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Web Scraping with 5 Different Methods: All You Need to Know

Don't miss the last method using LLM for Web Scraping

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Methods
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. License

Alt text


Web scraping is a powerful technique for extracting information from websites, and Python offers several libraries and frameworks to make the process more efficient. This repository provides an overview of five different methods for web scraping, along with a special mention of the last method using LLM (Language Model) for enhanced scraping capabilities.


Method 1: BeautifulSoup and Requests

This method utilizes the popular BeautifulSoup library for parsing HTML and the Requests library for making HTTP requests. It is a simple and effective approach for extracting data from static web pages.

Method 2: Scrapy

Scrapy is a robust and extensible web scraping framework. It provides a complete solution for crawling websites and extracting structured data. This method is suitable for handling complex scraping tasks and building scalable spiders.

Method 3: Selenium

Selenium is primarily used for browser automation, but it can also be employed for web scraping dynamic content. This method allows interaction with JavaScript-driven websites and provides a more dynamic approach to data extraction.

Method 4: Requests and lxml

Combining the Requests library with lxml allows for efficient parsing of HTML and XML documents. This method is particularly useful for projects requiring speed and simplicity.

Method 5: LangChain

The fifth method introduces LangChain, a powerful language model-based approach to web scraping. Leveraging advanced natural language processing capabilities, LangChain enhances the extraction of information from diverse sources.


To use any of the provided methods, follow the instructions provided in the respective method's directory. Each method comes with a dedicated README to guide you through the implementation.


If you have improvements or new methods to add, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click "Fork" to create a copy in your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Forked Repository: Use git clone to get a local copy.

  3. Create a New Branch: Make a new branch for your changes.

  4. Make Changes: Add or modify code, documentation, etc.

  5. Commit Changes: Commit with a clear message.

  6. Push Changes: Push to your forked repo.

  7. Create a Pull Request (PR): Open a PR from your branch to the main repo.

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This project is licensed under the MIT License, making it open for collaboration and use in various projects.


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