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Data Science Daily Discoveries

This is a daily diary to keep me focussed and moving. For ~74 days (over 3 months) I will upload something related to learning Python, git and other tools useful for data science.

I'm using the Jupyter Notebook with the Anaconda (2.4.1) Python (2.7.11) up to ~ day 35, and Python 3.5 thereafter.

UPDATE: extending past my 3 months.

Day 82

Inferential Statistics

See this workbook

  • r and rsquared. Made a OLS model to explore the relationship between two variables.

  • Brilliant tutorial for exploring data distributions and relationships in seaborn.

  • if the 95% confidence intervals of the pearson correlation coefficient include 0 then we have to accept the null hypothesis that the correlation we see is due to chance. You should also look at the P-value for the t-statistic - is it less than alpha = 0.05?

  • This workbook for calculating the gradient of a regression line, using the std of both x and y (using n-1)

Day 81

Inferential Statistics
  • Standard deviation of the sample mean distribution is also called the Standard error. Calculated std/sqrt(n) where std = standard deviation of the population and n = no. of samples
  • Z-Score is how many standard deviations your observed mean is, away from the population mean. What is the probability that this observed mean is randomly selected? - Look up your Z-Score on the Z-table.
  • See workbook in python 3

Day 80

Variance and Standard Deviation
  • It is usually better to use standard deviation rather than variance because SD is expressed in the same units as the mean.
  • Use sum(var)/n-1 to give the best estimate of the true variance. Where var = (x-meanx)^^2, for each point in the sample. n underestimates, n-2 overestimates, see Khan academy
  • Only use n-1 when looking at the variance of a sample.
  • When calculating standard deviation use n.
Chi-squared (kai squared). Goodness of fit.
  • For categorical variables.
  • Work out the critial Chi-squared value based on degrees of freedom (n-1) and a chosen significance level (e.g. 0.05). Calculate the Chi-squared statistic from the sum((obs-expected)^^2)/expected) for each value. See Khan academy video

Day 79


Day 78

  • AUC - Area Under Curve: Second most popular metric for classification techniques, after accuracy. If you use probabilities to assess the accuracy of your classification, you need to set a threshold at which the classification label becomes 1 or 0. AUC considers all possible thresholds to get the optimal true positive/false positive rates rates when you compare true class labels with your predicted class labels.

  • Use a linear model for high-dimensional, sparse data, such as Bag of Words.

  • Gradient Descent

  • Simple Linear Regression - find a function (build a model) which can describe the relationship between two variables. Find the unknown coefficients using Least Squares or Gradient Descent. Minimizing the sum of squared errors is equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the observed data.

Day 77

Kaggle Word Vecs #3

Sentiment prediction using Word Vectors

  • Using average vectors over a paragraph yielded ok results, not as good as bag of words.
  • Tf-idf weighting determines how important a word is to a particular document in a collection of documents or a corpus.
  • scikit.learn TdidfVectorizer has a similar interface to CountVectorizer used in 075-BOW.ipynb.
  • Folks at Kaggle found no score improvement in using either the average vectors or TF-idf methods with the vectors over Bag of Words in tutorial #1.


  • Using K-means clustering to assign each word a cluster "id". This means each word will belong to a cluster with a particular meaning.
  • In Bag of Words we created a matrix [reviews,words] where the top 5000 words were the columns and the rows were the count of how often each word occurred in that particular review.
  • Uses K-means to cluster the words into meaning. Then Bag of Words to create a term-document matrix but with cluster numbers, so in theory the words are classed by meaning, rather than simply frequency. Then, Random Forest again, using the original classification to train the model.
  • The clustering approach is not much better than the original BOW because they both end up as BOW and lose the word order which is quite important.
  • Kaggle Tutorial suggests Paragraph Vector.
  • Another high-scoring kaggler suggests: Tutorial from with improvements and higher score. Github for it.

Day 76

Codecademy git
  • Played around with the free lessons here
  • git log shows all the previous commits
  • git HEAD shows the details of the current commit
  • git checkout HEAD filename if you make changes in the working directory you don't want to keep.
  • git reset HEAD filename if you accidently change, and stage, a file and just want to go back to it's previous version (while keeping other staged changes)
  • git reset SHA where SHA = first 7 characters of the commit key. This removes all commits, back to that one.
  • git checkout master - switch back to master branch, from another branch.
  • git merge fencing - you are inside master when you give this command to fast forward master to fencing.
  • git branch -d branch_name : delete a branch once you have merged it with master and resolved any conflicts.

collaborating with git

  • git clone remote_host local_dir : in future remote host is referred to as origin

  • git remote -v gives the details of the location and names of the remote repos.

  • git fetch this checks to see if someone has changed the remote repo. These are now on the origin/master branch and not my local master.

  • Steps for collaborative working:

    1. Fetch and merge changes from the remote
    2. Create a branch to work on a new project feature
    3. Develop the feature on your branch and commit your work
    4. Fetch and merge from the remote again (in case new commits were made while you were working)
    5. Push your branch up to the remote for review
  • git push origin your_branch_name : after you've made changes to your own working copy of origin (via a branch you push that branch to the remote repo for someone to decide whether to merge it or not.

Kaggle Word2Vec
  • When appending a list of lists to another list of lists must use += instead of append
  • Python logging.


  • Find the meaning of a word based on the words around it. Can be usef on hundreds of billions of words.
  • Read in and clean the data similar to bag of words but keep stop words as they help determine the context. Output all the reviews/text as a list of sentences
  • Make a model with the sentences. model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, num_features=....etc)
    • Use model.init_sims(replace=True) if no further training.
  • Save model with a meaningful name:
  • To reload the model later: Word2Vec.load(). All working here

Day 75

Kaggle Bag of Words #1


  • Data Cleaning and text processing
    • Apply a function to each document which uses BeautifulSoup and re to make a list of words without stopwords, for each doc
    • Append these new clean reviews to make a nested list
  • Get features from the data
    • sklearn's feature extraction CountVectorizer is a bag-of-words tool
    • We create a 2D vectorizer object (term-document matrix). We are shown how to query this matrix.
  • Fit a Model (an object name forest) the data using RandomForestClassifer with the term-document matrix
  • Apply forest model object to test data (clean and processed as above beforhand) like so:
    result = forest.predict(clean_test)
  • The main issue I have found with textmining module is that you can't specify the number of words you want to keep from all the possible words. Perhaps it is not useful for a problem which requires that.
  • All working in 075-BOW.ipynb.

Day 74

DS from Scratch NLP
  • Counter() is a dictionary which contains key:value pairs which the value is the number of times key appears.

  • To find a value in a nested list: use enumerate and for loops. See here.

  • Parts I understand of Topic Modeling

    • The aim is to work out what topics a user is interested in given a list of software-related words
    • We assign each word a random topic and decide there will be 4 distinct topics. So a random number 0-3 is assigned to each word
    • We create functions to populate conditional distributions p(w|t) and p(t|d). Four weightings are assigned to each word in each document- one for each topic. ` - These weighting are used to choose a new topic for each word.
  • The part I don't understand:

    • How how the weights are used to pick a new topic for each word. Something about minimising a combination of weights? The answer is probably in this paper on Latent Dirichtlet Allocation
    • A recommended library for implimenting LDA is Ida - the example there shows how to use it to get a user-defined number of topics from a body of text.
    • Gensim - sold as "unsupervised semantic modelling from plain text"
Kaggle Bag of Words
  • punctuation such as !!! or :-( are removed in this example, but consider using them in sentiment analysis.
  • "tokenization" is lower-casing and splitting up words in a passage.
  • store words which are not in a list of other words: words = [w for w in words if not w in stopwords.words("english")] i.e. get rid of the little words "a", "the".. etc in words. words is now a cleaner piece of text.
  • searching a set is much faster than searching a list - so convert when you can!
  • sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer can be used to fetch the raw data from files, create tokens and remove stop words.
  • This stackoverflow explains to me more clearly what is in a term-document matrix and suggests using the textmining package.

Day 73

NLP #2 Udacity Intro to AI
  • Smoothing is needed to account for when p(f|label) is zero. When a particular word(f), with classification(label) does not appear in a training set at all. This is likely to happen and does not mean the word will not occur in reality.
  • nltk.probability contains classes for different smoothing techniques.
  • Sentence structure
  • PCFG: Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar e.g. P(VP->V,NP,NP|lhs=VP) = 2
  • LPCFG: Lexicalized Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar e.g. P(VP->V,NP,NP|V=gave) = 0.25 LPCFG deals with specific words rather than just categories.
NLP DS from Scratch
  • Scraping from a website using BeautifulSoup
  • Bigram, Trigram and Grammar models. Briefly touches on top down and bottom up approaches - also discussed here
  • Gibbs sampling - when you want to produce a random sample where you only know conditional distributions
  • Using two for loops in one line:
    • distinct_words = set(word for document in documents for word in document)
  • Workbook here (still need to understand the Topic Modelling part)

Day 72

DS from Scratch

Chap 13 Naive Bayes

  • Implimentation of a Naive Bayes spam filter. Scikit.learn has the same filter named bernoulliNB. In the notebook:
    • Building a Naive Bayes Classifier. Includes class NaiveBayes with methods train and classify and external functions tokenize,count_words,word_probabilities and spam_probabilities
    • Test the classifier. Split the data into test and train. Create classifier object. Train the classifier object on train.
    • Feed the classifier object test and then use Counter to store the results in those that are p > 0.5 of being spam.
    • use filter to look at the 1) non spam messages most likely to be labelled "spam" and 2) spam messages most likely to be labelled "ham"
    • sorted with a key=function argument to sort the list based on it's bayes's probability.
    • As stemmer function could be added to improve classification i.e. "cheap" and "cheapest" - "est" could be removed. Naive Bayes assumes that the probabilities of different words appearing in spam are independent. Although this is an unrealistic assumption, in general the results are good.

Udacity NLP #1

Day 71

Udacity - Probabilistic Inference
  • Enumeration and speeding up enumeration
  • Variable Elimination
  • To go from P(R,T) to P(T) use + and for P(T)P(L) to P(L,T) use x
  • "Berkson Paradox" - conditioning on a common effect causes two previously uncorrelated variables and independent variables to become dependent and correlated! See example of rain, sprinkler and sidewalk.
  • Likelihood weighting
  • Gibbs sampling - uses all evidence, not just upstream evidence. Sample from one variable at a time, conditioned on all the others.

NLP #1

  • Language models can be probabilistic, word-based and learned or tree structured, logical and based on grammatical rules
  • Markov Assumption considers nearby words.

Day 70

Udacity - Bayes networks and Bayes Rule

Day 69

DS From Scratch: NLP
  • Bigrams: using pairs of words to simulate a sentence of words.
  • Trigrams: same as above but grouping words together in threes
  • Gibbs sampling (not quite grasped yet). Notebook here

Will do the Naive Bayes chapter, before coming back and finishing this.

  • P(X1=1,X2=2|S) - Probability that word X1 and X2 are in a spam message
  • P(S|X=x) - Probability that a message is spam given word x is present
  • To avoid underflow (computer not coping with floats close to 0) instead of multiplying lots of probabilities together, for p1 *...*pn we use the equiv:
    • `exp(log(p1)+...+log(Pn))
  • smoothing used to avoid a problem such as: "data" vocab word only occurs in nonspam of the whole training. So P("data"|S) = 0. Any message with "data" is given p=0. Even "data on cheap viagra and rolex watches". This is avoided by adding pseudocount k i.e. P(Xi|S) = (k+spamcount_wordi)/(2k + spamcount) and reversed for P(Xi|notS)(probability word i not in spam). For "data" this means P("data"|S)=1/100 = 0.01 so we can still assign a nonzero to messages with "data". working so far

Day 68

Statistics (khan)
  • With a small sample size ( < 30) the sample sd is a poor estimate of the pop sd. You can't assume a normal distribution for the sample.
  • Use a two-sided T-table because we are symmetric about the mean.
  • Approximate standard error from samp sd/ sqrt(n)
  • Find how many sds you need to be 95% confident (look up with degrees of freedom (n-1))
  • multiply t-value by standard error to give the value +/- above below pop mean you are 95% confident in.
  • Video here
  • Chain, Ring, Grid and Planar graphs have a number of edges(m) which is linear with the number of nodes(n). i.e. m $\in\Theta$(n)
  • In Big $\Theta$ notation $\in$ symbolises that a function "is in" or has membership in a set of functions describes on the rhs.
  • number of nodes, n, is always to the power of 2 in Hypercubes.
  • Wanted to use groupby to plot my histograms but unfortunately a couple of things aren't working: no titles for each group and layout keyword doesn't work. Looks like they're still being worked on.

  • Remember to include axis = 1 with pd.concat to ensure it adds an extra column, and not just more rows.

  • Workbook here

Day 67

  • log$_2$n = how many times do we have to divide n to get 1? i.e. log$_2$4 = 2 and log$_2$6 = 2.5.
  • Problem set 1: Create Graph With Eulerian Tour. Answer here.
  • Problem set 1 Qu 10: Find Eulerian Tour Answer here
  • Workbook for experimenting with these problems
Statistics (Khan)
  • Confidence intervals:
    • Estimate the probability that the true population mean lies within a range around a sample mean here
    • Describe how to calculate a 99% confidence interval for the proportion of teachers who felt computers are an essential tool here

Day 67

  • xdg-open filename to open any file with it's default application
  • Swap has been decreased by 10GB to increase system space to 20GB. First (Windows) partition is very full - need to check what is in there.
Summarizing text
  • Smmry easy online tool. Use this for pdfs.
  • Downloaded TextTeaser from github. Only takes text. If I could convert pdfs to text myself I could use this.
Social Network Analysis
Udacity Algorithms

Day 66

SQL - Tournament Project
  • My final scripts which can monitor a swiss-pairings style tournament can be found here
  • I learned how to set up a database, and make inserts for new players, make updates for changes in the players standings, their scores etc, and how to perform all of these things from a python script.
  • Have determined that MICE might be better after all, after looking at some frequency distributions, instead of mass distributions! Here

Day 65

Central Limit Theorem
  • With CLT you can can calculate the Standard Error of the Mean which is the Std of the sample mean distribution.
    To find the confidence intervals above/below a mean work out how many stds that interval is above or below the mean.
    E.g what is the confidence that a population mean is 2 years +/- a mean of 40? If we work out that the standard error of the mean is 1.5 (using std_error = std_pop/sqrt(n_samples)), where std_pop is substituted with std_samp then 2 years is 1.33 standard deviations from the mean. Looking up 1.33 in the Z-score table gives 0.41. 2 years +/- = 0.82, or 82%. We are 82% sure that the mean falls within +/- 2 years of 40 year.
SQL - Tournament Project
  • CREATE DATABASE tournament first, then run the tournament.sql inside psql run the CREATE TABLE (and other) commands using \i tournament.sql .

Day 64

DS from Scratch Chap 5: Statistics
  • Correlation : correlation is measuring the relationship between your two variables all else being equal. If your data classes are assigned at random, as they might be in a well-designed experiment, “all else being equal” might not be a terrible assumption. But when there is a deeper pattern to class assignments, “all else being equal” can be an awful assumption.
Central Limit Theorem
  • Any distribution that has a well-defined mean and variance will become increasingly normally distribution as sample size ---> infinity.
  • The frequency distribution of sample means from the above sample with well defined mean and variance is called:
    "Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean"
  • Udacity
  • Khan Academy (very good!)
Comparing different Imputation methods for Titanic
  • Filled in the missing values for Age with three different methods and compared their cross validation scores using a RandomForest classifier here.
  • I'm not sure if the marginal gains from using the more complex methods were really worth it.

Day 63

Relational Databases (Udacity)
  • Ran into problems with the webpage. One was the file had not been run and the other was in the script where I had pg = c.fetchall(). This turned the database into a list which couldn't be closed with pg.close.
  • Instead included c.fetchall in
    posts =[{'content': str(row[1]), 'time': str(row[0])} for row in c.fetchall()]
  • Have to change VALUES (%s) " % (content)) to VALUES (%s) " ,(content,)) to make sure posts will not be executed as an sql statement!

Steps to get the web server running and to test some posts out:

  • The file had not been run I think, which resulted in posts table being missing from forum db.
    • cd ~/Desktop/fullstack/vagrant
    • vagrant up
    • vagrant ssh
    • cd /vagrant/
    • python in theory you can now open the webpage at localhost:8000
    • vagrant halt when finished.

Linux basics

  • ls -l : check the ownership of
  • chmod 744 : change ownership so that Owner=rwx, Group=r, World=r
  • More details on chmod codes in here
  • sh to run the file.

DS from Scratch: Chap 5: Basic Statistics

  • The variance is the sum of the squares of each values difference from the mean divided by n-1
  • The covariance is the sum of the variance for two variables at the same point. Can be easily skewed by how much data you have. Nearly always better to use standard deviation sqrt(variation).
  • Some code and notes here.

Day 62

Relational Databases (Udacity)
  • To close a connection to a server via port 8000: sudo fuser -k 8000/tcp
  • Have to use python 2.7 with this course
  • By simply adding a comma after content we can be sure it will be recognised as plain text and not an SQL command: c.execute("insert into post(content) values ('%s') " %(content,))

Day 61

MICE Imputation
  • The issue with MICE is that is expects numpy arrays, not pandas DataFrames, in X_completed[missing_mask] = average_imputated_values
  • My work around solution to get it to work here is not scalable as apparently that kind of masking in pandas does not work consistently.
  • In future may be better to change the dataframe to a numpy matrix, perform MICE imputations, then turn back into a dataFrame:
    Change a full_dums dataFrame to a numpy array fda :
    fda = full_dums.as_matrix()
    solver = MICE(verbose=0)
    fdac = solver.complete(fda)
    This gets fdac array back to a labelled dataFrame:
    full_dums_filled = pd.DataFrame(fdac, columns = [x for x in list(full_dums)])

Day 60

  • gives an error in the complete method of that class. Defined a new class for MICE in 059-Titanic_Rconvert which allows us to create a new complete method for Mice (now called MyMice) and to diagnose what the problem is with the Mice code in fancyinput.
  • Lessons 1 and 2 from Intro to Relational Databases on Udacity.
  • Covers PRIMARY KEY, SELECT, INSERT and JOIN. OFFSET is new to me: how far into the results you want to display.

Day 59

  • Chapter 6: Decision Analysis
  • class EstimatedPdf(Pdf) takes a sample of data and makes a guassian_kde out of it. It provides method Density(self, x) which allows you to evaluate the density at any given value x using the samples kde. This is used when you call MakePmf() method of parent class Pdf(object) which takes a list of discrete values.
    E.g. pdf = EstimatedPdf(prices) pmf = pdf.MakePmf(xs) # call MakePmf method on the pdf object
    • xs is a list of discete values you use to make the pmf.
  • must provide index = False when you write a dataframe to csv in to_csv, otherwise you end up with Unnamed: 0 when you read it in again.
  • use fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=2, figsize=(12, 4)) to set subplots. You can reference their positions with full['Age_IS'].plot.hist(alpha=0.5, ax=axes[0, 1])
  • Not quite able to get fancyimpute's MICE function to work, but I can extract the imputed values from the code and see if they are worth keeping. Next step - compare those values with my imputed values from earlier notebooks.
  • Today's notebook

Day 58

  • Prior = what does the historical data tell us the price might be?
  • Update = after seeing the prizes, what do we think the price might be?
  • Posterior = The two above give us a posterior distribution, but what do we do with it? Optimal bidding.
    • How to compute the optimal bid based on the players best guess. The optimal bid is price which maximises the expected return.
    • It is important to remember we are combining two sources of information: historical data about past showcases and guesses about the prizes you see.
      [Working here](tutorials/ThinkBayes/058 - Chap6_Optimization.ipynb)
  • Can use the test data to help fill in missing values. Previously I was just using training alone.
  • Only look at the non-nan values in a column: full['Cabin'].dropna()
  • installed fancyimpute so I can try out Multiple Imputation using Chained Equations (MICE) to fill in missing values.
  • Make a new column with just the letter extracted i.e. from C53 we get C: full['Deck'] = full['Cabin'].str.extract('(?P<letter>[ABCDEF])')
  • Making a box and whisker in pandas: bp = full.boxplot(column=['Fare'], by = ['Embarked','Pclass'])
  • Todays working here

  • Working on [Chap 6: Decision Analysis](tutorials/ThinkBayes/057 - Chap6DecisionAnalysis.ipynb) Steps:
  • Model the Player as a price-guessing instrument with known error characteristics. We incorporate those characteristics using historical data and computing a CDF of the differences between players bids and prices.
  • Likelihood - make a new Suite class which includes defining the Likelihood. Uses the hypothetical price of the showcase (we don't know this, this is what we want to calculate) and the players guess and their error (price - bid).
    • for error given by price-bid, this is then check in the player model - we carry forward the proportion of error to model-player-error.
  • Update - make a copy of the prior then invokes likelihood on each hypothesis (don't understand this bit), the multiplies the priors by the likelihoods and renormalizes.
  • Histogram! How to plot two bars from different arrays, next to each other.
  • Documentation on matplotlib axes.hist()
  • Mosaic plot from Working here
  • Started setting up VirtualBox(no probs) and Vagrant(still working on) to enable me to do the project for the Udacity course.

Day 56

  • The mechanics behind representing PDFs in thinkbayes is discussed in Representing PDFs part of Chap 6: Decision Analysis. My notes and code are found here.
    • Kernel Density Estimation(KDE) is an algorithm which takes a sample of data and finds an appropriately smooth pdf that fits the data.
  • Decision Analysis - given a posterior distribution, choose a bid that maximised the contestent's expected return. Steps:
    • Model the contestents, using error = price - guess. What is the likelihood that contestent's estimate is off by error? Use historical data to make diff = price - bid CDF.
    • Write the Likelihood
    • Write the Update
    • Use the posterior distribution from the above to create "Optimal bid" - maximises expected return.
  • If all you need is a mean of maximum likelihood estimate, it may not be Bayesian that you need.
Data Science Python
  • OOP - created an equivalent to built-in set() with class Set
  • using _repr_ in a class to determine what the class object printout will be
  • using partial functions.
  • If you apply multiple argument functions to map() in python 3, this returns a map object which you must use list comprehension on:
    >def multiply(x, y): return x * y
    >products = map(multiply, [1,2], [4,5])
    >[x for x in products]
  • filter()
  • reduce() not built-in to python 3 use from functools import reduce
  • *args for unnamed arguments such as x = [1, 2] and **kwargs for named arguments such as y = { "z" : 3 } can be combined together in a function such as: func(*x, **y)
  • All this working in 056-Chap2.

Day 55

  • Joined up the training and test set in the beginning before doing the feature engineering! It will be split at the end again.
  • df.replace is an important one for substituting several values at the same time i.e. full['Title'].replace(to_replace = ['Mlle','Ms'], value = 'Miss',inplace=True)

Day 54

Data Science Python
  • a set is a collection of distinct elements
  • sort() and sorted()
  • controlling the work flow conditionally with if
  • using continue and break in a loop
  • list comprehensions
    • in a list: squares = [x * x for x in range(5)] #[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
    • in a dictionary: square_dict = {x : x * x for x in range(5)}
    • can include multiple fors: pairs = [(x,y) for x in range(10) for y in range(10)] # 100 pairs (0,0) (0,1)....(9,8),(9,9)
  • I am unsure about generators and yield
  • range() in python 3 is a generator object.
  • Generating random numbers with: random.random(), random.seed(), random.choice(), random.randrange(), random.shuffle(), random.sample()
  • From the re module
    • re.match for beginning of strings
    • for anywhere in string
    • re.split("[ab]", "carbs")) # split on a or b to give ['c','r','s']
    • re.sub("[0-9]", "-", "R2D2")])) # replace digits with dashes All working in this notebook

Day 53

Titanic ML

Another interesting python/pandas feature engineering script to pick apart.

  • I have improved my ranking to 1487 through this feature engineering. The .py script which applies the same processes to test data.

  • Here I try implimenting different ML techniques (DecisionTreeClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier)

  • some "tips" for using scikit.learn Decision Trees

  • As far as I can tell, there are two approaches to testing your model

    • split up your training data into test and training using train_test_split() and use clf.score(X_test, y_test). Some knowledge may "leak" from the test set into the training set and there is risk of overfitting.
    • Use sklearn.cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv= 10) where X and y are the original training data. cv=10 is the number of times the dataset is split and it is split differently each time. This method is recommended.
      • From here you can use scores.mean() and scores.std() to check the validity of the score.
  • Print out values rounded to 3 dp print(["%.3f " %s for s in scores_std])

  • Could also use an F1 score with scoring = 'f1_weighted' in cross_val_score but I need to look into this. F1 measures a test accuracy, considering both precision and recall.

Decision Trees

  • decision node: directs with a question
  • leaf node: gives us a prediction
  • A "greedy" algorithm will, at each step, immediately choose the best option. However, there may be a better tree with a worse-looking first move.

Day 52

Titanic ML
  • Remove one part of a string from column 'Name' and make it into a key to search through "Title_Dictionary" in order to put into a new column, 'Title'.
    df['Title'] = df['Name'].apply(lambda x: Title_Dictionary[x.split(',')[1].split('.')[0].strip()])

  • Should use a groupby object when finding the mean/median etc based on several groups.

  • pd.get_dummies splits up categorical data, i.e. male/female in df['Sex'] gets turned into:
    Sex_female Sex_male
    0 0.0 1.0
    1 1.0 0.0

  • Point Biserial Correlation: used when one variable is dichotomous (jointly exhaustive and mutually exclusive), such as Gender.

  • Spearman - can use scipy.stats.spearmanr(a, b=None, axis=0). Returns: r, p-value. Unlike Pearson, Spearman does not assume that both datasets are normally distributed.

  • It's easy to make a dataFrame out of a dictionary

  • It is a good idea to make a dataFrame before visualising.

  • Use Cross Validation : sklearn.cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, X, y...) to work out how many features you need to use.

  • Workbook with the above.

Day 51

  • Completed (and understood) Qu 13 on the Joins Movie tutorial. Now stuck on 16.
Think Bayes
  • Baysian methods are most useful when you carry the posterior distribution into the next step of the analysis to perform some kind of decision analysis, or some kind of prediction.

Day 50

  • More Joins using this tutorial. Stuck on Qu. 13.
Think Bayes - Euro problem
  • Beta distribution: Allows an update with two additions.
  • Conjugate priors and distributions: If the prior and posterior distributions are in the same family.
  • Swamping the priors: Given enough data, people with different priors will tend to converge on the same posterior.
  • Cromwell's rule: Don't give a hypothesis a prior probability of 0, if there is ANY chance of it occurring. If p(H) = 0, p(H|D) will always be 0, no matter the data.
  • Notebook with the Euro Estimation problem.
  • Played around trying to visualise the data with histograms to work out which features are important.
  • Overplotted subsections of histograms on each other, i.e. Age for survived/died.
  • seaborn statistical package has some nice functions for plotting features.
  • resubmitted, changing column "FareBin" to "Fare" so that it matched the training set. It didn't make any difference.

Day 49

Think Bayes


  • An example equation in Markdown:
    \begin{equation} PMF(x) \:\alpha \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)^\alpha \end{equation}
  • Locomotive example notebook. How many trains are there operating in a particular area? We investigate the possible ways to answer this. First using a set prior (i.e 1000 or 500) which gives a very uncertain number. This is improved by:
    a) adding more data (seeing more trains) or b) improving the prior (can we start out with a more realistic prior).
    To use b, we introduce the power law into the hypothesis prior which provides a better first guess.

Credible Intervals and Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)

  • A credible interval is the values between which there is a 90% chance that the unknown value falls between them.
  • Use a cdf, rather than a pmf if computing several interval values at the same time. These two methods are shown here

Titanic Random Forest

Day 48

  • Some good tutorials at SQLZOO. Have made a new repository especially for SQL here.
  • HAVING is used on GROUP BY objects, as WHERE can't be.

Day 47

Think Bayes


  • Investigating the probability you roll a 4,6,8,12 or 20 sided die, given the number (or list of numbers) that is rolled.
  • Using numbers for hypotheses, create concrete class type (Dice) and write a new Likelihood method. Full explanation and working here.
Titanic: Machine Learning
  • Rewrote the first tutorial in pandas, and I much prefer it. Notebook [here](Titanic/notebooks /047-pandas_prediction.ipynb).
  • Some particularly useful snippets
    • df.isnull().sum() : null value count for each column
    • df['Farebin'] = df['Fare'].map(binfare) : using map to apply a function to each value in a column
    • len(df[(df['Pclass'] == 2) & (df['Farebin'] == 1)]) : count how many rows match these criteria.
  • To read in a textfile delimited by spaces:
  • To create a windspeed table:
    CREATE TABLE Biskra (year integer(4), month integer(2), day integer(2), hour integer(4), ws float(10));

Day 46

Think Bayes
  • Making a framework for the Monty Hall problem. Notes on how this is done are in this notebook.
  • Instructions on how to impliment a Suite of hypotheses to create class Monty from Very useful!
  • Using Suite from to calculate probability that an m&m came from a particular bag. I can't quite follow the code but have written notes in this workbook.
  • Suite is an abstract type
  • Monty is a concrete type: A class which extends an abstract parent class and provides an implementation of the missing methods. For example, Monty extends Suite, so that it inherits Update and provides Likelihood.
Titanic Machine Learning
  • A good few more tips on using Pandas for data cleaning in this Titanic tutorial workbook (annotated by me):
    • Filling in columns with nans with "probable" values. The success of your ML could depend on the techniques you use to do this.
    • Keeping track of values which were filled in with "probable" values.
  • To do: rewrite the first tutorial in pandas.
  • df.isnull().sum() : count number of null values in each column.

Day 45

Think Bayes
  • This workbook, using the "Cookie" problem, contains the code necessary to compute POSTERIOR probabilities for a suite of hypotheses, as well as being able to update these POSTERIOR probabilities with new data.
Titanic Machine Learning
  • I understand this Titanic python tutorial better now. We use the training set (with Survived) column to develop a model. Then apply the model to the test set with the final goal to produce an indexed list of prediction for each passenger.
  • Working here, for a model which is based on gender, class (1st,2nd,3rd) and price (4 bins of $10) and produces the following prediction in genderclassmodel.csv
  • Can't quite get the final model to print out.
  • Working through 24 SQL Interview Questions and KhanAcademy - great interface for learning SQL.
  • When comparing a value to Null, you must us is, not =. e.g. null is null, not null = null.

Day 44

Exercism Ex 6 - Word Count
  • 'Write a program that given a phrase can count the occurrences of each word in that phrase'
  • My solution here. I couldn't get it to pass the last test. It has trouble detecting the space in the russian characters. There is no str.decode() in python 3 as everything is decoded from UTF-8 already. I need to look through more of other peoples submissions. For example this works but I'm not sure why yet.

Day 43

Bayes's Theorem
  • Cookie problem and Monty Hall Problem from Think Bayes
  • Have started using the module written by the author, to follow the Computation Statistics: Distributions chapter. Have converted bits of it from python 2 to python 3. i.e. itervalues() to values().
  • Cookie problem notebook, using pmf module.
Machine Learning - Titanic Kaggle comp
  • Going through the tutorial using python 3, to become acquainted with open(), read_csv(), next() standard python modules, rather than pandas.
  • Notebook with the first step: creating a gender-based model. Consistst of Passengerid and Survived, though I am confused, as it should perhaps be Sex because it is binary 1 or 0 for female/male.

Day 42

Bayes's Theorem
  • Learned the following terms from Think Bayes.
    • Conditional and Conjoint probability
    • How to derive Bayes Theorem
    • Diachronic Interpretation
      • Specify a 'suite' of hypotheses that are Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive
      • Then you can use the law of total probability
  • Resolved and closed github issue with DateTimeIndex.

Day 41

Make a website for your project with Github pages. An example here.

Building a data science portfolio.

  • I don't fully understand each step in this example of using PCA and Kmeans with sklearns digits dataset but I've tried to unpick most of it and annotated it a bit further.
  • np.linspace(start,stop,num) where num = num of equally spaced samples
  • np.tolist Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.
  • Finally managed to convert a MultiIndex into a dateTime index for date data. Full working here.
    df['date_time'] = df[['year', 'month']].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime('/'.join(x)), axis=1)
  • The plot format is looking much better, though I still don't have the xaxis in the format I want. At the moment it is like this and I want the month and year to be displayed on top of each other.
Exercism Ex 5
  • Counting the differences between two dna strands
  • Got to my solution fairly quickly. Here is a two-liner using zip().

Day 40

  • If there is an observation at 1200 and 1224, these both get converted into the time index: 1987-04-04 12:00:00. This leads to duplicate values in the Index (bad!). These are found with the code wind.index.value_counts().
  • dropped duplicated rows based on the 'date_time' column.
  • This fixed the mysterious ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis which occurred at Niamey.
  • All groups are printing plots now, but still need to fix an error with the xaxis at Tidjika and Faya.
  • Working script and the above problem investigation
  • Once the optimal number of clusters is found from the elbow curve plot, you can split the data into the number of clusters. If you you have 3 clusters, your data is split into 3 classes. Like, walking, standing, sitting etc. in the Samsung example.
  • is a good example of making your own function so that you can easily change variables in a plot. What I have been trying to do for windspeed.
  • The process is similar to Linear, Logistic and Random Forests:
    • Set up the model (Linear sm.OLS()- , Logistic - sm.Logit(), Random Forests - sk.RandomForestClassifier(), Kmeans - KMeans())
    • Fit the model to some data (
    • Make predictions using (model.predict())
Exercism Ex 4
  • Mapping dna sequence to rna sequence.
  • Used a dictionary to map letters d={'G':'C','C':'G','T':'A','A':'U'}
  • used ''.join([d[m] for m in p]) to loop over input such as 'GCTTA' and return it as 'CGAAU'
  • My submitted solution
  • Another solution using str.maketrans(intab, outtab) - A very easy way to substitute characters.

Day 39

K-means - notebook
  • Create a list of code books and distortions(tuples in KM).
  • Extract code books to a list of their own(centroids).
  • Each code book has [n_cluster, n_features], where n_features is the number of columns.

Here it gets a little tricky

  • For each cluster set (ie. using 1,2,...10 clusters) we make a distance matrix (D_k). Shape=[n_rows,n_clusters]. I'm not sure where different features (columns) disappear to in this step.
  • For each cluster set we have an accompanying indices-of-mins(cIdx) and values-of-mins(dist) matrix.
  • We find the average min for each cluster set avgWithinSS = [sum(d)/X.shape[0] for d in dist]. This will be used to find the k "elbow" (where the improvement from increasing the number of clusters starts to drop off.)
  • Script was getting stuck at Ouargla as there was no data in my sub-set period.
  • Have put an assertion in to warn that a station will be skipped if no data.
  • Script after today.

Day 38

Python 3

Ex 3 Pangrams

  • set() creates class object which you can use to query the unique values in a list.

e.g. set(list) >= set(other) or list.issuperset(other) : is every element of other found in list? ``

  • s.lower() is the key to dealing with non-english letters in the line:
    return len(list(set(letters.lower())))== 26 in my submission here.
    Also need # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- at the beginning of the script.
  • use \u to insert a unicode character
  • re.sub(pattern,repl,string)
    letters = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]','',s) to get rid of anything not a letter.
  • My submission was heavily influenced by this amazingly short one which helped me work my solution out. I started out lots of unnecessary code.
  • DELETE FROM tablename : deletes all the records in a table, but the table name and column constraints remain.
  • DROP TABLE tablename : if you want to completely remove the table.
  • Now on to SQL Course 2! which focuses entirely on the SELECT command.
  • In the read_file functions of p3group_tseries I've made two small functions to calculate the mean over each group, while returning nan if the group has less than 10 obs. Should these small functions (meanf,sdf) be inside or outside read_file? I read in only read_file into the following notebook and somehow it still accessed meanf and sdf.

  • One way to drop month from the tuple creating the messy xaxis (see here) is to drop the month level from the MultiIndex created when using groupby. droplevel() is one of a few methods that can be applied to MultiIndex objects wind_group.index = wind_group.index.droplevel(['month'])
    Now gives an xaxis with just year, here, though 1995 is missing.

  • eog image.png in the terminal to quickly view an image.
K-means clustering

Day 37

  • Practised INSERT INTO and UPDATE into table.
  • More working in this notebook to plot:
    • Different time slices from a groupby object.
    • Several subplots within one figure.
  • Implimented the above in my script, trying to use oop. Can't get it to run.

Day 36

  • LIKE is powerful, similar to grep.
    SELECT first, city
    FROM empinfo
    WHERE first LIKE 'Er%'; select from rows first and city in tabel empinfo where the first two letters are Er.

  • CREATE TABLE: don't forget to fill in the right data type for each column:
    CREATE TABLE myemps_smc (first varchar(15),last varchar(20),title char(10),age number(2),salary number(8));

  • Solved my problem of aggregating grouped columns based on the number of observations going into each group. See working here in the last cell.
Python 3
K-means clustering
  • Overview. Used to discover natural groupings in data. An example of "unsupervised" learning where we don't have any original classification to "train" the data. Experimented with the known groupings of Iris data.
  • K-means can be used to:
    • determine ambiguous terms in a document. Is a Jaguar a car or an animal? What words cluster nearby? What is the whole document about?
    • Initial exploration when training samples are not available.

Day 35

  • To find a particular commit, just add commit/commitnum to the end of your URL i.e.:
Conda python 3 environment

To create a python 3 environment to work on:
conda create -n py3 python=3.5 anaconda : creates an environment named py3, using version 3.5
source activate py3 : activates the py3 env
source deactivate : back to old env
conda remove -n py3 --all : remove py3 environment

Python 3
  •, exercise 1 "Hello World". Not as simple as I initially thought.
    My answer was much longer than the two lines that most of the others (an example) which made the tests pass but didn't do exactly what the instructions asked.

  • no longer a dedicated xrange() in python 3. range(start, stop[, step]) does the business.

Random Forest - black box method
  • rfc.feature_importances_ gives the relative importance of each feature in the forest. Sum=1.

  • plotting two confusion matrices next to each other using:
    fig = pl.figure()
    fig.add_subplot(121) : (122) for the second plot. 1x2 grid, 2nd plot.
    pl.matshow(test_cm,fignum=0) : fignum=0 was the key point to prevent a new fig being created.

  • In the end the black-box model is easier because you don't have to read the documentation or spend any time wrangling the column names.

  • It gives greater accuracy/precision but adding domain knowledge allows you to focus in on the relative importance of the features which are important to you, depending on you are trying to find out.

  • Black Box notebook workings.

Day 34

Random Forests
  • Create an instance of the class RandomForestClassifier (rfc). We then have a large number of methods that can be applied.
  • RandomForestClassifier fits a number of decision tree classifiers on various sub-samples of the dataset and uses averaging to improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting.
  • Methods predict(), then score() - in that order are applied to our object, rfc.
    • rfc.predict(X) - takes input samples, X, and returns the predicted class
    • rfc.score(X,y) - returns the mean accuracy of predict(X) with respect to y (true labels for X)
  • Attributes such as
    • oob_score_ - model accuracy estimate
  • Two different ways to drop the mystery "unnamed column"
    • samtrain = samtrain.drop(samtrain.columns[0], axis=1)
    • samtrain.drop(samtrain.columns[0], axis=1, inplace=True)

All this working is in this notebook.

Windspeed plotting
  • Select a column by integer wind.iloc[:,3] --> select all rows in 4th column. How can iloc be combined with multiIndex?

Day 33

Data Tau - Hacker news for data science.

Good list of Python resources for data science

Windspeed plotting
  • Can't work out how to apply map(), filter() or apply() to my messy groupby object.
    Instead of mean and std passed to agg() in the following line:
    wind_group = group['ws','ws_0','ws_06','ws_12','ws_18'].agg(['mean','std','count'])
    I want to pass functions in their place which would only assign the mean for the group, if count > 10, otherwise assign nan.
  • The difficulty is navigating the different levels of indices (year and month) and columns (for each of 'ws', 'ws_06'..etc. there is another level with mean, std and count. See all this unintelligible working here.
Random Forests (Samsung data)
  • Worked out that the remap_col() function was made by the author - I made accessible copy of the module to get the function.
  • Started working with sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier to build a random forest model. Will upload the workbook when it is finished tomorrow.

-CREATE INDEX speeds up finding values in a table.
Syntax: CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)(or col1,col2,col3)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX to create a unique index on the table

Day 32

DataKind looks like a good place to find an interesting project to work on.

SQL - Qu 19
  • CREATE TRIGGER name when event ON tablename action. Another way of enforcing integrity (similar to constraints).
  • In theory my Qu 19 solution should work, but it doesn't. I checked with the author and he says there may be a bug. Investigate tomorrow.
Random Forests

data cleaning

  • I can access samtrain.csv etc...from github. Not sure it is possible to get it into the correct format with the information in the tutorial.
  • Tomorrow email author and continue with the analysis now I have correctly formatted data.
Windspeed plotting
  • getting my head around map() and filter() and using lambda to make functions in them. Still can't get these things to work with grouped dataframes though.

Day 31

CrowdFlower Sentiment analysis which encorporates human intelligence to identify nuances in the sentiment of text.
Used as a benchmark by MonkeyLearn to [evaluate their performance]( utm_campaign=22-sentiment-analysis-benchmark) against other platforms such as MetaMind, AlchemyAPI, Aylien, Idol and Datumbox

SQL - Qu 18
  • UNION: Combines queries, discards duplicates.
  • UNION ALL: Same as UNION, keeps duplicates.
  • INTERSECT: Only returns rows which match.
  • EXCEPT: performs set subtraction (those which don't match the SELECT statement).

Random Forests

Data cleaning

  • Final go at reducing variables to the list in the tutorial.

Windspeed plotting

  • My failed attempts to create a grouped dataFrame where counts less than 10 are turned into Nans, without a loop. Will just do it will a loop tomorrow.

Day 30

Random Forests

Data cleaning

  • Stick to df.replace and df.contains for dataFrames, as opposed to python re module, which would need loops.

  • Worked out how to search for two different words within one string:


  • Almost there with this workbook - have changed strings and dropped rows with certain expressions. There is still work to do as my list of remaining names is not the same as that here in the tutorial.

  • I got Qu 17 to work with my own solution!
  • Practised using GROUP BY, INNER and LEFT OUTER JOIN and understand them much better.
Windspeed plotting
General Python
  • To add a path to a directory with modules that you want to call on:

import sys
print sys.path

It's better to have fewer of these though, and store most of your modules in the same place.

  • STUCK - if I restart the Jupyter kernel (which I think I have to do everytime I update the module group_tseries) then it no longer finds the module

Day 29

Random Forests


  • Out of Bag (oob) error: Using the subset that is left out of the bootstrapping sampling to test the decision trees (models). As accurate as using a test set the same size as the training set.

Data cleaning

  • Did some initial search and replace in Kate of this list of variable names
  • Removed duplicate columns using df.drop_duplicates().
  • Removed "()", "-" and numbers from the list of names.
  • Show the columns in a table:
    • SQLlite - PRAGMA table_info(tablename)
    • MySQL - SELECT * tablename.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS (There is a long list of other things that can be queried other than COLUMNS)
  • GROUP BY and HAVING (an equivalent to WHERE, applied to the grouped data) (Ex 17)
  • Couldn't do Qu 17 myself - must learn and understand the solution (copied!)

Day 28

  • CREATE TABLE tablename(columnname datatype constraints). (Qu 14)
  • To fill the table: INSERT INTO tablename(column1,column2) VALUES(column1value, column2value). (Qu 15)
Random Forests


  • Classification: Task of assigning objects to one of several pre-defined categories.
  • Bootstrapping: Random sampling WITH replacements. Repeatedly sampling from the same sample.
  • Bootstrap Aggregation (Bagging): Each model in an ensemble has an equal weight. Each model is built in parallel. Example: Random Forest.
  • Boosting: Can be better than Bagging. Models are built sequentially and learn where previous models were strong/weak and weight them accordingly. Example: AdaBoost

Day 27

  • use $a_2$\ to create maths symbols $a_2$
  • Guide for writing equations in Tex.
Lending Club Linear Regression
  • Finished the workbook. Didn't show how to make predictions using the model.
Lending Club Logistical Regression
  • Using the Log Function to predict the probability that score x will lead to a win.
  • Log Function = Logit function combined with Linear Model.
    1. Work out the coefficients for multivariate linear regression
    2. Plug the variables(we want to query) and coefficients(worked out in step 1) into Z(equation of a straight line)
    3. Calculate the probability of Z using p(Z) = 1 \ 1+ e^(Z)
  • Plotted how probability varies with Loan amount and FICO score (changing the colour/symbols). See here

Day 26

  • CREATE VIEW (Qu13)
Lending Club Linear Regression
  • Modelling Interest rate as a function of Loan Amount and FICO Score. Steps:
    • Put the pandas columns into seperate variables. Turn these into 2D arrays and into columns eg x1=np.matrix(fico).T
    • Put the two idependent vars into a stacked 2D array x = np.column_stack([x1,x2])
    • Add a constant (a column on 1s) to x: X = sm.add_constant(x). X is now x.
    • Create an ordinary least squarts model with model = sm.OLS(y,X), y=response, X=independents+constant
    • Apply a fitting method to the model. f =
      • There is now a list of attributes to f, such as f.params(coefficients), f.pvalues

Full notes and working here.

Day 25

  • Best to use transations (BEGIN; ROLLBACK) when using UPDATE or DELETE
  • COALESCE(value1,value2,value3) returns the first non-NULL value in a list
  • Using UPDATE with WHERE to only update columns if they meet a criteria
  • Can't get my head around the query:
    SELECT COUNT() FROM stars, (SELECT AVG(intensity) AS ai2 FROM stars, (SELECT AVG(intensity) AS ai FROM stars) WHERE intensity > ai) WHERE intensity > ai2 --> count the stars that have higher than average intensity of only those stars that have higher than average intensity.
Indexing tutorial
  • Using isin() together with all() to select particular values from particular columns in a DataFrame.
  • Using where() to select values, change them inplace and change them with values from other columns.
Windspeed groups
  • type(obj) to find the object type.
  • Improved the code by adding the 06,12 etc values to the wind dataframe, then grouping them all at the same time. wind['ws_06']= wind['ws'][wind['hour'].isin([6])]
    group = wind.groupby(['year','month'])
    wind_group = group['ws','ws_0','ws_06','ws_12','ws_18'].aggregate([np.mean,np.std])
    Now these will be much easier to plot against each other. Can even use a loop to do it.

Todo list

  • These are the learning resources I am in the process of working through. This is the very minimum I would like to get through in the next couple of months!

Day 24

  • Must use brackets around a query using OR.
    SELECT * FROM stars WHERE starid>1000 AND starid <2000 AND (class=0 OR class=1)
  • <> for NOT.
  • ORDER BY .. for ascending ORDER BY .. DESC for descending
  • BEGIN;..queries...ROLLBACK to "undo"
  • INSERT INTO .. with SELECT..
Indexing tutorial
  • list('abcdef') splits up the string into a,b,c,d,e,f. Good to remember!
  • selecting from df using lambda function
    • criterion = df2['a'].map(lambda x: x.startswith('t'))
Windspeed group plots
  • nearly broken the back of this, hope to complete tomorrow.

Day 23

  • Using REGEXP(RLIKE) to find patterns. Using ^ and $ to specify beginning and end.
  • '[abd]' finds any values which have a, b or d in them. '[0-9]' to find a number.
  • Going to do this tutorial from now on.
Index tutorial
Windspeed group plots
  • Working on a script which produces a panel of plots for a group of stations in one output file.

Day 22

#####boxplot with width = counts

My annotated working through a tutorial here.

Applied to a subsection of windspeed data here.

  • used ax.set_xticklabels() to add a counts label to each tick.
  • splitting up tuples to get counts counts = [len(v) for k,v in windg] where windg = grouped object


  • pd.to_datetime and datetime both need year, month and day. I don't think it is possible to just do with year and month.


  • You can extract parts of a date from a column (type=date) using functions YEAR(), MONTH() and DAYOFMONTH()
  • An empty string in a cell IS NOT NULL. so " " IS NOT NULL = 1 (true)
  • Use LIKE instead of = and NOT LIKE instead of !=
  • Find names with a w in table pet: SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name LIKE '%w%';
    • % is like * or wildcard
  • Find something with 5 characters; '_____' (5 _ underscores)

Day 21


mysql -u root -p --local-infile if you want to load local files into a database.

Today covered:

  • Making a new database (CREATE DATABASE)
  • Select database to work on (USE ..). Don't need semi colon ';'
  • Making a table in a database (CREATE TABLE)
  • Inserting values into the table (INSERT INTO table VALUES (list of values))
  • Loading data from a locally stored text file into the table (LOAD DATA)
  • Changing a record in the table (UPDATE table SET .. WHERE ..)
  • Selecting unique values form a column (SELECT DISTINCT column FROM table;)
    Finished with datetime selections

Day 20


  • Installed version and client 5.5, using this tutorial

  • To remove current version, to make way for new version (5.6 - 5.7 is available too) follow this

  • To log in mysql -u root -p and it will ask for a password.

#####windspeed plotting

  • Make index a datetime object - easier to slice when plotting i.e.
    year_sub = wind['1997':'2001']

  • I want to create a box and whisker plot, with the number of observations on top for each box and whisker. The issue is sharing the x-axis between the two sets of data. Its nice to use pandas for making the boxplot (very easy to create groups), but very hard to then plot a line of counts which correspond to each boxplot (labelled with a MultiIndex!).

  • Violin plots might be an interesting alternative.

Workings here

Day 19


Learned some basics:

  • Noticed lots of similarities to ideas from python oop.
  • SQL has classes with attributes, these are similar to python class attributes. Python class methods are called associations in SQL and the associated class is a child of the parent (which the child inherits attributes from)
  • Each row is a tuple.
  • Super Key (SK), Primary Key(PK), Foreign Key(FK), Candidate Key(CK), surrogate PK and substitute PK.

#####windspeed plotting

  • Opened an issue on creating the datetime index from a grouped dataframe and reset_index()
  • Could still achieve the above using a loop.
  • Some overplotting of different frequency data and shaded error region

Notebook found here.

To do - make a script to group stations, make panels of plots, and output them to a file per group.

Day 18

#####windspeed plotting

  • Used reset_index() to add a datetime index to a dataframe created from a groupby() object with monthly averages.
  • First tried to do the above with a loop and MultiIndex- it worked fine.
  • Subsections can be selected by specifying datetimes as strings e.g.
  • Plotted some error bars and a shaded error "band"

Have added an updated version of this because the datetime index was wrong and I have no idea how it worked here.

Day 17

#####windspeed plotting

  • Select rows based on two different conditions in two different columns. I was nearly there before - just needed brackets around each condition!
    onemonth = wind[(wind['year']== 1984) & (wind['month'] == 3)] This selects rows from march in 1984.

  • Grouping and averaging data using df.groupby and .aggregate([np.mean,np.std]).

  • Using lambda to define a function to pass to transform():
    f = lambda x: x.mean() transformed = grouped.transform(f)

  • Some very simple code for plotting a comparison between an averaged dataset and it's original: compare = pd.DataFrame({'Original':wind['ws'], 'Transformed':wind['mean_ws']})

  • Experimented a little with plotting std error bars.

Notebook with the working

Day 16

#####windspeed plotting

  • Used pandas plotting. df.plot is a wrapper for plt.plot(df).
  • Plotted density functions (kind='kde') of ws at different times of day.
  • Overplotted several lines in one plot.
  • Added a legend.
  • Specified the colour of each line.

Averaging timeseries data:

  • resampling using resample() is handy with datetime information, but you have to turn it into an index. There are two steps here, first you have to make object with resample, then apply .agg() do do the statistics (mean, std).
  • couldn't upsample the mean and std for each month to the same irregular original array, though it is very easy to make it into a regularly spaced array. Could do that, then match it to the original array.
  • Or, use groupby grouped = wind.groupby(['year','month']) though I haven't worked out if this is actually doing what I want, and if it is possible to upsample it to the original array.

See the notebook for the working.

Day 15


I configured Kate to extend the line length limit to 140, up from 80. This should reduce the problems from long web links.

#####Monkey Learn visualisation

Enriching the raw data with Monkeylearns API, with the help of pandas and requests in python, found here led to this plot in Industries which hire data scientists in England.

I can produce a graph in ipython notebook and it will appear on the account online, along with a table with the data.
This is publicly available, privacy is paid for.

Day 14

I'm trying to work through a short article which uses (to scrape lists from the web) and Monkeylearn (to get data from text using machine learning) to ["Create an Employment Analytics Visualization in Less Than 10 Minutes"] ( It's definitely taken me more than 10 mins due to lots of teething problems with

  • Can use magic to very quickly get up to 20 consecutive pages.

  • Better to input the values manually in the extractor page if you have more than 20 pages. Use excel to change the last digit i.e.

It took 7mins to scrape the data from 203 pages.

Day 13

#####Windspeed Plotting list(df) - really nice way to show dataframe column names

New script where I am trying to practise using OOP methods with classes. Whether it is suitable or not for the problem I am not sure. So far, the script does the following (you can download 3 data files to try it with):

  • Shows you a list of N African stations from which you can pick the index.
  • Gives you options to;
    • Give descriptive statistics
    • Make a time series plot to view
    • Save a copy of the plot

The few final things I want to get into this script before I will move on:

  • Plot the timeseries in monthly bins (error bars)
  • Make a nice plot with 4 timeseries on the same plot from obs at 00,06,12 and 18
  • Design a test script (really need to practise this!)

I will test the ideas out in a notebook first before trying to organise them in a script with classes and methods.

Day 12

#####Web App Building

A very primative game which can take an input and move to another page, based on the user input. It only works for the first two rooms. I think you will pretty much die whatever input you put after that.


  • Download /notechain/gothonweb recursively.
  • Inside /gothonweb entering: python bin/ should return to the terminal.
  • Copy http://localhost:8080/game into your address bar.
  • Follow the game!

The tutorial suggests a lot more refining but spent as much time on this as I want to.

#####Windspeed plotting I want to make a script using and classes and functions which can:

  • Allow a file to be selected by the user from a list of files in the directory
  • This will then be plotted as a timeseries of windspeed, split 4 lines of winds at 00,06,12 and 18.
  • The graph will be output into a image file.

So far I have made this mess. Maybe functions and classes are just not needed for this task, or maybe I don't really have a clue on how to apply them.

Day 11

#####Plotting windspeed

Opened an issue. Not able to use df.query() as apparently numexpr is not supported.

The following working is in 011-windspeed.ipynb.
%matplotlib inline ensures plots display in the notebook

plt.plot(xaxis,yaxis) plt.xlable()
Change size of x ticks plt.rc("font", size=7)

Three different ways to use pd.astype()

To make a sub-set of data (a more limited method):

  1. create a mask row_mask = wind['year'].isin([1985,1986])
  2. apply mask to the df or column wind['year'].loc[row_mask][0:5]

Better to apply one criteria at a time and make a new data fram each time:
years_sub = wind[wind['year'].isin([1998,1999,2000,2001,2002])]
highwind_sub = years_sub[years_sub['ws'] > 8]
This way you can apply conditions to select a subset. Can't do that using isin().

Day 10

#####Plotting Windspeed

Solved my issue on the timestamp problem. Here is some working on the way to finding it out. Tips to remember:

Double brackets to ref several columns at once: print wind[['year','month','day']][0:5]

index_col=False stops pandas using the first column as the index:
wind = pd.read_csv(datafile, sep=" ", names=column_names, index_col=False )

Having a quick squint at discrete values for x in range(0,4): print wind[column_names[x]].unique()

This didn't work. Anything above 12 in the hour column only recognised the second digit, i.e. 2 in 12, 8 in 18.
p = pd.to_datetime(year + month + day + hour, yearfirst=True, utc=True, format='%Y%m%d%H') ; print p

0 1984-03-10 06:00:00
1 1984-03-11 02:00:00
2 1984-03-11 08:00:00
3 1984-03-20 06:00:00
4 1984-03-21 02:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Day 9

Opened an issue on the timestamp problem.

Day 8

#####Web App Building

Exercise 52 from Learning Python the Hard Way. I think I will be working on this a few days more before uploading something that you can test out.

#####Plotting windspeed

My first attempt to read in windspeed data with the format:
year, month, day, time, ws
I wanted to combine the first four columns into a new timestamp column but this has proved difficult. I tried to use read_csv but as the time data were in the format 600, 1200, 1800 it wasn't recognised when reading in.
Next, I created the timestamp after reading in the data but there were problems with the input requiring a string and I can't seem to change the dataFrame objects to strings to allow it to do this.

Day 7

#####Web App Building Exercise 52 from Learning Python the Hard Way

Nothing to show yet as only have the first room working. Need to work out how to take the input from the form to lead onto the next room.

$ is used to specify python expressions in html, using $elif cannot be used. Replace with $else and $if. You must place a inside a directory if you wish to use from import app to run nosetests on which is inside /bin

Day 6

#####Web App Building Exercise 51 from Learning Python the Hard Way


  • Download /notechain/firstform recursively.
  • Inside /firstform entering: python bin/ should return to the terminal.
  • Copy http://localhost:8080/hello into your address bar.

Day 5

#####Pandas Data Analysis The following actions are found here:

  • Removed % signs and "months" and converted the rest into a number.
  • Removed null values with df.dropna(). Investigate null values by saving them in a new df.
  • Removed data above the 95th percentile by using conditional statements for each column. There must be a cleaner way to do it than this:

no_outliers = nonan[(nonan[columns[0]] < p[0]) & (nonan[columns[1]] < p[1]) & (nonan[columns[2]] < p[2]) & (nonan[columns[3]] < p[3]) & (nonan[columns[4]] < p[4]) & (nonan[columns[5]] < p[5])]

  • Saved the new dataframe with to_csv().
  • Eyeballed the difference before/after cleaning with a subset of columns in scatter_matrix

IMPORTANT: df.count() only returns non-nans.

Day 4

If you remove from local directory you must do this before the changes will be made on the remote repository:
git rm filename git commit -m "message" git push

#####Building Web Apps: I made this work, only after working out (google useless!) where to put a line continuation in index.html
$if greeting: I just wanted to say <em style="color: green; font-size: 2em;">$greeting</em>.

Did not fit in one line in my editor. When I shortened it to one line it worked. An \ was needed between the message and the html emphasized text.

$if greeting: I just wanted to say \ <em style="color: green; font-size: 2em;">$greeting</em>.

More Data Analysis in Pandas:

Started plotting the data with
df.plot(kind = 'box'), df.hist() and scatter_matrix(df)

To suppress the printing of the object before a panel of plots _ = df.hist() etc.

Day 3

%timeit : time how long a command takes to run.
More pandas practise here.
df.dropna(), df.isnull(), df.any(), df.sum()

Day 2

More pandas practise here. Re-discovered the usefulness of cheatsheats. Now have a number of functions for exploring the data.
df.head(), df.unique(), df.describe(), df.iloc(), df.count(), df.isin(), np.where()

Day 1

I learned some git commands and played around with some data in ipython using DataFrames (df) in pandas library. df.columns(), df.index(), df.dtypes()


A daily diary of learning data science skills.






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