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Provides type and value checkers both as callables and as decorators


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Provides type and value checkers both as callables and as decorators


The purpose of this package is provide a series of type and value checkers. They all work in the same way:

  • A variable or literal is passed as argument to the checker.
  • If it passes the check(s), it is returned unaltered in type and value.
  • If it does not pass the checks, an informative error is raised and logged. To make the error messages more expressive, an optional variable name can be passed to all checkers.

Some of these type and value checkers are bundled in decorators to conveniently check the arguments of functions or methods.


This package is available on the Python Package Index PyPI. To install, open a terminal and simply type:

pip install checkerpy


To run the test suite, clone this repository, change into the top-level directory CheckerPy, and open a terminal there. Then, if you have numpy installed, simply run

python -m unittest -v

from the command line. If you do not have numpy installed, run instead:

python -m unittest discover -v -s checkerpy.tests

Related work

You might want to consider also pycheck, pychecked, typechecker, typecheck3, enforce, pysignature, pytypes, typecheck-decorator, typeguard, or mypy. I apologize if I have missed your favorite package in this list.


  1. Single Values
  2. Iterables
  3. Numpy Support
  4. Combining Validators
  5. Decorators

1. Single Values

1.1 Type checking

Type checkers are created by instantiating the class Just. To, for example, create one for integers, you would do:

from import Just

JustInt = Just(int, identifier='JustInt')

The identifier keyword is entirely optional. Its sole purpose is to enable the dynamic creation of nicer docstrings. The types a type checker is checking for (int in this case) are stored in its types property.

>>> JustInt.types
(int, )

Once instantiated, the type checker can be used on a literal

out = JustInt(1)

or a variable.

inp = 2
out = JustInt(inp)

As a matter of fact, CheckerPy already comes with type checkers for all built-in types predefined. So you could just do

from import *

i = JustInt(1)
s = JustStr('foo')
l = JustList(['foo', 'bar', 'egg'])

You can also be less restrictive and, for example, allow a variable to be either a list or a tuple. In this case, you would instantiate and use the type checker like so:

JustListTuple = Just(list, tuple)
out = JustListTuple(['foo', 'bar', 'egg'])

Some of these combined types are already predefined in CheckerPy. To check for int or float, for example, you could do:

n = JustNum(2.0)

Moreover, you can easily build checkers for your own types.

class MyFirst:
    def foo(self, x):
        return x

class MySecond:
    def bar(self, y):

JustMyTypes = Just(MyFirst, MySecond, identifier='JustMyTypes')

inp = MySecond()
out = JustMyTypes(inp, 'the ultimate object')

1.2 Value checking

Other than checking for type, CheckerPy also comes with validators for bounds, set membership, string and function properties, as well as emptiness and length of iterables.

from import Limited, OneOf, Contains, NonEmpty
from import JustLen, JustCall, Identifier
1.2.1 NonEmpty

As the name implies, NonEmpty raises and logs an error if an (optionally named) iterable is empty and passes it right through if it isn't. So, in the case of,

out = NonEmpty(('foo', 'bar', 'egg'))

out will be the tuple ('foo', 'bar', 'egg'), whereas

out = NonEmpty({}, name='of cheeses')

will raise and log an EmptyError: Dict of cheeses must not be empty! Likewise, an error is raised and logged if the emptiness of the value passed to the validator cannot be determined, that is,

out = NonEmpty(1, 'brain')

will result in an EmptyError: Emptiness of brain with type int cannot be determined!

1.2.2 JustLen

If an (optionally named) iterable should have a certain length or one of a couple of lengths, you can simply do

out = JustLen({'foo', 'bar', 'egg'}, length=3)


out = JustLen(('Stilton', 'Camembert'), name='cheeses', length=(2, 3))

An error is not only logged and raised if the length of the iterable is not among the specified lengths, but also if the value passed in is not, in fact, an iterable.

1.2.3 Limited

To check if an (optionally named) value is above, below or outside given bounds, you use

out = Limited(3, name='level of detail', lo=1, hi=5)

Note that the limits are inclusive and, therefore, both 1 and 5 would pass the test. If you want to check for a lower limit only or for an upper bound only, just don't specify the respective other limit.

1.2.4 OneOf

If you want to make sure that an (optionally named) variable has one of a given set of values, you simply do:

out = OneOf('medium', name='steak', items=('rare', 'medium', 'well done'))
1.2.5 Contains

If you want to make sure that an (optionally named) iterable contains all from a list of given items, you use:

out = Contains(('foo', 'bar', 'egg'), every=['foo', 'bar'])

If, however, you are already happy when at least one item from a given list is contained in the iterable in question, you should do:

out = Contains('worcestershire', some=['woo', 'ster'])

You can, of course, combine the two and specify both keyword arguments:

out = Contains({'foo', 'bar', 'egg'}, every=['foo'], some=['bar', 'baz'])
1.2.6 JustCall

If you want to make sure that an (optionally named) object is callable, you can write:

def cheese_shop(x):
    return f'No, sorry, we are out of {x} ...'

out = JustCall(cheese_shop, name='silly function')
1.2.7 Identifier

If you want to make sure that an (optionally named) object is not only a string but also a valid python identifier, try this:

out = Identifier('valid', name='method name')

2. Iterables

Single Values | Numpy Support | Combining Validators | Decorators

This sections assumes that you have already read section (1) because the validators for iterables simply extend what has been introduced there to all elements of an iterable.

2.1 Type checking

2.1.1 Simple iterables

Type checkers for all elements of an iterable are created by instantiating the class All. To, for example, create one for integers, you would do:

from checkerpy.types.all import All

AllInt = All(int, identifier='AllInt')

As for single values, you don't actually have to do this, because checkers for all built-in types are predefined.

from checkerpy.types.all import *

i = AllInt((1, 2, 3))
f = AllFloat([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
n = AllNum({1: 'one', 2.0: 'two'})
s = AllStr({'foo', 'bar', 'egg'})

You would probably use All only to create type checkers for you own types or for custom combination of types.

If just one element of the iterable in question is not of one of the allowed types, or if the variable passed to the validator is not, in fact, an iterable, an informative error is raised and logged.

2.1.2 TypedDict

In the example above, only the keys of the dictionary {1: 'one', 2.0: 'two'} are type checked. To check either its keys or its values (or both), use:

d = TypedDict({1: 'one', 2.0: 'two'}, keys=(int, float), values=str)

Simply skip the according keyword if you don't want to check one of them.

2.1.3 TypedTuple

In the example above, the tuple (1, 2, 3) may be of arbitrary length and all of its elements have to be of type int. If you want to check for a tuple of defined length and specify a separate type for each element, use:

t = TypedTuple((1, 'foo', True), types=(int, str, bool))

You can specify more than one type for each element py passing a tuple of types at the position of the desired element. To not check a specific element, enter the ellipsis literal ... at the desired position.

t = TypedTuple((1.0, 2.0, True), types=((int, float), ..., bool))

2.2 Value checking

Some of the value checkers introduced in subsection (1.2) are also available for the elements of an iterable.

from checkerpy.validators.all import AllLimited, AllNonEmpty, AllLen

If, for example, you want to check a list of 2-tuples, use:

out = AllNonEmpty([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], name='short')
out = AllLen([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], 'short', alen=2)
out = AllLimited([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], 'short', alo=(1, 1), ahi=(6, 6))

Again, you get an error raised (and logged) if just one element of the iterable in question does not pass the test and if you try to check something that is not an iterable.

3. Numpy Support

Single Values | Iterables | Combining Validators | Decorators

You don't need to have numpy installed to use CheckerPy. If you nevertheless try to import something from a numpy subpackage, you'll simply get an ImportError. If, however, you do have numpy installed, then you have a couple of additional validators available to you.

3.1 Simple type checking

You can, of course, simply use Just to check for the type of numpy scalars.

import numpy as np
from import Just

JustNumber = Just(np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64)
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
out = JustNumber(a[0])

Of course, you can also check if a variable is a numpy array,

JustNdarray = Just(np.ndarray, identifier='JustArray')

inp = np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
out = JustNdarray(inp)

but you don't actually have to do this yourself because the type checker for ndarray is predefined already.

from checkerpy.types.numpy import JustNdarray

3.2 Dtype checking

Both numpy scalars and arrays have a dtype that you can check for. In full analogy to the Just class introduced in subsection (1.1), CheckerPy provides a JustDtype class that you can use to create dtype checkers for numpy arrays.

from checkerpy.types.numpy import JustDtype

JustUint8 = JustDtype(np.uint8)

a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='uint8')
out = JustUint8(a, name='small ints')

Again, you don't have to do this manually because CheckerPy comes with type checkers for many of the numeric numpy dtypes predefined.

from checkerpy.types.numpy import *

uint8 = JustUint8(np.uint8(12))
int16 = JustIn16(np.int16(34))
float32 = JustFloat64(np.float32(56))
complex64 = JustComplex64(np.complex64(78))

The respective dtypes they check for are stored in their dtypes property.

>>> JustUint8.dtypes

An error is raised and (and logged) not only if the numpy array or scalar to be checked does not have (one of) the required dtypes, but also if you pass something that doesn't have a dtype attribute.

3.3 Checking the number of dimensions

The dimensionality of numpy arrays is stored in their ndim attribute. If you want to make sure that a numpy array has (one of) a certain number of dimensions, you do

from checkerpy.validators.numpy import JustNdim

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
out = JustNdim(a, ndim=(1, 2))

or just:

out = JustNdim(a, name='numbers', ndim=2)

An error is raised and logged if the value to be checked is not a numpy array or if the dimensions of the array are not among those permitted.

3.4 Checking for shape

The actual shape of numpy arrays is stored in their shape attribute. To check if a given numpy array has a certain shape, use

from checkerpy.validators.numpy import JustShape

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
out = JustShape(a, name='2x3', shape=(2, 3))

If you want to be less restrictive, you can specify more than one shape.

out = JustShape(a, shape=[(2, 3), (2, 2), (1, 3)])

You can also just specify some dimension of the required shape(s) and leave the others open. Specifying, for example,

out = JustShape(a, shape=[(..., 3), (2, ...)])

checks that array a either has 3 columns and an arbitrary number of rows, or 2 rows and an arbitrary number of columns. If it does not or if the value passed to the validator does not have a shape attribute, and error is raised and logged.

3.5 Checking the number of elements

The total number of elements of numpy arrays is stored in their size attribute. If you want to make sure that a numpy array has a certain size or one of a number of sizes, you do

from checkerpy.validators.numpy import JustSize

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
out = JustSize(a, size=(3, 6))

or just:

out = JustSize(a, name='numbers', size=6)

An error is raised and logged if the value to be checked is not a numpy array or if the size of the array are not among those permitted.

4. Combining Validators

Single Values | Iterables | Numpy Support | Decorators

What if you want to check for more than one property, for example, type and value? The simplest thing you could do would be to call the second validator on the result of the first.

from import JustList
from import NonEmpty

inp = ['foo', 'bar', 'egg']
mid = JustList(inp)
out = NonEmpty(mid)

You could also try to squeeze everything on one line.

out = NonEmpty(JustList(inp, name='placeholders'), name='placeholders')

This, however is not only ugly but also has the drawback that the name of the variable inp, specified in the inner call to JustList is not passed on to the outer call of NonEmpty and, consequently, has to be specified again.

Fortunately, CheckerPy offers a more elegant way of achieving exactly the same thing. All type and value checkers have a method o, whose name was chosen to resemble the circular symbol used in mathematics to indicate the composition of two functions. To use it, simply type

out = NonEmpty.o(JustList)(inp, name='placeholders')

Now,inp is piped first through JustList and then trough NonEmpty taking the name argument with it. What's best, however, is that the functional composition you get by combining two validators with the o method again has an o method, thus allowing you to continue the chain indefinitely.

from checkerpy.types.all import AllStr

out = AllStr.o(NonEmpty).o(JustList)(inp, 'placeholders')

Not only is the name argument piped through the whole chain, but also all other keyword arguments you have encountered so far are piped through in the same way. When calling, for example,

from checkerpy.validators.all import AllLimited

out = AllLimited.o(AllStr).o(NonEmpty).o(JustList)(inp, alo='aaa', ahi='zzz')

the keyword arguments alo and ahi are passed all the way through to AllLimited.

In order to further save you some typing, some useful functional compositions are already attached to most validators as methods. The example above, for instance, can also be written as:

out = AllLimited.AllStr.NonEmpty.JustList(inp, alo='aaa', ahi='zzz')

The same is true for the numpy validators. Provided you have imported JustInt64 from checkerpy.types.numpy, calling

out = JustNdim(JustInt64(JustNdarray(a, 'again'), 'again'), 'again', ndim=1)

is equivalent to calling

out = JustNdim.o(JustInt64).o(JustNdarray)(a, 'once', ndim=1)

and equivalent to calling

out = JustNdim.JustInt64.JustNdarray(a, 'once', ndim=1)

Simply use tab-completion to find out which validator-methods are already set before you chain them using the o method.

5. Decorators

Single Values | Iterables | Numpy Support | Combining Validators

For checking the values and types of function (or method) arguments, CheckerPy provides two dedicated decorators.

from checkerpy.decorators import Typed, Bounded

5.1 Typed

5.1.1 Arguments

There are two ways in which you can specify one or more types that each argument of a function should have. The first is:

@Typed(str, (int, float))
def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

Here, argument name is checked for being of type str and the type of argument age must be either int or float. You can always specify more (tuples of) types in the decorator than there are arguments to the function. The extra types at the end are simply ignored. Also, you don't have to specify types for all arguments. In the example above, you might be happy with just:

def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

What, however, if you don't want to check the type of only the first, but only of the second argument? In that case, you either skip type checking of the first argument by passing the ellipsis literal ...,

@Typed(..., (int, float))
def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

or you can pass the types to check for as named arguments to the decorators using, of course, the name of the argument to check.

@Typed(age=(int, float))
def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

If you specify one or more type(s) with a name that is not among the arguments of the function, it will be ignored. So, there is nothing wrong with:

@Typed(name=str, age=(int, float), weight=float)
def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

Of course, you can also check for types you defined yourself by simply passing the respective class name(s).

5.1.2 Elements in iterable arguments
Lists and sets

If you want to check that an argument to a function is either a list or a set and specify one or more types that their elements can have, you do:

@Typed([int, float], currencies={str})
def list_coins(denom, currencies):
    print(f'There are coins of {denom} for the currencies {currencies}.')

For a tuple, you have two options. If the length of the tuple does not matter and you simply want to be sure that all its elements have one (of several) type(s), use:

@Typed((int, float, ...), (str, ...))
def spend(amount, purpose):
    print(f'You may only spend {amount} on {purpose}, respectively.')

If, however, you want to check for a tuple of defined length and specify one (or more) separate types for each element, you would do:

@Typed(((str,), (int, float)))
def show_age(specs):
    name, age = specs
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

To skip checking one of the tuple elements for type, pass a tuple containing the ellipsis literal ... at the position of the element in question.

@Typed(((...,) (int, float)))
def show_age(specs):
    name, age = specs
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

Finally, to check that an argument is a dictionary with its keys and/or values having (one of) the given type(s), you specify:

@Typed({str: (int, float)})
def show_age(persons):
    for name, age in persons.items():
        print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

Use the ellipsis literal ... instead of a (tuple of) type(s) to skip checking either keys or values.

5.2 Bounded

5.2.1 Arguments

To check if one or more arguments of a function (or method) are above, below, or outside given bounds, you can write

@Bounded(('aaa', ...), (1, 99))
def show_age(name, age):
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

Here, the argument name must be equal or greater than 'aaa' and age must be anywhere between 1 and 99 (including the interval boundaries). The ellipsis literal ... is used to indicated the absence of a lower or upper bound. As with the Typed decorator introduced above in subsection (5.1), you can pass as many or as few limits to the decorator as you like, both named and unnamed, but

Note: Limits must strictly be given as tuples of length 2!

If a checked argument lies outside the specified bounds or if it cannot be meaningfully compared to the type of the given bounds, an error is raised and logged.

5.1.2 Elements in iterable arguments
Lists and sets

Combining the virtues of type and value checking, you can specify that an argument be a list or a set with all their elements bounded by the same limits:

@Bounded([(1, ...)], currencies={('aaa', 'zzz')})
def list_coins(denom, currencies):
    print(f'There are coins of {denom} for the currencies {currencies}.')

To check for an argument being a tuple of arbitrary length with all its elements bounded by the same limits, specify:

@Bounded(((1, 100), ...), ((..., 'zzz'), ...))
def spending(amount, purpose):
    print(f'You may only spend {amount} on {purpose}, respectively.')

If, however, you want to check for a tuple of defined length and specify separate limits for each one of them, you would do

@Bounded(((..., ...), (1, 120)))
def show_age(specs):
    name, age = specs
    print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

where (..., ...) indicates that the first element of the tuple is not going to be checked at all.


Likewise, you can specify a separate 2-tuple of limits for the keys and the values of a dictionary to check that an argument is a dictionary and that all its elements adhere to the respective limits. Use the ellipsis literal ... or the 2-tuple (..., ...) to skip checking for either keys or values.

@Bounded({...: (1, 120)})
def show_age(persons):
    for name, age in persons.items():
        print(f'{name} is {age} years old.')

5.3 Methods vs. functions

Methods can be decorated just like functions provided, however, that their first argument is called self, cls , mcs, or mcls (static methods are obviously unaffected by this). If you insist on not sticking to this naming convention, either use named keyword arguments to specify types or bounds, or skip checking the first argument by passing the ellipsis literal ... at the first position.

5.4 Considerations

When using the decorators just introduced, be aware of the following:

  1. The two decorators Typed and Bounded can be combined in any order, but they should always be the first decorators you apply to a function or method, that is, they should be at the lowest position, directly above the function definition. This is particularly true also for class methods and static methods.
  2. Optional *args and **kwargs are currently not checked.

Single Values | Iterables | Numpy Support | Combining Validators | Decorators


Provides type and value checkers both as callables and as decorators







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