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Manual Setup for iOS

Süleyman Yasir KULA edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 4 revisions
  • set the values of Auto Setup Frameworks and Auto Setup iCloud to false at Project Settings/yasirkula/Native File Picker
  • after building the Unity project, open the Xcode project
  • add MobileCoreServices.framework to Link Binary With Libraries list in Build Phases (on Unity 2019.3 or newer, you must add the framework to UnityFramework in TARGETS list)
  • enable iCloud in Capabilities and make sure that at least one of its Services is active


  • if your app uses custom file extensions that are unique to your app (e.g. .mydata), add them to the Exported UTIs or Imported UTIs lists in Info (about custom UTIs) (this step is not needed for extensions available in this list)


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