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React homework - Components

This React homework, named goit-react-woolf-hw-01-components, consists of several components to display various types of information.

The components are:

  1. Profile:

    • Displays information about a social media user.
    • Accepts props for username, tag, location, avatar, and stats.
    • Renders a structured profile layout.
  2. Statistics:

    • Displays statistical information based on provided data.
    • Accepts props for title (optional) and stats array.
    • Renders a statistical data section with a flexible layout.
  3. FriendList:

    • Displays a list of friends with avatars, names, and online status.
    • Accepts a prop for an array of friend objects.
    • Renders a friend list with dynamic online status styling.
  4. TransactionHistory:

    • Displays a table of transaction history based on provided data.
    • Accepts a prop for an array of transaction objects.
    • Renders a transaction history table with clear columns.

Implementation Details

  • All components are rendered within a single page using the root component <App>.
  • Component files are organized in separate folders with distinct React and styles files.
  • JavaScript code is clean, readable, and follows the Prettier code formatting.
  • Styling is achieved using CSS modules or Styled Components.
  • Emphasis on functional JavaScript implementation (80%) with basic yet sufficient styling (20%).