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micbou committed Feb 26, 2018
1 parent ec482ff commit 56662ec
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions
Expand Up @@ -94,10 +94,6 @@ Creating good pull requests
sometimes what you want can be done in a different way if the reason for the
change is known. _What goal is your change trying to accomplish?_

You should also use our [Vagrant config when working on ycmd][dev-setup].
There's _tons_ of gotchas when setting up the correct environment and they've
all been worked out for you with Vagrant. Save yourself the trouble and use it.

Writing code that runs on Python 2 & 3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +152,5 @@ Here's what you should watch out for:
53 changes: 10 additions & 43 deletions →
@@ -1,29 +1,3 @@
# Setting up for ycmd development

We use Vagrant for development. The VM will have **all** dependencies already
set up correctly so you won't have to do anything. (If you find something
missing, please file a bug.)

NOTE: The virtual machine that is created requires 3GB of RAM, so you likely
need at least 8GB of RAM to use this environment.

1. Install [Vagrant][].
2. `cd` into the folder where you checked out ycmd.
3. `$ vagrant up && vagrant ssh`. This will take a while because the VM is being
built and set up. Only needs to happen once though.
4. You are now in the VM. Run the tests with `$ ./`.
5. Hack away. When done, exit the ssh connection with `exit`.
6. `$ vagrant suspend` so that you can quickly get back to hacking later.
7. Later on: `$ vagrant resume && vagrant ssh`. This will be _much_ faster.

That's it!

You can switch between Python versions with `pyenv global 2.6.6` and `pyenv
global 3.3.0`.

If you ever feel like you've screwed up the VM, just kill it with
`vagrant destroy` and then run `vagrant up` again to get to a clean state.

# Debugging the Python layer

There are a number of Python debuggers. Presented here are just a couple of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,12 +57,10 @@ See the pyclewn docs for more info.
If you want to debug the c++ code using gdb (or your favourite graphical
debugger, e.g. [pyclewn][] in Vim), there are a few things you need to do:

1. Ensure your Python is built with debug enabled. In the vagrant system that's
as simple as:
1. Ensure your Python is built with debug enabled. On Linux that's as simple as
installing [pyenv][] and running the commands:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
export OPT='-g' # Ensure Python binary has debugging info
export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS='--enable-shared --with-pydebug'
pyenv install 2.7.11 # or whatever version
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,26 +92,21 @@ debugger, e.g. [pyclewn][] in Vim), there are a few things you need to do:
- The binary must be signed. See
- You *can not* debug system Python. Again: you *must* use a Python that is
*not* the one provided by Apple. Use pyenv. That is the rule.
*not* the one provided by Apple. Use [pyenv][]. That is the rule.
Don't argue.

Don't ask why. It's for security.

3. Here you have choices: either use a Python debugger to break the tests, or
manually use Vim to simulate the scenario you want to debug. In any case, you
will need the PID of the running Python process hosting ycmd to attach to.
Getting this is left as an exercise, but one approach is to simply
install vim with `apt-get install vim` and to get a copy of YouCompleteMe
into `$HOME/.vim/bundle` and symlink `/vargant` as
`$HOME/.vim/bundle/third_party/ycmd`. Anyway, once you have the PID you can
simply attach to the Python process, for example:

4. Here you have choices: either use a Python debugger to break the tests, or
manually use Vim and [YouCompleteMe][] to simulate the scenario you want to
debug. In any case, you will need the PID of the running Python process
hosting ycmd to attach to. For example using Vim:
- `:YcmDebugInfo` to get the pid
- `gdb: attach <PID>`
- `break YouCompleteMe::FilterAndSortCandidates`

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ built one.

**If you're looking to develop ycmd, see the [instructions for setting up a dev
environment][dev-setup] and for [running the tests][test-setup].**
**If you're looking to develop ycmd, see the [instructions for running the

This is all for Ubuntu Linux. Details on getting ycmd running on other OS's can
be found in [YCM's instructions][ycm-install] (ignore the Vim-specific parts).
Expand Down
104 changes: 50 additions & 54 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,29 +2,16 @@

This readme documents instructions on running the test suite.

The easiest way to run the ycmd test suite locally is to [set up your ycmd dev
environment using Vagrant][dev-setup] which will have everything installed and
ready to go. Reading this file is still useful because you'll learn how to skip
the build or parts of the test suite.

An alternative (canonical) reference is the scripts used for running the tests
on Travis CI. These can be found in `.travis.yml` and `./travis` directory.
on [Travis][], [CircleCI][], and [AppVeyor][]. These can be found in
`.travis.yml`, `appveyor.yml`, and the `ci` and `.circleci` directories.

## Requirements for running the tests

You need to have installed:

* nose (pip install nose)
* nose-exclude (pip install nose-exclude)
* mock (pip install mock)
* flake8 (pip install flake8)
* webtest (pip install webtest)
* hamcrest (pip install PyHamcrest)
You need to have installed all the requirements in `test_requirements.txt`. The
simplest way to set this up is to use a [virtualenv][], for example:

See `test_requirements.txt` for specific versions. The simplest way to set this
up is to use a virtualenv, for example:

$ mkdir ~/YouCompleteMe/tests
$ virtualenv ~/YouCompleteMe/tests
$ source ~/YouCompleteMe/tests/bin/activate
Expand All @@ -34,11 +21,11 @@ $ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
You also need to have all of ycmd's completers' requirements. See the
installation guide for details, but typically this involves manually installing:

* mono
* gocode
* typescript
* node
* npm
* [Mono][]
* [Go][]
* [Node.js and npm][npm-install]
* [TypeScript][]
* [rustup][]

If you are unwilling or unable to install the requirements for all of the
completers, you can exclude certain completers with the `--no-completer`
Expand All @@ -54,36 +41,36 @@ change the paths in `OmniSharpServer/OmniSharp/Solution/CSharpProject.cs`

To run the full suite, just run ``. Options are:

* `--skip-build`: don't attempt to run the build ``, e.g. if you use
a non-standard build environment (e.g. `cmake28`, self-build of clang, etc.)
* `--no-completers`: Do not build or test with listed semantic completion engine(s).
* `--completers`: Only build and test with listed semantic completion engine(s).
* `--msvc`: The Microsoft Visual Studio version to build with.
(default: 14). Windows only.
* `--arch`: Force architecture to 32 or 64 bits on Windows (default: python
interpreter architecture). Windows Only.
* `--coverage`: Generate code coverage data
* `--skip-build`: don't attempt to run the `` script. Useful once
everything is built;
* `--no-completers`: do not build or test with listed semantic completion engine(s);
* `--completers`: only build and test with listed semantic completion engine(s);
* `--msvc`: the Microsoft Visual C++ version to build with (default: 15).
Windows only;
* `--coverage`: generate code coverage data.

Remaining arguments are passed to "nosetests" directly. This means that you
can run a specific script or a specific test as follows:

* Specific script: `./ ycmd/tests/<module_name>.py`
* Specific test: `./ ycmd/tests/<module_name>.py:<function name>`
* Specific script: `./ ycmd.tests.<module_name>`

For example:

* `./ ycmd/tests/`
* `./ ycmd.tests.subcommands_test`
* `./ ycmd/tests/`
* `./ ycmd/tests/`

NOTE: you must have UTF8 support in your terminal when you do this, e.g.:
NOTE: you must have UTF-8 support in your terminal when you do this, e.g.:

> LANG=en_GB.utf8 ./ --skip-build
LANG=en_GB.utf8 ./ --skip-build

## Coverage testing

We can generate coverage data for both the C++ layer and the Python layer. The
CI system will pass this coverage data to where you can view coverage
after pushing a branch.
CI system will pass this coverage data to [][] where you can view
coverage after pushing a branch.

C++ coverage testing is available only on Linux/Mac and uses gcov.
Stricly speaking, we use the `-coverage` option to your compiler, which in the
Expand All @@ -95,11 +82,11 @@ automated integration tests.

Run it like this:

$ ./ --coverage
./ --coverage

This will print a summary and generate HTML output in `./cover`
This will print a summary and generate HTML output in `./cover`.

More information: and
Expand All @@ -108,24 +95,33 @@

### All the tests fail with some missing package.

Check the list of pip packages to install above. If there is one not listed,
install it and add it to the list.
Make sure you have installed all the packages in `test_requirements.txt` with
`pip install -r test_requirements.txt`.

### All the CsCompleter tests fail on unix.

Likely to be a problem with the OmniSharpServer.

* Check that you have compiled OmniSharpServer in `third-party/OmniSharpServer`
* Check that OmniSharpServer starts manually from ycmd/tests/testdata with

> mono ../../../third_party/OmniSharpServer/OmniSharp/bin/Debug/OmniSharp.exe -s testy/testy.sln
* Check that OmniSharpServer starts manually from `ycmd/tests/cs/testdata` with
mono ../../../third_party/OmniSharpServer/OmniSharp/bin/Debug/OmniSharp.exe -s testy/testy.sln

### You get one or all of the following failures

ERROR: ycmd.tests.get_completions_test.GetCompletions_CsCompleter_PathWithSpace_test
FAIL: ycmd.completers.general.tests.filename_completer_test.FilenameCompleter_test.QuotedIncludeCompletion_test
FAIL: ycmd.completers.general.tests.filename_completer_test.FilenameCompleter_test.SystemPathCompletion_test

Ensure that you have UTF-8 support in your environment (see above)

ERROR: ycmd.tests.cs.get_completions_test.GetCompletions_PathWithSpace_test
FAIL: ycmd.tests.filename_completer_test.FilenameCompleter_test.SystemPathCompletion_test

Ensure that you have UTF-8 support in your environment (see above).

32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions Vagrantfile

This file was deleted.

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