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ybe edited this page Aug 11, 2014 · 4 revisions

DropCount tells you where stuff is and how much there is of it. It's a repository for loot, quests, vendors, trainers, books, locations, ores, herbs, drop-ratios, etc.

Q: Why would I want to use this add-on?

A: If you have ever asked questions like "Where should I go to farm Mote of Harmony?" or "This Kajigger is quite overpriced on AH. Are there other places to get those?", then DropCount may very well be able to answer you.
Or how about a set of twill armour topped off with the mighty Stoppable Force, looted from NPCs by your own hands. DropCount will tell you where to go.

A: If you are into gathering professions, it will:
o Display on the world map where all herbs/ore are.
o Display items that drops from a herb/ore node, like many ore nodes also drop some stone, gems and others.
o Find the best zone for a certain herb/ore/stone/gem/etc.
o Locate profession trainers.

A: If you are into production professions, it will:
o Display on the world map where you can find materials for looting.
o Display on both maps where you can buy recipes you can currently use.
o Locate material vendors.
o Locate profession trainers.

A: If you are into questing, it will:
o Display on both maps where there are quests you haven't done.

A: If you are into grinding, it will:
o Find the best zone/area for looting any item.
o Display on the world map where any item can be looted.
o Display looting efficiency in real-time for as many items as you want.

DropCount in short

Display: Worldmap and minimap
o Items: Drop-locations.
o Vendors: 1) All vendors, 2) only those with usable recipes, or 3) with any specified item(s).
o Quests: Quest givers, coded with quests 1) not picked up, 2) picked up, and 3) finished.
o Trainers: Profession trainers.
o Creatures: Locations for both rare and normal.
o Profession: Herbs, ores, and forges.
o Books: Locations. Handy for those reading achievements.
- All mapping icons have extensive mouse-over tooltips.

Mouse-over: Items (bags, bank, auction house, etc.)
o Show vendors, if any.
o Show creatures dropping said item, zones and drop chances, if any.
o Zone with best chance for item loot, if any.

Mouse-over: In-game NPC
o Creatures: Show drop items and drop chances
o Vendors: Show items for sale
o Quest givers: Quests

Find stuff

DropCount comes with free-text search, available from the minimap menu.
Select result types you want (items, creatures, vendors, etc) and search for any text.

Depending on the type of results, the result list entries will have one or more of mouse-over tooltip, clickable action (left mouse button), and/or a context menu (right mouse button).

Already a DropCount user?

- With your already substantial database in place, all possible care is taken during upgrade to keep your data in top working condition. When you install a new version, DropCount will perform some database maintenance before and after merging new data with your existing data. Parts of this will be experienced by the player as quite heavy CPU usage, and your screen may become slightly choppy at certain isolated incidents. This all depends on the size and health of your database. You can however keep playing, as the maintenance is heavily throttled when you enter combat to make sure your gaming experience is at its best in combat.
- The maintenance cycle will only be run once after upgrading the addon, and you can even log out during maintenance. However, the maintenance will rewind a bit before continuing when you log back in after interrupting it. No harm done, though. It will keep going until it has made it through all your data. When all data has been through maintenance, you will not be bothered by it again until you install a new version.

DropCount needs you

Your playing-style is unique, and so is your data. We hope you will consider submitting your data to DropCount. Doing so will make you a participant in the growing family of DropCount data submitters, and your unique data will be part of the next release. Thanks to all submitters for your fantastic help so far.

- You may be sitting on some unique data without even knowing about it. Share it with the rest of us by submitting your database.

The easiest way to find the database is to search your computer for the "LootCount_DropCount.lua" file. There will be several found, and the biggest one is the database. This file can be submitted by:

  1. Email to "".
  2. Upload at DuckLib ( ). Only raw data-files allowed.

Submitter's privacy

The database does not contain any personal information. The most personal information you will find is your language locale. But you don't need to take my word for it. The database is a text file. Search it with a text editor for your server names, toons or whatever else that may come to mind.
NOTE: If you do this, only view the file. Do not save the file from the text editor. The technical reason is that the file is heavily dependent on keeping its original byte coding. Your text editor may change that without telling you when you save the file, and your database will be broken beyond repair.
You probably don't want that.

DrawingMemory usage

Some users have expressed concern over the memory usage of DropCount considering many (most) do not need or want all the data the addon has.
As of DropCount v1.50, a data selector has been implemented. From the minimap menu, select "Data...".
NOTE: Data you unselect will be permanently deleted.
NOTE: These options apply to all toons within the same account.

Did you ever wonder?

There is an "Unstoppable Force", and there's a "Stoppable Force".
What I want to know is where the NPC "Unstable Master" is hiding.

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