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MemeInterest is a Pinterest Clone.

Front Page

Check it out here - MemeInterest.

Table of contents

Feature List

  • View all memes listed by users.
  • View memes listed by a particular user.
  • Authenticate yourself using twitter
  • AutheAdd memes
  • Delete your memes
  • Like memes listed by other users

Add Meme


These are what you need installed on your computer to use the application:

  • Web Browser (Chrome, or Mozilla, or Safari, or Opera, or Microsoft Edge )

For Developerss:

  • Node (version, >= 7)
  • MongoDB (version, >= 3)
  • Git

Getting Started

Follow below steps to start the app locally for the first time.

  • clone this repo
  • cd into the MemeInterest directory
  • Run - npm i to install depencies
  • Run - cp sample.env .env
  • Fill the .env file with appropriate values
  • Run - mkdir data to create a db directory
  • Run - mongod --dbpath ./data > /dev/null & to start mongo server
  • Run - npm fill to fill the database with seed values
  • Run - npm start to start the server

[Note]:- You need to follow the above steps first time only. From next time onwards start the server by running npm start.

Built With


Contributions are welcome. Please keep an eye on the Project's issue tracker and if you think you can handle an issue, please comment on the issue page.





  • ChinguCentral Community
  • Family and Friends