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Implement the tactic actions that work directly on a player.
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yav committed Aug 5, 2015
1 parent 4cf4e7f commit d250453
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 4 deletions.
79 changes: 75 additions & 4 deletions MageKnight/Player.hs
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ module MageKnight.Player
-- * Level-up
, nextSkillSet
, gainSkill

-- * Tactics
, setTactic

, tacticRethink
, tacticGreatStart
, tacticLlongNight
, tacticMidnightMeditation
, tacticPreparation
, tacticPreparation
) where

import MageKnight.Common
Expand All @@ -70,7 +80,7 @@ import MageKnight.Perhaps
import MageKnight.JSON
import MageKnight.Random(StdGen, shuffle)

import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing,fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (partition)
import Control.Monad(guard)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,13 +150,14 @@ newPlayer g name deeds ski = Player
, discardPile = []
, skills = []
, tactic = Nothing
, potentialSkills = ski
, location = Addr { addrGlobal = (0,0), addrLocal = Center }
, prevLocation = Nothing
, onUnsafe = Nothing
, rng = g1
, rng = g2
, ..
where (shuffledDeeds, g1) = shuffle g deeds
where (shuffledDeeds, g1) = shuffle g deeds
(potentialSkills, g2) = shuffle g1 ski

-- | Move a card from the player's deed deck to their hand.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,6 +420,66 @@ gainSkill :: Skill -> Player -> Player
gainSkill s p = p { skills = (s,Unused) : skills p }


setTactic :: Tactic -> Player -> Player
setTactic t p = p { tactic = Just t }

tacticRethink :: [Int] -> Player -> Perhaps Player
tacticRethink xs p
| length xs > 3 = Failed "Cannot rethink ore than 3 cards"
| otherwise = go p xs
go p [] = let (cs, g) = shuffle (rng p) (discardPile p ++ deedDeck p)
in Ok p { discardPile = []
, deedDeck = cs
, rng = g
go p (x : xs) = do p1 <- rethink p x
go p1 xs
rethink p i =
case takeCard i p of
Nothing -> Failed "No such card"
Just (c,p1) ->
case drawCard (newDiscardedDeed c p1) of
Nothing -> Failed "Insufficient cards in deed deck"
Just p1 -> Ok p1

tacticGreatStart :: Player -> Player
tacticGreatStart = tryDraw . tryDraw
where tryDraw p = fromMaybe p (drawCard p)

tacticLlongNight :: Player -> Perhaps Player
tacticLlongNight Player { .. } =
case deedDeck of
[] -> let (ds,g) = shuffle rng discardPile
(as,bs) = splitAt 3 ds
in Ok Player { deedDeck = as, discardPile = bs, rng = g, .. }

_ -> Failed "Long night requires an empty deed deck"

tacticMidnightMeditation :: [Int] -> Player -> Perhaps Player
tacticMidnightMeditation xs = go 0 xs
go n [] p = let (ds,g) = shuffle (rng p) (deedDeck p)
p1 = p { deedDeck = ds, rng = g }
in Ok (iterate (\q -> fromMaybe q (drawCard q)) p1 !! n)
go n (a : as) p
| n >= 5 = Failed "Meditation is limited to 5"
| otherwise =
case takeCard a p of
Just (d,p1) -> go (n+1) as p1 { deedDeck = d : deedDeck p1 }
Nothing -> Failed "Invalid card"

tacticPreparation :: Int -> Player -> Maybe Player
tacticPreparation n Player { .. } =
case splitAt n deedDeck of
(as,b:bs) ->
let (ds,g) = shuffle rng (as ++ bs)
in Just Player { hand = b : hand, deedDeck = ds, rng = g, .. }
_ -> Nothing


instance Export Player where
Expand Down

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