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REST Layer, the ultimate Go REST API framework


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REST Layer is a REST API framework heavily inspired by the excellent Python Eve. It lets you automatically generate a comprehensive, customizable, and secure REST API on top of any backend storage with no boiler plate code. You can focus on your business logic now.

Implemented as a net/http middleware, it plays well with other middlewares like CORS.

REST Layer is an opinionated framework. Unlike many web frameworks, you don't directly control the routing. You just expose resources and sub-resources, the framework automatically figures what routes to generate behind the scene. You don't have to take care of the HTTP headers and response, JSON encoding, etc. either. rest handles HTTP conditional requests, caching, integrity checking for you. A powerful and extensible validation engine make sure that data comes pre-validated to you resource handlers. Generic resource handlers for MongoDB and other databases are also available so you have few to no code to write to make the whole system work.


  • Automatic handling of REST resource operations
  • Plays well with other net/http middlewares
  • Pluggable resources storage
  • Pluggable response sender
  • GraphQL support
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Testing framework
  • Sub resources
  • Cascading deletes on sub resources
  • Filtering
  • Sorting
  • Pagination
  • Aliasing
  • Custom business logic
  • Event hooks
  • Field hooks
  • Extensible data validation and transformation
  • Conditional requests (Last-Modified / Etag)
  • Data integrity and concurrency control (If-Match)
  • Multi-GET
  • Default and nullable values
  • Per resource cache control
  • Customizable authentication / authorization
  • Projections
  • Embedded resource serialization
  • Custom ID field
  • Data versioning


Storage Handlers

  • Memory (test only)
  • MongoDB
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis
  • Google BigTable


package main

import (


var (
	// Define a user resource schema
	user = schema.Schema{
		"id": schema.Field{
			Required: true,
			// When a field is read-only, on default values or hooks can
			// set their value. The client can't change it.
			ReadOnly: true,
			// This is a field hook called when a new user is created.
			// The schema.NewID hook is a provided hook to generate a
			// unique id when no value is provided.
			OnInit: &schema.NewID,
			Validator: &schema.String{
				Regexp: "^[0-9a-f]{32}$",
		"created": schema.Field{
			Required:  true,
			ReadOnly:  true,
			OnInit:    &schema.Now,
			Validator: &schema.Time{},
		"updated": schema.Field{
			Required: true,
			ReadOnly: true,
			OnInit:   &schema.Now,
			// The OnUpdate hook is called when the item is edited. Here we use
			// provided Now hook which just return the current time.
			OnUpdate:  &schema.Now,
			Validator: &schema.Time{},
		// Define a name field as required with a string validator
		"name": schema.Field{
			Required: true,
			Validator: &schema.String{
				MaxLen: 150,

	// Define a post resource schema
	post = schema.Schema{
		// schema.*Field are shortcuts for common fields (identical to users' same fields)
		"id":      schema.IDField,
		"created": schema.CreatedField,
		"updated": schema.UpdatedField,
		// Define a user field which references the user owning the post.
		// See bellow, the content of this field is enforced by the fact
		// that posts is a sub-resource of users.
		"user": schema.Field{
			Required: true,
			Validator: &schema.Reference{
				Path: "users",
		"public": schema.Field{
			Validator: &schema.Bool{},
		// Sub-documents are handled via a sub-schema
		"meta": schema.Field{
			Schema: &schema.Schema{
				"title": schema.Field{
					Required: true,
					Validator: &schema.String{
						MaxLen: 150,
				"body": schema.Field{
					Validator: &schema.String{
						MaxLen: 100000,

func main() {
	// Create a REST API handler
	api := rest.New()

	// Add a resource on /users[/:user_id]
	users := api.Bind("users", rest.NewResource(user, mem.NewHandler(), rest.Conf{
		// We allow all REST methods
		// (rest.ReadWrite is a shortcut for []rest.Mode{Create, Read, Update, Delete, List})
		AllowedModes: rest.ReadWrite,

	// Bind a sub resource on /users/:user_id/posts[/:post_id]
	// and reference the user on each post using the "user" field of the posts resource.
	posts := users.Bind("posts", "user", rest.NewResource(post, mem.NewHandler(), rest.Conf{
		// Posts can only be read, created and deleted, not updated
		AllowedModes: []rest.Mode{rest.Read, rest.List, rest.Create, rest.Delete},

	// Add a friendly alias to public posts
	// (equivalent to /users/:user_id/posts?filter=public=true)
	posts.Alias("public", url.Values{"filter": []string{"public=true"}})

	// Add cors support
	h := cors.New(cors.Options{OptionsPassthrough: true}).Handler(api)

	// Bind the API under /api/ path
	http.Handle("/api/", http.StripPrefix("/api/", h))

	// Serve it
	log.Print("Serving API on http://localhost:8080")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {

Just run this code (or use the provided cmd/demo/):

> go run cmd/demo/main.go
2015/07/27 20:54:55 Serving API on http://localhost:8080

Using HTTPie, you can now play with your API.

First create a user:

http POST :8080/api/users name="John Doe"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 155
Content-Location: /api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:10:20 GMT
Etag: 1e18e148e1ff3ecdaae5ec03ac74e0e4
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:10:20 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "id": "821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6",
    "created": "2015-07-27T21:10:20.671003126+02:00",
    "updated": "2015-07-27T21:10:20.671003989+02:00",
    "name": "John Doe",

As you can see, the id, created and updated fields have been automatically generated by our OnInit field hooks.

Also notice the Etag and Last-Modified headers. Those guys allow data integrity and concurrency control through the use of the If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since headers. They can also serve for conditional requests using If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers.

Here is an example of conditional request:

http :8080/api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6 \
  If-Modified-Since:"Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:10:20 GMT"

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:17:11 GMT
Vary: Origin

And here is a data integrity request following the RFC-5789 recommendations:

http PATCH :8080/api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6 \
  name="Someone Else" If-Match:invalid-etag

HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
Content-Length: 58
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:33:27 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "code": 412,
    "fields": null,
    "message": "Precondition Failed"

Retry with the valid etag:

http PATCH :8080/api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6 \
  name="Someone Else" If-Match:1e18e148e1ff3ecdaae5ec03ac74e0e4

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 159
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:36:19 GMT
Etag: 7bb7a71b0f66197aa07c4c8fc9564616
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:36:19 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "created": "2015-07-27T21:33:09.168492448+02:00",
    "id": "15a6918ac1acdf17433d2c3e074a610e",
    "name": "Someone Else",
    "updated": "2015-07-27T21:36:19.904545093+02:00"

Another cool thing is sub-resources. We've set our posts resource as a child of the users resource. This way we can handle ownership very easily as routes are constructed as /users/:user_id/posts.

Lets create a post:

http POST :8080/api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6/posts \
  meta:='{"title":"My first post"}'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 212
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:46:55 GMT
Etag: 307ae92df6c3dd54847bfc7d72422e07
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:46:55 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "created": "2015-07-27T21:46:55.355857401+02:00",
    "id": "251511a70447b5914e835b8a4d357397",
    "meta": {
        "title": "My first post"
    "updated": "2015-07-27T21:46:55.355857989+02:00",
    "user": "821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6"

Notice how the user field has been set with the user id provided in the route, that's pretty cool, huh?

We defined that we can create posts but we can't modify them, lets verify that:

http PUT :8080/api/users/821d…/posts/251511a70447b5914e835b8a4d357397 \

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Content-Length: 53
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:50:33 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "code": 405,
    "fields": null,
    "message": "Invalid method"

Let's list posts for that user now:

http :8080/api/users/821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6/posts
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 257
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:51:46 GMT
Vary: Origin
X-Page: 1
X-Total: 1

        "_etag": "307ae92df6c3dd54847bfc7d72422e07",
        "created": "2015-07-27T21:46:55.355857401+02:00",
        "id": "251511a70447b5914e835b8a4d357397",
        "meta": {
            "title": "My first post"
        "updated": "2015-07-27T21:46:55.355857989+02:00",
        "user": "821d73ed48165b18462c820de9045ef6"

Notice the added _etag field. This is to let you get etags of multiple items without having to GET each one of them.

Resource Configuration

For REST Layer to be able to expose resources, you have to first define what fields the resource contains and where to bind it in the REST API URL namespace.


Resource field configuration is performed thru the schema package. A schema is a map of field name pointing to field definition. The field definition contains the following properties:

Property Description
Required If true, the field must be provided when the resource is created and can't be set to null. The client may be able to omit a required field if a Default or a hook sets its content.
ReadOnly If true, the field can not be set by the client, only a Default or a hook can alter its value. You may specify a value for a read-only field in your mutation request if the value is equal to the old value, REST Layer won't complain about it. This let your client to PUT the same document it GET without having to take care of removing read-only fields.
Default The value to be set when resource is created and the client didn't provided a value for the field. The content of this variable must still pass validation.
OnInit A function to be executed when the resource is created. The function gets the current value of the field (after Default has been set if any) and returns the new value to be set.
OnUpdate A function to be executed when the resource is updated. The function gets the current (updated) value of the field and returns the new value to be set.
Validator A schema.FieldValidator to validate the content of the field.
Schema An optional sub schema to validate hierarchical documents.

REST Layer comes with a set of validators. You can add your own by implementing the schema.FieldValidator interface. Here is the list of provided validators:

Validator Description
schema.String Ensures the field is a string
schema.Integer Ensures the field is an integer
schema.Float Ensures the field is a float
schema.Bool Ensures the field is a Boolean
schema.Array Ensures the field is an array
schema.Dict Ensures the field is a dict
schema.Time Ensures the field is a datetime
schema.Reference Ensures the field contains a reference to another existing API item
schema.AnyOf Ensures that at least one sub-validator is valid
schema.AllOf Ensures that at least all sub-validators are valid

Some common hook handler to be used with OnInit and OnUpdate are also provided:

Hook Description
schema.Now Returns the current time ignoring the input (current) value.
schema.NewID Returns a unique identified if input value is nil.

Some common field configuration are also provided as variable:

Field Config Description
schema.IDField A required, read-only field with schema.NewID set as OnInit hook and a schema.String va`lidator.
schema.CreatedField A required, read-only field with schema.Now set on OnInit hook with a schema.Time validator
schema.UpdatedField A required, read-only field with schema.Now set on OnInit and OnUpdate hooks with a schema.Time validator.

Here is an example of schema declaration:

// Define a post resource schema
post = schema.Schema{
	// schema.*Field are shortcuts for common fields (identical to users' same fields)
	"id":      schema.IDField,
	"created": schema.CreatedField,
	"updated": schema.UpdatedField,
	// Define a user field which references the user owning the post.
	// See bellow, the content of this field is enforced by the fact
	// that posts is a sub-resource of users.
	"user": schema.Field{
		Required: true,
		Validator: &schema.Reference{
			Path: "users",
	// Sub-documents are handled via a sub-schema
	"meta": schema.Field{
		Schema: &schema.Schema{
			"title": schema.Field{
				Required: true,
				Validator: &schema.String{
					MaxLen: 150,
			"body": schema.Field{
				Validator: &schema.String{
					MaxLen: 100000,


Now you just need to bind this schema at a specific endpoint on the rest.Handler object:

api := rest.New()
posts := api.Bind("posts", rest.NewResource(post, mem.NewHandler(), rest.DefaultConf)

This tells the rest.Handler to bind the post schema at the posts endpoint. The resource collection URL is then /posts and item URLs are /posts/<post_id>.

The rest.DefaultConf variable is a pre-defined rest.Conf type with sensible default. You can customize the resource behavoir using a custom configuration.

The rest.Conf type has the following customizable properties:

Property Description
AllowedModes A list of rest.Mode allowed for the resource.
PaginationDefaultLimit If set, pagination is enabled by default with a number of item per page defined here.


REST Layer handles mapping of HTTP methods to your resource URLs automatically. With REST, there is two kind of resource URL pathes: collection and item URLs. Collection URLs (/<resource>) are pointing to the collection of items while item URL (/<resource>/<item_id>) points to a specific item in that collection. HTTP methods are used to perform CRUDL operations on those resource.

You can easily dis/allow operation on a per resource basis using rest.Conf AllowedModes property. The use of modes instead of HTTP methods in the configuration adds a layer of abstraction necessary to handle specific cases like PUT HTTP method performing a create if the specified item does not exist or a replace if it does. This gives you precise control of what you want to allow or not.

Modes are passed as configuration to resources as follow:

users := api.Bind("users", rest.NewResource(user, mem.NewHandler(), rest.Conf{
	AllowedModes: []rest.Mode{rest.Read, rest.List, rest.Create, rest.Delete},

The following table shows how REST layer map CRUDL operations to HTTP methods and modes:

Mode HTTP Method Context Description
Read GET Item Get an individual item by its ID
List GET Collection List/find items using filters and sorts
Create POST Collection Create an item letting the system generate its ID
Create PUT Item Create an item by choosing its ID
Update PATCH Item Partialy modify the item following RFC-5789
Replace PUT Item Replace the item by a new on
Delete DELETE Item Delete the item by its ID
Clear DELETE Collection Delete all items from the collection matching the context and/or filters

Sub Resources

Sub resources can be used to express a one-to-may parent-child relationship between two resources. A sub-resource is automatically filtered by it's parent.

To create a sub-resource, you bind you resource on the object returned by the binding of the parent resource. For instance, here we bind a comments resource to a posts resource:

posts := api.Bind("posts", rest.NewResource(post, mem.NewHandler(), rest.DefaultConf)
// Bind comment as sub-resource of the posts resource
posts.Bind("comments", "post", rest.NewResource(comment, mem.NewHandler(), rest.DefaultConf)

The second argument "post" defines the field in the comments resource that refers to the parent. This field must be present in the resource and the backend storage must support filtering on it. As a result, we get a new hierarchical route as follow:


When performing a GET on /posts/:post_id/comments, it is like adding the filter {"post":"<post_id>"} to the request to comments resource.


To filter resources, use the filter query-string parameter. The format of the parameter is inspired the MongoDB query format. The filter parameter can be used with GET and DELETE methods on collection URLs.

To specify equality condition, use the query {<field>: <value>} to select all items with <field> equal <value>. REST Layer will complain with a 422 HTTP error if any field queried is not defined in the resource schema or is using an operator incompatible with field type (i.e.: $lt on a string field).

A query can specify conditions for more than one field. Implicitly, a logical AND conjunction connects the clauses so that the query selects the items that match all the conditions.

Using the the $or operator, you can specify a compound query that joins each clause with a logical OR conjunction so that the query selects the items that match at least one condition.

In the following example, the query document selects all documents in the collection where the field quantity has a value greater than ($gt) 100 or the value of the price field is less than ($lt) 9.95:

{"$or": [{"quantity": {"$gt": 100}}, {"price": {"$lt": 9.95}}]}

Match on sub-fields is performed thru field path separated by dots. This example shows an exact match on the subfields country and city of the address sub-document:

{"": "France", "": "Paris"}

Some operators can change the type of match. For instance $in can be used to match a field against several values. For instance, to select all items with the type field equal either food or snacks, use the following query:

{"type": {"$in": ["food", "snacks"]}}

The opposite $nin is also available.

The following numeric comparisons operators are supported: $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte.


Sorting is of resource items is defined thru the sort query-string parameter. The sort value is a list of resource's fields separated by comas (,). To invert a field's sort, you can prefix it's with a minus (-) character.

Here we sort the result by ascending quantity and descending date:



Pagination is supported on collection URLs using page and limit query-string parameters. If you don't define a default pagination limit using PaginationDefaultLimit resource configuration parameter, the resource won't be paginated until you provide the limit query-string parameter.

Conditional Requests

Each stored resource provides information on the last time it was updated (Last-Modified), along with a hash value computed on the representation itself (ETag). These headers allow clients to perform conditional requests by using the If-Modified-Since header:

> http :8080/users/521d6840c437dc0002d1203c If-Modified-Since:'Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:53:07 GMT'
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

or the If-None-Match header:

$ http :8080/users/521d6840c437dc0002d1203c If-None-Match:1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

Data Integrity and Concurrency Control

API responses include a ETag header which also allows for proper concurrency control. An ETag is a hash value representing the current state of the resource on the server. Clients may choose to ensure they update (PATCH or PUT) or delete (DELETE) a resource in the state they know it by providing the last known ETag for that resource. This prevents overwriting items with obsolete versions.

Consider the following workflow:

$ http PATCH :8080/users/521d6840c437dc0002d1203c If-Match:1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 name='John Doe'
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed

What went wrong? We provided a If-Match header with the last known ETag, but it’s value did not match the current ETag of the item currently stored on the server, so we got a 412 Precondition Failed.

When this happen, it's up to the client to decide to inform the user of the error and/or refetch the latest version of the document to get the lattest ETag before retrying the operation.

$ http PATCH :8080/users/521d6840c437dc0002d1203c If-Match:80b81f314712932a4d4ea75ab0b76a4eea613012 name='John Doe'
Etag: 7bb7a71b0f66197aa07c4c8fc9564616
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:36:19 GMT

This time the update operation has been accepted and we've got a new ETag for the updated resource.

Concurrency control header If-Match can be used with all mutation methods on item URLs: PATCH (update), PUT (replace) and DELETE (delete).

Data Validation

Data validation is provided out-of-the-box. Your configuration includes a schema definition for every resource managed by the API. Data sent to the API to be inserted/updated will be validated against the schema, and a resource will only be updated if validation passes.

> http  :8080/api/users name:=1 foo=bar
HTTP/1.1 422 status code 422
Content-Length: 110
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 21:56:39 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "code": 422,
    "message": "Document contains error(s)"
    "issues": {
        "foo": [
            "invalid field"
        "name": [
            "not a string"

In the example above, the document did not validate so the request has been rejected with description of the errors for each fields.

Nullable Values

To allow null value in addition the field type, you can use schema.AnyOf validator:

"nullable_field": schema.AnyOf{

Extensible Data Validation

It is very easy to add new validators. You just need to implement the schema.FieldValidator:

type FieldValidator interface {
	Validate(value interface{}) (interface{}, error)

The Validate method takes the value as argument and must either return the value back with some eventual transformation or an error if the validation failed.

Your validator may also implement the optional schema.Compiler interface:

type Compiler interface {
	Compile() error

When a field validator implements this interface, the Compile method is called at the binding. It's a good place to pre-compute some data (i.e.: compile regexp) and verify validator configuration. If validator configuration contains issue, the Compile method must return an error, so the binding will generate un fatal error.

Data Storage Handler

REST Layer doesn't handle storage of resources. A mem.MemoryHandler is provided as an exemple and should be used for testing only.

A data storage handler is easy to write though. Some handlers for popular databases are available (soon), but you may want to write your own to put an API in front of anything you want. It is very easy to write a data storage handler, you just need to implement the rest.ResourceHandler interface:

type ResourceHandler interface {
	Find(lookup *rest.Lookup, page, perPage int) (*rest.ItemList, *rest.Error)
	Store(item *rest.Item, original *rest.Item) *rest.Error
	Delete(item *rest.Item) *rest.Error
	Clear(lookup *rest.Lookup) (int, *rest.Error)

See rest.ResourceHandler documentation for implementation details.


REST Layer, the ultimate Go REST API framework







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