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Jetpack Compose Playground

platform platform platform Kotlin compileSdkVersion buildToolsVersion minSdkVersion


  • Navigation with Compose
  • Using the Component structure
  • Displaying a simple list with mock data
  • Simple login screen
  • Simple register screen

Project Structure

  • data: It contains all the data accessing and manipulating components.
  • navigation: Navigation component classes
  • presentation: View classes.
  • ui: Component classes.
  • utils: Utility classes.


Example Preview
Register Screen Used components: Surface, OutlinedTextField, Spacer, Icon, Radio Button, Checkbox, Button, Text.
Note: No API call or database connection available. Only UI design and navigation operations are available.
Login Screen Used components: Scaffold, OutlinedTextField, Spacer, Icon, Checkbox, Button, Text.
Note: No API call or database connection available. Only UI design and navigation operations are available.
List Screen Used components: Card, AsyncImage, Text, Spacer.
Note: No API call or database connection available. Only UI design and navigation operations are available.


Contributing to Project

All contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.

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