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This is a simple user documentation, illustrating how to use dorm tool, dorm API provides the following methods for data manipulations


  This is a static method for configuring a database to be used,

  It generally accept three specified arguments which are

  db_user, db_password, db_name and db_host, it's called as

  db.configure( db_user='your_value',db_name='your_value',db_host='your_value',db_password='your_value' )

  and it has to be called at the beginning of file

2.get(col_name): In context of records

  This is a method which returns all records from a database as

  a tuple of objects of records if it takes no arguments, but if it's

  given a string argument it return a tuple of values in a specified column

  name(argument), and it's called as

  db.table_name().get()   or

  db.table_name().get(col_name)   or



  This is a method which is used to query and return records from a

  database as a tuple of objects of records, the criteria used

  to query records is specified as argument(s), This method accept two

  forms of arguments, the first form is three specified arguments which

  form a query condition

  eg  db.table_name().where('age', '>', 20)

  and the second form is a single argument which specify a query condition

  for instance in the first example we could obtain the same result by using

  db.table_name().where('age > 20')    


  This is a method which is used to insert records into a database, with

  specified arguments as columns and their corresponding values to insert

  into a database, it also accept values if record insertions involve all

  columns It generally return a record which has been inserted

  into your database, it can be called as

  db.table_name().insert(Reg_No='2018-04-003', Name='Yezy Ilomo', Age=22)  or

  db.table_name().insert(2018-04-003', Yezy Ilomo',22)


  This is a method for updating records in a database with arguments

  as columns and their corresponding values for the record, it's called as

  db.table_name().where('age', '>', 20).update(Category="Adult")

  this will update Category field for all records in Student table where age

  is greater than 20 with "Adult" value,

  You can also update all records regardless of any condition in your table as



  This is a method for deleting records in a database, it takes no arguments

  it can be used to delete all records in your table as


  and if you want to delete records basing on a specific condition you can

  also use it with where() clause as

  db.table_name().where('age', '>', 20).delete()  or as

  db.table_name().where('age > 20').delete()


  This is a method which returns a single record object which you can access

  its attributes(record values ) by using dot operator on this function with

  the name of column that you want to access its value, The method will return

  None if it's applied to a tuple which contains more than one record, and it's

  called as

  db.table_name().where('Reg_No = "2015-05-033"').ensure_one()

  on this object you can access record fields as

  db.table_name().where('Reg_No = "2015-05-033"').ensure_one().Reg_No or

  db.table_name().where('Reg_No = "2015-05-033"').ensure_one().name   or

  db.table_name().where('Reg_No = "2015-05-033"').ensure_one().Course  etc.


  This is a method which allows you to execute normal SQL statements without

  abstraction, this is used in case you want to do operation that is not supported

  by the API. This method accept single arguments which is, the sql statement

  to be executed, and it's called as

  db.execute('your sql statement')

  for example db.execute('select * from Student where age>18')


  This is a method which is used in creating database tables, it's an instance

  method of class which defines a table, all classes which defines tables are

  placed in 'database/' file, for example a class defining a table Student

  might look like

  class Student(db.model):

      reg_No=db.field(type="char(10)",constrain="not null",key="primary")

      full_name=db.field(type="char(30)",constrain="not null")


      course=db.field(type="char(20)", constrain="not null")

      year_of_study=db.field(type="int", constrain="not null")

  a corresponding table from above class can be created by instantiating

  an object of Student class and calling a method 'create' in 'run' method as

  def run():



  This is a method which is used in joining database tables with first

  arguments as table to join to, and second argument as join type which

  is inner by default, this method return an object of joined table and

  it's called as



  This is a method which does the actual joining and return records according

  to the conditions specified in join condition, it accept two form of arguments,

  the first form is a three arguments which form the join condition eg


  and the second form is a single string which Specify the whole condition eg

  db.table1().join(table2).on(' =')


  This is a method which is used to hash information(eg passwords) for

  privacy purpose, it uses sha3 to hash and add some characters to the

  hashed string for increasing security, it takes a string arguments to

  be hashed and it returns hashed string*columns, **kwargs ):

  This is a method which is used to select several columns to be included

  in SQL query, it accept a number of arguments which are column names passed

  as strings, if you want to select all columns except few columns you can pass

  all_except=['column1', 'column2', ...] as kwarg, It's called as

  db.table_name().select('column1', 'column2', ...)   

  if you want to use all_except property, you call it as

  db.table_name().select(all_except=['column1', 'column2', ...])


  This is a method for extracting distinct values in a specified column,

  it takes string argument as column name from which distinct values are

  suppossed to be extracted

15.find(primary_key1='value', primary_key2='value',.....):

  This is a method for finding a single specific record by using it's

  primary key(s), here the argument to this method is the dict which

  contains primary key(s) and it's/their corresponding value(s), this

  method is called as

  db.table_name.find( primary_key1='value', primary_key2='value', primary_key3='value', ..... )


  This is a method for evaluating maximum value in a given column passed as

  an argument to it, it's called as

  db.table_name.max( column_name ).get() or with where clause as

  db.table_name.max( column_name ).where( condition )

  you can also do other calculations eg

  db.table_name.max( '2021-birth_year' ).where( condition )


  This is a method for evaluating minimum value in a given column passed as

  an argument to it, it's called as

  db.table_name.min( column_name ).get() or with where clause as

  db.table_name.min( column_name ).where( condition )

  you can also do other calculations eg

  db.table_name.min( '2021-birth_year' ).where( condition )


  This is a method for evaluating average value in a given column passed as

  an argument to it, it's called as

  db.table_name.avg( column_name ).get() or with where clause as

  db.table_name.avg( column_name ).where( condition )

  you can also do other calculations eg

  db.table_name.avg( '2021-birth_year' ).where( condition )        


  This is a method for counting number of records in a table/result

  it's called as

  db.table_name.count().get() or with where clause as

  db.table_name.count().where( condition )

20.get(): In context of calculation

  This is a method which returns a value when applied to a table of type calculation

  Note: only max(),  min(), avg() and count() return a table of type calculation,

  Therefore when this method is applied on them it returns a value depending on

  what it's calculated, eg to calculate the average age of all student in table

  student you may do it as

  db.student().avg('age').get()  this will return average value

Table and Joined Table attributes

  A table has several attributes which might help in data manipulation which are

  1. table__columns__ this store all table columns as a list,

     You can access table__columns__ attribute as


  2. table__name__  this store table name as a string

     You can access it as


  3. table__type__ this store a table type ie actual or partial or calculation

     You can access it as


  4. primary__keys__ this store table primary keys as a list

     You can access primary__keys__  attribute as


  5. selected__columns__ this store columns used in select statement,

     and it's '*'/all columns by default unless it's changed by user

Record attributes

  Record has all attributes that table has(mentioned above), in addition to that

  Record has data attributes corresponding to each record field name(column name)

  these data attributes are used to access record fields from record object      


This is a tool for testing orm package.






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