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accept header content negotiation
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* look at wildcards */* and main/*
* return a 406 when nothing matches the accept header
  • Loading branch information
gregwebs committed Apr 2, 2013
1 parent be04f48 commit 18be9bc
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Showing 5 changed files with 61 additions and 17 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions yesod-core/Yesod/Core/Class/Yesod.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ authorizationCheck = do
void $ permissionDenied "Authentication required"
Just url' -> do
void $ selectRep $ do
provideRepType typeJson $ do
void $ permissionDenied "Authentication required"
provideRepType typeHtml $ do
void $ redirect url'
provideRepType typeJson $ do
void $ permissionDenied "Authentication required"
Unauthorized s' -> permissionDenied s'

-- | Convert a widget to a 'PageContent'.
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions yesod-core/Yesod/Core/Content.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Yesod.Core.Content
, typeOctet
-- * Utilities
, simpleContentType
, contentTypeTypes
-- * Evaluation strategy
, DontFullyEvaluate (..)
-- * Representations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +210,17 @@ typeOctet = "application/octet-stream"
simpleContentType :: ContentType -> ContentType
simpleContentType = fst . B.breakByte 59 -- 59 == ;

-- Give just the media types as a pair.
-- For example, \"text/html; charset=utf-8\" returns ("text", "html")
contentTypeTypes :: ContentType -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
contentTypeTypes ct = (main, fst $ B.breakByte semicolon (tailEmpty sub))
tailEmpty x = if B.null x then "" else B.tail x
(main, sub) = B.breakByte slash ct
slash = 47
semicolon = 59

instance HasContentType a => HasContentType (DontFullyEvaluate a) where
getContentType = getContentType . liftM unDontFullyEvaluate

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43 changes: 34 additions & 9 deletions yesod-core/Yesod/Core/Handler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as NWP
import Text.Shakespeare.I18N (RenderMessage (..))
import Web.Cookie (SetCookie (..))
import Yesod.Core.Content (ToTypedContent (..), simpleContentType, HasContentType (..), ToContent (..), ToFlushBuilder (..))
import Yesod.Core.Content (ToTypedContent (..), simpleContentType, contentTypeTypes, HasContentType (..), ToContent (..), ToFlushBuilder (..))
import Yesod.Core.Internal.Util (formatRFC1123)
import Text.Blaze.Html (preEscapedToMarkup, toHtml)

Expand All @@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ import Yesod.Core.Types
import Yesod.Routes.Class (Route)
import Control.Failure (failure)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Safe (headMay)

get :: MonadHandler m => m GHState
get = liftHandlerT $ HandlerT $ I.readIORef . handlerState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,27 +850,51 @@ selectRep :: MonadHandler m
=> Writer.Writer (Endo [ProvidedRep m]) ()
-> m TypedContent
selectRep w = do
-- the content types are already sorted by q values
-- which have been stripped
cts <- liftM reqAccept getRequest

case mapMaybe tryAccept cts of
[] ->
case reps of
[] -> return $ toTypedContent ("No reps provided to selectRep" :: Text)
rep:_ -> returnRep rep
[] -> sendResponseStatus H.status500 ("No reps provided to selectRep" :: Text)
rep:_ ->
if null cts
then returnRep rep
else sendResponseStatus H.status406 explainUnaccepted
rep:_ -> returnRep rep
returnRep (ProvidedRep ct mcontent) = do
content <- mcontent
return $ TypedContent ct content
explainUnaccepted :: Text
explainUnaccepted = "no match found for accept header"

returnRep (ProvidedRep ct mcontent) =
mcontent >>= return . TypedContent ct

reps = appEndo (Writer.execWriter w) []

repMap = Map.unions $ map (\v@(ProvidedRep k _) -> Map.fromList
[ (k, v)
, (noSpace k, v)
, (simpleContentType k, v)
]) reps
tryAccept ct = Map.lookup ct repMap <|>
Map.lookup (noSpace ct) repMap <|>
Map.lookup (simpleContentType ct) repMap

-- match on the type for sub-type wildcards.
-- If the accept is text/* it should match a provided text/html
mainTypeMap = Map.fromList $ reverse $ map
(\v@(ProvidedRep ct _) -> (fst $ contentTypeTypes ct, v)) reps

tryAccept ct =
if subType == "*"
then if mainType == "*"
then headMay reps
else Map.lookup mainType mainTypeMap
else lookupAccept ct
(mainType, subType) = contentTypeTypes ct

lookupAccept ct = Map.lookup ct repMap <|>
Map.lookup (noSpace ct) repMap <|>
Map.lookup (simpleContentType ct) repMap

-- Mime types such as "text/html; charset=foo" get converted to
-- "text/html;charset=foo"
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions yesod-core/test/YesodCoreTest/Auth.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Network.Wai.Test
import Network.Wai
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)

data App = App

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ test method path f = it (method ++ " " ++ path) $ do
sres <- request defaultRequest
{ requestMethod = S8.pack method
, pathInfo = [T.pack path]
, requestHeaders =
if not $ isSuffixOf "json" path then [] else
[("Accept", S8.pack "application/json")]
f sres

Expand Down
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions yesod-core/test/YesodCoreTest/Reps.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,21 +40,22 @@ getJsonR = selectRep $ do
rep typeHtml "HTML"
provideRep $ return $ object ["message" .= ("Invalid Login" :: Text)]

testRequest :: Request
testRequest :: Int -- ^ http status code
-> Request
-> ByteString -- ^ expected body
-> Spec
testRequest req expected = it (S8.unpack $ fromJust $ lookup "Accept" $ requestHeaders req) $ do
testRequest status req expected = it (S8.unpack $ fromJust $ lookup "Accept" $ requestHeaders req) $ do
app <- toWaiApp App
flip runSession app $ do
sres <- request req
assertStatus status sres
assertBody expected sres
assertStatus 200 sres

test :: String -- ^ accept header
-> ByteString -- ^ expected body
-> Spec
test accept expected =
testRequest (acceptRequest accept) expected
testRequest 200 (acceptRequest accept) expected

acceptRequest :: String -> Request
acceptRequest accept = defaultRequest
Expand All @@ -68,9 +69,11 @@ specs = describe "selectRep" $ do
test "text/xml" "XML"
test (S8.unpack typeXml) "XML"
test "text/xml,application/json" "XML"
test "text/foo" "HTML"
test "text/xml;q=0.9,application/json;q=1.0" "JSON"
test (S8.unpack typeHtml) "HTML"
test "text/html" "HTML"
test specialHtml "HTMLSPECIAL"
testRequest (acceptRequest "application/json") { pathInfo = ["json"] } "{\"message\":\"Invalid Login\"}"
testRequest 200 (acceptRequest "application/json") { pathInfo = ["json"] } "{\"message\":\"Invalid Login\"}"
testRequest 406 (acceptRequest "text/foo") "no match found for accept header"
test "text/*" "HTML"
test "*/*" "HTML"

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