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@yihui yihui released this 10 May 05:06
· 1937 commits to master since this release


  • code chunks that generate metadata may be cached now; it requires htmlwidgets >= v0.6 and htmltools >= 0.3.3 if you cache code chunks that contain HTML widgets or Shiny inputs/outputs (#1158)
  • when the output format is not HTML, HTML widgets used to fail to render; now knitr will try to generate static screenshots for HTML widgets automatically using the webshot package; you can specify alternative screenshots via the chunk option screenshot.alt (which takes a character vector of image paths), and pass more options to webshot::webshot() via the chunk option screenshot.opts, e.g. list(delay = 3, cliprect = 'viewport')
  • added two functions include_url() and include_app() to embed URLs in the output (the latter is for Shiny app URLs); when the output format is HTML, iframe will be used; otherwise screenshots of the URLs will be used
  • screenshotting for HTML widgets and URLs can be forced for all output formats via the chunk option screenshot.force = TRUE; if you set the chunk option screenshot.force = FALSE, knitr will just render these content normally and not take screenshots
  • added a new chunk option, which can be used to attach hyperlinks on figures, e.g. you can add a link to a screenshot of a Shiny app so that readers can check out the actual live app after clicking on the static screenshot (this chunk option currently only works for Markdown and LaTeX output)
  • syntactical errors in code chunks will be allowed when the chunk option error = TRUE and the package version of evaluate is at least 0.8.4; previously knitr would just stop on parsing errors (r-lib/evaluate#65)
  • PNG/JPEG images included via include_graphics() also respects the chunk option dpi now; if it is numeric and the chunk option out.width is not set, the output width (in inches) of an image will be automatically calculated from the actual width (in pixels) divided by dpi; note this feature requires the packages png and/or jpeg to be installed, and you can disable the feature using dpi = NA (thanks, @hadley, rstudio/bookdown#38)
  • added a new hook function named evaluate in knit_hooks so that users can redefine a evaluator to evaluate the code chunk; the default is evaluate::evaluate(), and your custom evaluator must be compatible with evaluate::evaluate() in terms of the argument names and the data structure of the returned value (a list of values with special classes)
  • added a new function combine_words() to combine multiple words / phrases into a single string, which may be useful in inline R expressions, e.g. combine_words(c('a', 'b', 'c')) returns a, b, and c
  • render_markdown() gained a new argument fence_char to customize the character to be used as the code blocks fence, e.g. it can be a backtick, or a tilde, depending on the Markdown rendering engine (thanks, @tinyheero, #1161)
  • the pandoc() function no longer assumes Markdown input (thanks, @scls19fr, #1170)
  • added a new function knit_meta_add() so that users can manually inject metadata into the current knitr session
  • for the tikz engine, if fig.ext = 'svg', dvisvgm will be called to convert the DVI output of TikZ to SVG; you need to install dvisvgm, and Windows users have to install GhostScript as well (thanks, @dkilfoyle, #1177)
  • new js and css engines which surround their content with <script> and <style> tags respecitvely, and print no output when not in an HTML document
  • for LaTeX tables, kable() supports short captions now via the caption.short argument, e.g. kable(..., caption = 'A long caption', caption.short = 'A short caption') (thanks, @ismayc, #1199)
  • added three global R options knitr.sanitize.errors, knitr.sanitize.warnings, and knitr.sanitize.messages to mask or change the messages, e.g. if options(knitr.sanitize.errors = TRUE) and the chunk option error = TRUE, the actual error message will be replaced by a character string like "An error occurred"; these options can also accept character values so you can customize the messages to be displayed, e.g. options(knitr.sanitize.warnings = 'You had a warning from the code'); see rstudio/shiny#1123 for the motivation of these options


  • when the chunk option cache.rebuild = TRUE, the cache database should be rewritten (thanks, Oleg Mayba)
  • include_graphics() did not work in inline R expressions (thanks, @WastlM, #1166)
  • the cex parameter was not correctly restored in the case of opts_knit$set(global.par = TRUE) (
  • for Rnw documents, when there are two instances of \documentclass{}, knitr might mistakenly treats the second instance as the the actual command to declare the document class (thanks, #1180, @ekstroem)
  • corrected the environment for evaluating R scripts in stitch_rhtml() and stitch_rmd() (thanks, @Hughan, #1207)


  • the default value of the package option eval.after is changed from NULL to fig.cap, i.e. the figure caption will always be evaluated after a code chunk is evaluated (thanks, @JoshOBrien, #1165)
  • the function eclipse_theme() has been removed since the website has been down for a long time