitting a Bug Report

Statsmodels is released under the
`Modified (3-clause) BSD license <>`_.
- Include a short, self-contained code snippet that reproduces the problem
- Specify the statsmodels version used. You can do this with ``sm.version.full_version``
- If the issue looks to involve other dependencies, also include the output of ``sm.show_versions()``

Making Changes to the Code

For a pull request to be accepted, you must meet the below requirements. This greatly helps in keeping the job of maintaining and releasing the software a shared effort.

- **One branch. One feature.** Branches are cheap and github makes it easy to merge and delete branches with a few clicks. Avoid the temptation to lump in a bunch of unrelated changes when working on a feature, if possible. This helps us keep track of what has changed when preparing a release.
- Commit messages should be clear and concise. This means a subject line of less than 80 characters, and, if necessary, a blank line followed by a commit message body. We have an `informal commit format standard <>`_ that we try to adhere to. You can see what this looks like in practice by ``git log --oneline -n 10``. If your commit references or closes a specific issue, you can close it by mentioning it in the `commit message <>`_. (*For maintainers*: These suggestions go for Merge commit comments too. These are partially the record for release notes.)
- Code submissions must always include tests. See our `notes on testing <>`_.
- Each function, class, method, and attribute needs to be documented using docstrings. We conform to the `numpy docstring standard <>`_.
- If you are adding new functionality, you need to add it to the documentation by editing (or creating) the appropriate file in ``docs/source``.
- Make sure your documentation changes parse correctly. Change into the top-level ``docs/`` directory and type::
make clean
make html

Submitting a Patch
Check that the build output does not have *any* warnings due to your changes.
- Finally, please add your changes to the release notes. Open the ``docs/source/release/versionX.X.rst`` file that has the version number of the next release and add your changes to the appropriate section.

So you want to submit a patch to `statsmodels`?. Great news! Here are the
steps you need to take.
How to Submit a Pull Request

So you want to submit a patch to `statsmodels` but aren't too familiar with github? Here are the steps you need to take.

1. `Fork <>`_ the `statsmodels repository <>`_ on Github.
2. `Create a new feature branch <>`_
+ Each branch must be self-contained, with a single new feature or bugfix.
+ Patches must always include tests. See our `notes on testing <test_notes.html>`_.
3. `Submit a pull request <>`_
2. `Create a new feature branch <>`_. Each branch must be self-contained, with a single new feature or bugfix.
3. Make sure the test suite passes. This includes testing on Python 3. The easiest way to do this is to either enable `Travis-CI <>`_ on your fork, or to make a pull request and check there.
4. Document your changes by editing the appropriate file in ``docs/source/``. If it is a big, new feature add a note and an example to the latest ``docs/source/release/versionX.X.rst`` file. See older versions for examples. If it's a minor change, it will be included automatically in our relase notes.
5. Add an example. If it is a big, new feature please submit an example notebook by following `these instructions <>`_.
6. `Submit a pull request <>`_

Mailing List
Expand All @@ -35,3 +54,9 @@ Learn More

The ``statsmodels`` documentation's `developer page <>`_
offers much more detailed information about the process.


Statsmodels is released under the
`Modified (3-clause) BSD license <>`_.
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions INSTALL.txt
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ numpy >= 1.5.1

scipy >= 0.7
scipy >= 0.9.0

Expand All @@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ patsy >= 0.1.0

cython >= 0.15.1
cython >= 0.20.1

Cython is required if you are building the source from github. However,
if you have are building from source distribution archive then the
generated C files are included and Cython is not necessary.
generated C files are included and Cython is not necessary. If you are
building for Python 3.4, then you must use Cython >= 0.20.1. Earlier
versions may be ok for Python < 3.4.

Optional Dependencies
Expand All @@ -52,6 +54,9 @@ nose >= 1.0.0

Nose is needed to run the tests.

IPython >= 1.0

Needed to build the docs.

Easy Install
Expand Down
25 changes: 6 additions & 19 deletions
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
global-include *.csv *.py *.txt
global-include *.csv *.py *.txt *.pyx *.pxd *.pxi *.c *.h

#exclude docs/build/htmlhelp*
recursive-exclude build *
recursive-exclude dist *
recursive-exclude tools *
include tools/
include tools/
include tools/

graft statsmodels/datasets
graft statsmodels/tests
Expand All @@ -20,28 +19,16 @@ exclude docs/source/generated/*
recursive-include docs/sphinxext *
recursive-include docs/themes *
recursive-exclude docs/build *
#recursive-include docs/build/html *
recursive-exclude docs/build/htmlhelp *
include statsmodels/statsmodelsdoc.chm
include docs/make.bat
include docs/Makefile
#include docs mak*
#include docs GLM*

recursive-include examples *

#missed files: .npz, .npy
include statsmodels/tsa/vector_ar/tests/results/vars_results.npz
include statsmodels/iolib/tests/results/*
include statsmodels/stats/tests/results/influence_lsdiag_R.json
include statsmodels/sandbox/panel/test_data.txt
include statsmodels/stats/tests/results/influence_measures_R.csv
include statsmodels/stats/libqsturng/tests/results/*
include statsmodels/stats/libqsturng/tests/bootleg.dat
include statsmodels/stats/libqsturng/tests/bootleg.csv
include statsmodels/stats/libqsturng/CH.r
include statsmodels/stats/libqsturng/LICENSE.txt
include statsmodels/regression/tests/results/leverage_influence_ols_nostars.txt
# Cached Cython signatures
include cythonize.dat

prune */__pycache__

global-exclude *~ *.swp *.pyc *.bak *.pyx
global-exclude *~ *.swp *.pyc *.pyo *.bak
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions README.txt
Expand Up @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ This can be opened from the python interpreter ::
Discussion and Development

Discussions take place on our mailing list.
Discussions take place on our mailing list.

We are very interested in feedback about usability and suggestions for improvements.
We are very interested in feedback about usability and suggestions for improvements.

Bug Reports
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions build_bdists.bat
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ call tools\build_win_bdist64-py27.bat
call tools\build_win_bdist32-py27.bat
call tools\build_win_bdist32-py32.bat
call tools\build_win_bdist64-py32.bat
call tools\build_win_bdist33-py34.bat
call tools\build_win_bdist64-py34.bat
call python sdist --formats=zip,gztar

0 comments on commit 8f2ab7a

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