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lslezak committed Jul 10, 2019
1 parent 0068dfc commit 7f7ebce
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Showing 7 changed files with 93 additions and 25 deletions.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions devel/product_scanner.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
#! /usr/bin/env ruby

# This script tests the product scanner which evaluates the
# SLES Packages DVD or the Offline installation medium.
# This is a testing script which runs the product scanner
# for the SLES Packages DVD or the Offline installation medium.

require "pp"
require "yast"

# YaST modifies the load path, we need to update it
# *after* calling require "yast"
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(__dir__, "../src/lib"))

require "y2packager/product_location"
Expand All @@ -25,5 +29,4 @@

puts "Scanning #{url}..."

require "pp"
pp Y2Packager::ProductLocation.scan(url, base_product)
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/y2packager/dialogs/addon_selector.rb
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ class AddonSelector < ::UI::InstallationDialog
attr_reader :selected_products

# TODO: handle a theoretical case when a product subdirectory contains several
# libzypp products
# libzypp products (only for 3rd party or manually created media, the official
# SUSE media always contain one product per repository)

# Constructor
Expand All @@ -41,8 +42,10 @@ def initialize(products)
textdomain "packager"

# do not offer base products, they would conflict with the already selected base product
@products = { |p| !p.base }
@products = products
# do not offer base products, they would conflict with the already selected base product,
# allow a hidden way to force displaying them in some special cases
@products.reject!(&:base) unless ENV["Y2_DISPLAY_BASE_PRODUCTS"] == "1"
@selected_products = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,8 +88,8 @@ def addon_repos_handler

# refresh the details of the currently selected add-on
def refresh_details(current_product)
# refresh the details
details = product_description(current_product)
Yast::UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:details), :Value, details)
Yast::UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:details), :Enabled, true)
Expand All @@ -96,11 +99,15 @@ def select_dependant_products
# select the dependent products
new_selection = current_selection

# the selection has not changed, nothing to do
return if new_selection == selected_products

# add the dependant items to the selected list
selected_items = Yast::UI.QueryWidget(Id(:addon_repos), :SelectedItems)
new_items = new_selection - selected_products
new_items.each do |p|
# the dependencies contain also the transitive (indirect) dependencies,
# we do not need to recursively evaluate the list

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +216,7 @@ def product_description(product)
dependencies = []
if product.depends_on && !product.depends_on.empty?
product.depends_on.each do |p|
# display the human readable product name instead of the product directory
prod = @products.find { |pr| pr.dir == p }
dependencies << (prod.summary || if prod
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/y2packager/dialogs/product_summary.erb
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
textdomain "packager"
<%# TRANSLATORS: the RichText header, followed by the name of the directory %>
<b><%= _("Directory on the Media:") %></b> <%= h(product.dir) %><br>
<%# TRANSLATORS: the RichText header, followed by the name of the medium %>
<b><%= _("Media Name:") %></b> <%= h( %><br>

<% if product.product_name %>
<%# TRANSLATORS: the RichText header, followed by the product identifier, e.g. "SLES" %>
<b><%= _("Product ID:") %></b> <%= h(product.product_name) %>
<% end %>
<% if !dependencies.empty? %>
<%# TRANSLATORS: the RichText section header, followed by the names of the dependant products %>
<h3><%= _("Dependencies") %></h3>
<% dependencies.each do |dep| %>
Expand All @@ -19,7 +23,7 @@ textdomain "packager"
<% end %>
<% if product.description %>
<%# TRANSLATORS: the header followed by an untranslated (English) product description %>
<%# TRANSLATORS: the RichText header, it is followed by an untranslated (English) product description %>
<h3><%= _("Product Description (English Only)") %></h3>
<%# no escaping, the description already *is* a rich text %>
<p><%= product.description %></p>
Expand Down
65 changes: 51 additions & 14 deletions src/lib/y2packager/product_finder.rb
Expand Up @@ -15,30 +15,46 @@
module Y2Packager
# This class finds products in a Solv pool
class ProductFinder
# Constructor
# @param [Solv::Pool] pool <description>
def initialize(pool)
@pool = pool.pool

# TODO: refactor this long method
# Evaluate all products in the pool and return details about them
# including the dependencies.
# @param base [String] The name of the base product used for evaluating the
# dependencies.
# @return [Array<Hash>] The list of found products
def products(base = nil)
marked_base_products = base_product_tags
# evaluate all products
pool.whatprovides(pool.str2id("product()")).each_with_object([]) do |s, list|
# the dependant repositories, includes also the transient dependencies
required = []
solver = pool.Solver
# install the solvable (the product *-release package)
# select this product solvable (the product *-release package)
jobs = [pool.Job(Solv::Job::SOLVER_SOLVABLE | Solv::Job::SOLVER_INSTALL,]

if base
# add the base product
# select the base product
base_product ="product(#{base})", Solv::Selection::SELECTION_PROVIDES)
jobs +=

# run the solver to evaluate all dependencies
problems = solver.solve(jobs)

# in case of problems, ignore the dependencies
if problems.empty?
# find all repositories which have a product selected to install
solver.transaction.newsolvables.each do |n|
next if n == s
n.lookup_deparray(Solv::SOLVABLE_PROVIDES).each do |dep|
Expand All @@ -51,25 +67,18 @@ def products(base = nil)

provides = s.lookup_deparray(Solv::SOLVABLE_PROVIDES)
order = nil

provides.each do |p|
next unless p.str =~ /\Adisplayorder\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)\z/
order = Regexp.last_match[1].to_i if Regexp.last_match

ret = {
summary: s.lookup_str(Solv::SOLVABLE_SUMMARY),
description: s.lookup_str(Solv::SOLVABLE_DESCRIPTION),
depends_on: problems.empty? ? required : nil,
order: order
order: display_order(s)

# in theory a release package might provide several products
provides.each do |p|
# in theory a release package might provide several products,
# create an item for each of them
s.lookup_deparray(Solv::SOLVABLE_PROVIDES).each do |p|
next unless p.str =~ /\Aproduct\(\)\s*=\s*(\S+)/
product_name = Regexp.last_match[1]
product_data = {
Expand All @@ -84,8 +93,15 @@ def products(base = nil)


# Return the list of marked base products. A base product is defined
# by the "system-installation() = <product>" provides.
# @return [Array<String>] The base products
def base_product_tags
install_provides = pool.whatprovides(pool.str2id("system-installation()"))

tags = install_provides.each_with_object([]) do |s, list|
provides = s.lookup_deparray(Solv::SOLVABLE_PROVIDES)

Expand All @@ -94,9 +110,30 @@ def base_product_tags
list << Regexp.last_match[1]


# Find the "displayorder()"" provides value for the specific solvable object
# @param solvable [Solv] The solvable object from the pool
# @return [Integer,nil] The display order value or nil if not defined
def display_order(solvable)
# all solvable provides
provides = solvable.lookup_deparray(Solv::SOLVABLE_PROVIDES)

order = nil
provides.each do |p|
next unless p.str =~ /\Adisplayorder\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)\z/
order = Regexp.last_match[1].to_i if Regexp.last_match


attr_reader :pool
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/y2packager/product_location.rb
Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,21 @@ class ProductLocation
attr_reader :order
# @return [Boolean] Base product flag
attr_reader :base
# @return [Array<String>] The product dependencies
# @return [Array<String>] The product dependencies, includes also the transitive
# (indirect) dependencies
attr_reader :depends_on

# Scan the URL for the available product subdirectories
# and their products.
# @param url [String] The base repository URL
# @param base_product [String,nil] The base product used for evaluating the
# product dependencies, if nil the solver can select any product to satisfy
# the dependencies.
# @return [Array<Y2Packager::ProductLocation>] The found products
def self.scan(url, base_product = nil) "Scanning #{Yast::URL.HidePassword(url)} for products..."

Expand All @@ -60,6 +72,7 @@ def self.scan(url, base_product = nil)
finder =

# TODO: handle also subdirectories which do not contain any product
# (custom or 3rd party repositories)
finder.products(base_product).map do |p|
media_name_pair = downloader.product_repos.find { |r| r[1] == p[:prod_dir] }
media_name = media_name_pair ? media_name_pair.first : p[:prod_dir]
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/modules/Packages.rb
Expand Up @@ -1716,6 +1716,9 @@ def FindAndRememberAddOnProductsFiles(initial_repository)

def Initialize_StageInitial(show_popup, base_url, log_url, product_dir = "/")
# if there are multiple repositories on the medium we cannot initialize it now,
# we do not know which base product (repository) will be used, it will be selected
# by the user later in the workflow
if !meta_data_present(base_url, product_dir) "Metadata not found at #{log_url}, postponing the repository initialization"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/product_location_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@

require "y2packager/product_location"

# a helper method
# a helper method, find a specified product in the list
def find_product(arr, product)
arr.find { |p| p.product_name == product }

# loading all repositories and evaluating the product dependencies
# using the solver takes some time, run it only once and cache
# using the solver takes some time, run it only once and cache
# the result for all tests
dir = File.join(__dir__, "data/zypp/test_offline_repo")
repo_url = "dir://#{URI.escape(dir)}"
Expand Down

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