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This is an old version of the project that will soon be archived. Here is a link to the latest version (based on Go):


SysChecks up to this date include: Login View, Kernel reboot check, and System Update check.
SysChecks Overview

The list of supported OSes:

  • AlmaLinux 8
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu (any non-EOL ubuntu release)
  • Debian (any non-EOL debian release)

Login banner (Login View)

This function displays the whole system overview, including number of updates, kernel reboot check, CPU type, RAM info, etc. It's most commonly used as a login banner.
SysChecks Login View

Kernel reboot check

Kernel reboot check compares the running kernel version with a list of installed ones and lets you know if there is a need to reboot the system. It's used to encourage you to keep your system up-to-date on a kernel patch level. There are 2 outputs: human (used in Login Banner) and JSON (used to integrate with Zabbix).
SysChecks Kern Reboot Check

System Updates

Updates check uses dnf, yum or apt (depending on the OS) to get a list of available updates, and then sorts them into 2 groups: System and Security updates. Includes 2 outputs: human (used in Login Banner) and JSON (used to integrate with Zabbix).
SysChecks Updates Check


If you'd like to install SysChecks on your server, just run the command below:

Enter the root mode

sudo su -

Execute the below to install SysChecks

or with bash -x to turn on the debug mode

curl -S > /root/ && bash /root/

Remove the installation script after you are done:

rm -f /root/

Having permission issues (normally this only happens on the CIS hardened systems)?

syschecks fix-permissions

Want to use our Zabbix integration template?

syschecks zabbix-init

Activate automatic system and security updates

There are 2 scripts responsible for system and security updates (and they can't be used together, my script makes them mutually excusive). The system_update script will run the equivalent of dist-upgrade on your system, and security_update will only apply the updates that are marked as a security update by the linux distro vendor (excluding docker updates, because they may break running containers). To activate the automatic system or security updates run one of the commands below:

# Activate system updates
syschecks automatic-updates --enable-system
# Activate security updates
syschecks automatic-updates --enable-security

In case you'd like to disable the updates:

syschecks automatic-updates --disable

Offline docs

syschecks --help


  • refresh all screenshots to reflect the latest changes
  • display system uptime on the login banner
  • fwupd intergration to inform the enduser/admin about the firmware updates
  • disk space checks to show up at the login sreen if there are disks with less than 10% free space
  • system update integration to automate system and security updates across the estate
  • FreeBSD integration
  • unified JSON output for all included functions
  • publish Zabbix Templates for LTS versions 5 and 6
  • make a YT video about the SysChecks usage and usecases