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PrestaShop Module DEV sample with CRUD and assets pipeline

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Test PrestaShop module

Test PrestaShop module developement (V1.7.7)


Admin page with ability to create new models (riders) Use of admin grid for data display / creation


Frontend page with ability for visitors to vote for their favorite rider (count votes) widget or hook ? to integrate the rendered component on any PrestaShop cms page


PHP 7.3 / Node.js v12

Local dev

composer install
npm install
npm run watch

To use browsersync on watch run be sure to have your local host configured as the proxy configuration in webpack.config.js

proxy: 'prestadev.local',

Sample vscode workspace configuration

	"folders": [
			"path": "/var/www/html/prestadev"
	"settings": {
		"php.executablePath": "/usr/bin/php7.3",
		"php.validate.executablePath": "/usr/bin/php7.3",
		"search.exclude": {
			"**/var/cache": true
		"intelephense.environment.phpVersion": "7.3.30"
	"tasks": {
		"version": "2.0.0",
		"tasks": [
				"label": "Run PHPStan (favorite rider module)",
				"type": "shell",
				"command": "cd modules/favoriterider && _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/${workspaceFolder} vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --configuration=tests/phpstan/phpstan.neon",
				"problemMatcher": []
				"label": "Run PHP-CS-Fixer (favorite rider module)",
				"type": "shell",
				"command": "cd modules/favoriterider && vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix",
				"problemMatcher": []
	"launch": {
		"version": "0.2.0",
		"configurations": [
				"name": "Listen for Xdebug",
				"type": "php",
				"request": "launch",
				"port": 9003

Production builds

composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
npm install
npm run build