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Various code cleanups and simplifications
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kostis committed Mar 7, 2012
1 parent a35f498 commit ac3c7ba
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 54 deletions.
101 changes: 47 additions & 54 deletions lib/hipe/llvm/hipe_rtl2llvm.erl
Expand Up @@ -70,13 +70,12 @@ translate(RTL, Roots) ->

find_code_entry_label([]) ->
exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "Empty Code"});
find_code_entry_label(Code) ->
case I=hd(Code) of
find_code_entry_label([I|_]) ->
case I of
#label{} ->
put(first_label, hipe_rtl:label_name(I));
_ ->
exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "First instruction is not a
exit({?MODULE, find_code_entry_label, "First instruction is not a label"})

%% @doc Create a stack slot for each virtual register. The stack slots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ trans_alu(I, Relocs) ->
TmpDst = mk_temp(),
{Src1, I1} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src1(I)),
{Src2, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src2(I)),
Op = trans_op(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)),
Op = trans_op(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)),
I3 = hipe_llvm:mk_operation(TmpDst, Op, ?WORD_TYPE, Src1, Src2, []),
I4 = store_stack_dst(TmpDst, RtlDst),
{[I4, I3, I2, I1], Relocs}.
Expand All @@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ trans_alu(I, Relocs) ->
trans_alub(I, Relocs) ->
case hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I) of
Op when Op=:= overflow orelse Op =:= not_overflow ->
Op when Op=:= overflow orelse Op =:= not_overflow ->
trans_alub_overflow(I, signed, Relocs);
ltu -> %% ltu means unsigned overflow
trans_alub_overflow(I, unsigned, Relocs);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,24 +284,21 @@ trans_alub_op(I, Sign) ->
add -> "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.";
mul -> "llvm.smul.with.overflow.";
sub -> "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.";
Op ->
exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator",Op}})
Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}})
unsigned ->
case hipe_rtl:alub_op(I) of
add -> "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.";
mul -> "llvm.umul.with.overflow.";
sub -> "llvm.usub.with.overflow.";
Op ->
exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator",Op}})
Op -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown alub operator", Op}})
Type =
case ?WORD_TYPE of
#llvm_int{width=32} -> "i32";
#llvm_int{width=64} -> "i64";
Other ->
exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown type", Other}})
#llvm_int{width=64} -> "i64"
%% Other -> exit({?MODULE, trans_alub_op, {"Unknown type", Other}})

Expand All @@ -314,7 +310,7 @@ trans_alub_no_overflow(I, Relocs) ->
%% A trans_alu instruction cannot change relocations
{I1, _} = trans_alu(T, Relocs),
%% icmp
%% Translate destination as src, to match with the semantic of instruction
%% Translate destination as src, to match with the semantics of instruction
{Dst, I2} = trans_src(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I)),
Cond = trans_rel_op(hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I)),
T3 = mk_temp(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,7 +433,7 @@ trans_call_name(RtlCallName, Relocs, CallArgs, FinalArgs) ->
TT2 = mk_temp(),
ArgsTypeList = lists:map(fun (_) -> ?WORD_TYPE end, FinalArgs),
ArgsTypeList = [?WORD_TYPE || _ <- FinalArgs],
FunType = hipe_llvm:mk_fun(RetType, ArgsTypeList),
FunTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(FunType),
II3 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(TT2, bitcast, ?WORD_TYPE_P, TT1,
Expand All @@ -453,12 +449,13 @@ trans_call_args(ArgList) ->
{Args, I} = lists:unzip(trans_args(ArgList)),
%% Reverse arguments that are passed to stack to match with the Erlang
%% calling convention(Propably not needed in prim calls).
ReversedArgs = case erlang:length(Args) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
false ->
true ->
{ArgsInRegs, ArgsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Args),
ArgsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ArgsInStack)
ReversedArgs =
case erlang:length(Args) > ?NR_ARG_REGS of
false ->
true ->
{ArgsInRegs, ArgsInStack} = lists:split(?NR_ARG_REGS, Args),
ArgsInRegs ++ lists:reverse(ArgsInStack)
%% Reverse I, because some of the arguments may go out of scope and should be
%% killed(store -5). When two or more
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,13 +579,12 @@ trans_fp_unop(I, Relocs) ->
trans_fstore(I, Relocs) ->
Base = hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I),
I1 = case isPrecoloured(Base) of
case isPrecoloured(Base) of
true ->
trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs);
false ->
exit({?MODULE, trans_fstore ,{"Non Implemened yet", false}})

trans_fstore_reg(I, Relocs) ->
{Base, I0} = trans_reg(hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I), dst),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,8 +710,8 @@ trans_return(I, Relocs) ->
FixedRegs = fixed_registers(),
{LoadedFixedRegs, I2} = load_fixed_regs(FixedRegs),
FixedRet = lists:map(fun(X) -> {?WORD_TYPE, X} end, LoadedFixedRegs),
Ret = lists:append(FixedRet, VarRet),
FixedRet = [{?WORD_TYPE, X} || X <- LoadedFixedRegs],
Ret = FixedRet ++ VarRet,
{RetTypes, _RetNames} = lists:unzip(Ret),
Type = hipe_llvm:mk_struct(RetTypes),
{RetStruct, I3} = mk_return_struct(Ret, Type),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -750,7 +746,7 @@ trans_store(I, Relocs) ->
T2 = mk_temp(),
II1 = hipe_llvm:mk_conversion(T2, inttoptr, ?WORD_TYPE, T1, ?WORD_TYPE_P),
II2 = hipe_llvm:mk_store(?WORD_TYPE, Value, ?WORD_TYPE_P, T2, [], [],
[II2, II1];
Size ->
%% XXX: Is always trunc correct ?
Expand All @@ -773,12 +769,12 @@ trans_switch(I, Relocs, Data) ->
RtlSrc = hipe_rtl:switch_src(I),
{Src, I1} = trans_src(RtlSrc),
Labels = hipe_rtl:switch_labels(I),
JumpLabels = lists:map(fun mk_jump_label/1, Labels),
JumpLabels = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels],
SortOrder = hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I),
NrLabels = length(Labels),
TableType = hipe_llvm:mk_array(NrLabels, ?BYTE_TYPE_P),
TableTypeP = hipe_llvm:mk_pointer(TableType),
TypedJumpLabels = lists:map(fun(X) -> {#llvm_label_type{}, X} end, JumpLabels),
TypedJumpLabels = [{#llvm_label_type{}, X} || X <- JumpLabels],
T1 = mk_temp(),
{Src2, []} = trans_dst(RtlSrc),
TableName = "table_"++tl(Src2),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -872,10 +868,7 @@ find_sp_adj(ArgList) ->

%% @doc Add landingpad instruction in Fail Blocks
add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels) ->
FailLabels2 =
lists:map(fun({X,Y,Z}) ->
{"L"++integer_to_list(X), "FL"++integer_to_list(Y), Z}
end, FailLabels),
FailLabels2 = [convert_label(T) || T <- FailLabels],
add_landingpads(LLVM_Code, FailLabels2, []).

add_landingpads([], _, Acc) ->
Expand All @@ -890,6 +883,9 @@ add_landingpads([I|Is], FailLabels, Acc) ->
add_landingpads(Is, FailLabels, [I|Acc])

convert_label({X,Y,Z}) ->
{"L"++integer_to_list(X), "FL"++integer_to_list(Y), Z}.

%% @doc Create a fail block wich
create_fail_blocks(_, []) -> [];
create_fail_blocks(Label, FailLabels) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -935,11 +931,11 @@ trans_args(ArgList) ->

%% @doc Convert a list of Precoloured registers to LLVM argument list
fix_reg_args(ArgList) ->
lists:map(fun(A) -> {?WORD_TYPE, A} end, ArgList).
[{?WORD_TYPE, A} || A <- ArgList].

%% @doc Load Precoloured registers.
load_fixed_regs(RegList) ->
Names = lists:map(fun mk_temp_reg/1, RegList),
Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList],
Fun1 =
fun (X,Y) ->
hipe_llvm:mk_load(X, ?WORD_TYPE_P, "%"++Y++"_reg_var", [],
Expand All @@ -951,7 +947,7 @@ load_fixed_regs(RegList) ->
%% @doc Store Precoloured registers.
store_fixed_regs(RegList, Name) ->
Names = lists:map(fun mk_temp_reg/1, RegList),
Names = [mk_temp_reg(R) || R <- RegList],
Indexes = lists:seq(0, erlang:length(RegList)-1),
Fun1 =
fun(X,Y) ->
Expand All @@ -975,11 +971,11 @@ store_fixed_regs(RegList, Name) ->
make_llvm_id(Name) ->
case Name of
"" -> "Empty";
Other -> lists:flatten(lists:map(fun llvm_id/1, Other))
Other -> lists:flatten([llvm_id(C) || C <- Other])

llvm_id(C) when C==46; C>47 andalso C<58; C>64 andalso C<91; C==95;
llvm_id(C) when C=:=46; C>47 andalso C<58; C>64 andalso C<91; C=:=95;
C>96 andalso C<123 -> C;
llvm_id(C) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1359,24 +1355,24 @@ handle_relocations(Relocs, Data, Fun) ->
{CallList, AtomList, ClosureList, ClosureLabels, SwitchList} =
%% Create code to declare atoms
AtomDecl = lists:map(fun declare_atom/1, AtomList),
AtomDecl = [declare_atom(A) || A <- AtomList],
%% Create code to create local name for atoms
AtomLoad = lists:map(fun load_atom/1, AtomList),
AtomLoad = [load_atom(A) || A <- AtomList],
%% Create code to declare closures
ClosureDecl = lists:map(fun declare_closure/1, ClosureList),
ClosureDecl = [declare_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList],
%% Create code to create local name for closures
ClosureLoad = lists:map(fun load_closure/1, ClosureList),
ClosureLoad = [load_closure(C) || C <- ClosureList],
%% Find function calls
IsExternalCall = fun (X) -> is_external_call(X, Fun) end,
ExternalCallList = lists:filter(IsExternalCall, CallList),
%% Create code to declare external function
FunDecl = fixed_fun_decl()++lists:map(fun call_to_decl/1, ExternalCallList),
FunDecl = fixed_fun_decl() ++ [call_to_decl(C) || C <- ExternalCallList],
%% Extract constant labels from Constant Map (remove duplicates)
ConstLabels = hipe_consttab:labels(Data),
%% Create code to declare constants
ConstDecl = lists:map(fun declare_constant/1, ConstLabels),
ConstDecl = [declare_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels],
%% Create code to create local name for constants
ConstLoad = lists:map(fun load_constant/1, ConstLabels),
ConstLoad = [load_constant(C) || C <- ConstLabels],
%% Create code to create jump tables
SwitchDecl = declare_switches(SwitchList, Fun),
%% Create code to create a table with the labels of all closure calls
Expand All @@ -1386,9 +1382,9 @@ handle_relocations(Relocs, Data, Fun) ->
%% Temporary Store inc_stack and llvm_fix_pinned_regs to Dictionary
%% TODO: Remove this
Relocs3 = dict:store("inc_stack_0",
{call, {bif, inc_stack_0, 0}}, Relocs2),
{call, {bif, inc_stack_0, 0}}, Relocs2),
Relocs4 = dict:store("hipe_bifs.llvm_fix_pinned_regs.0",
{call, {hipe_bifs, llvm_fix_pinned_regs, 0}}, Relocs3),
{call, {hipe_bifs, llvm_fix_pinned_regs, 0}}, Relocs3),
ExternalDeclarations =
LocalVariables = AtomLoad++ClosureLoad++ConstLoad,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1445,11 +1441,8 @@ declare_switches(JumpTableList, Fun) ->
lists:map(Fun1, JumpTableList).

declare_switch_table({Name, {switch, {TableType, Labels, _, _}, _}}, FunName) ->
LabelList = lists:map(fun mk_jump_label/1, Labels),
Fun1 =
fun(X) ->
"i8* blockaddress(@"++FunName++", "++X++")"
LabelList = [mk_jump_label(L) || L <- Labels],
Fun1 = fun(X) -> "i8* blockaddress(@"++FunName++", "++X++")" end,
List2 = lists:map(Fun1, LabelList),
List3 = string:join(List2, ",\n"),
List4 = "[\n" ++ List3 ++ "\n]\n",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1490,11 +1483,11 @@ call_to_decl({Name, {call, MFA}}) ->
case M of
llvm ->
{hipe_llvm:mk_struct([?WORD_TYPE, hipe_llvm:mk_int(1)]),
%% +precoloured regs
_ -> {?FUN_RETURN_TYPE, lists:seq(1,A+?NR_PINNED_REGS)}
ArgsTypes = lists:map(fun(_) -> ?WORD_TYPE end, Args),
ArgsTypes = [?WORD_TYPE || _ <- Args],
hipe_llvm:mk_fun_decl([], [], Cconv, [], Type, "@"++Name, ArgsTypes, []).

%% @doc This functions are always declared, even if not used
Expand Down

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