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Update Manual.txt
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yiminghu committed May 9, 2016
1 parent 2dbdadc commit ffd3f0a
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 110 deletions.
124 changes: 14 additions & 110 deletions doc/Manual.txt
@@ -1,113 +1,17 @@
######### whole procedure and parameter list #########

# the parameter list for AnnoPred #
p_dict_AnnoPred ={'sumstats':'GWAS_sumstats.txt', 'Ncase':n1, 'Nctrl':n2, 'PS':0.3, 'user_h2_file':None, 'gf':'validation_data', 'vgf':'validation_data', 'vbim':'validation_data.bim', 'out':output_path}
# assume all the reference files are in the ref/ and we save all the files generated during the process to the output path

# 1. call here #
pre_sumstats.get_1000G_snps(p_dict_AnnoPred['sumstats'], 'ref/1000G_SNP_info.h5', p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_trimmed_sumstats.txt')

# 2. call #
p_dict_coord_trimmed = {'gf':p_dict_AnnoPred['gf'], 'vgf':p_dict_AnnoPred['vgf'], 'ssf':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_trimmed_sumstats.txt', 'out':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_coord_output', 'vbim':p_dict_AnnoPred['vbim'], 'N':p_dict_AnnoPred['Ncase']+p_dict_AnnoPred['Nctrl'], 'ssf_format':'BASIC', 'gmdir':None, 'indiv_list':None, 'gf_format':'PLINK', 'skip_coordination':False}

# 3. call ldsc here, I am not familiar with this part, but I assume this part will use p_dict_AnnoPred['sumstats'], p_dict_AnnoPred['Ncase'], p_dict_AnnoPred['Nctrl'] and some files in 'ref/'
# and I assume the output would be saved to p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_LDSC.results'

# 4. call #
if p_dict_AnnoPred['user_h2_file'] is not None:
res = prior_generating.generate_h2_from_user(p_dict_AnnoPred['user_h2_file'],p_dict_coord_trimmed['out'], p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_trimmed_user_h2.txt')
p_dict_pred_main = {'coord':p_dict_coord_trimmed['out'], 'ld_radius':res[1], 'local_ld_file_prefix':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_local_ld', 'hfile':None, 'pfile':None, 'PS':p_dict_AnnoPred['PS'], 'out':p_dict_AnnoPred['out'], 'N':p_dict_AnnoPred['Ncase']+p_dict_AnnoPred['Nctrl'], 'num_iter': 60, 'H2':res[0], 'user_h2':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_trimmed_user_h2.txt'}
res = prior_generating.generate_h2_pT('ref/GC1_GS7_Baseline53.h5', 'ref/1000G_SNP_info.h5', p_dict_coord_trimmed['out'], LDSC_results_file_from_step_3, p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_h2_file.txt', p_dict_AnnoPred['PS'], p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_pT')
p_dict_pred_main = {'coord':p_dict_coord_trimmed['out'], 'ld_radius':res, 'local_ld_file_prefix':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_local_ld', 'hfile':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_h2_file.txt', 'pfile':p_dict_AnnoPred['out']+'_pT_'+str(p_dict_AnnoPred['PS'])+'_file.txt', 'PS':p_dict_AnnoPred['PS'], 'out':p_dict_AnnoPred['out'], 'N':p_dict_AnnoPred['Ncase']+p_dict_AnnoPred['Nctrl'], 'num_iter': 60, 'H2':None, 'user_h2':None}

# 5. call #

################################################# detailed function usage ##################################################
######### pre_sumstats ######### contains one function extracting a subset of rows from the original input summary statistics
arguments of get_1000G_snps
sumstats: input GWAS summary stats, fixed format
ref: a reference file contains chromosome, position of 1000Genome SNPs, in h5py format = '/net/zhao/yh367/Data_updated/'
out_file: output directory, the output summary stats has the same format and will be used as input of coord_trimmed

######### coord_trimmed #########
python --gf=ref_genotype --ssf=summstats.txt --ssf_format=BASIC --N=sample_size --out=/output_dir/prefix --vgf=val_genotype --vbim=val_genotype.bim
--gf: reference genotype data path and prefix (plink bed/bim/fam)
--ssf: GWAS summary stats
--ssf_format: format of GWAS summary stats, in our program we will use the 'BASIC' format only
--N: sample size of the GWAS
--out: output path and prefix
--vgf: validation data path and prefix (plink bed/bim/fam)
--vbim: validation data bim file

## example ##
cd /net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test
python --gf=validation_data --ssf=GWAS_sumstats.txt --ssf_format=BASIC --N=5691 --out=coord_output --vgf=validation_data --vbim=validation_data.bim

######### generating priors ######### contains two functions: generate_h2_pT and generate_h2_from_user
generate_h2_pT generates two prior files from LDSC output and some fixed annotation files. But we might need to work on the way of saving and reading these fixed files since it currently takes pretty long and large memory.
arguments of generate_h2_pT
annot_file: a fixed file, a large matrix recording the functional regions SNPs fall in; row: SNP, col: functional region, 1 means in the region, 0 means not in the region
snp_chr_mapping_file: a fixed file, a matrix recording position information of SNPs, col: Chr, SNP_id
h5py_file: the h5py file generated in
LDSC_results_file: output of LD score regression
output_h2: the output path and name of the h2 prior files
PS: a scalar ranging from 0 to 1, a tuning parameter
output_pT: the output path and name of the pT prior files
This function will generate two file
hfile: row: SNPs, col: Chr, SNP_id, heritability
pfile: row: SNPs, col: Chr, SNP_id, pT, heritability

generate_h2_from_user generates one prior file from a per-SNP heritability estimation provided by users.
arguments of generate_h2_from_user
user_provided_h2: path to the a per-SNP heritability estimation provided by users, row: SNPs, col: Chr, SNP_id, heritability, no header
h5py_file: the h5py file generated in
output: the path and name for output file
This function will generate one files row: SNPs, col: Chr, SNP_id, heritability

## example ##
import prior_generating
# specify file paths #
annot_file = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/GC1_GS7_Baseline53.txt'
snp_chr_mapping_file = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/CHR_SNP.txt'
h5py_file = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/coord_output'
LDSC_results_file = '/net/zhao/ql68/Software/ldsc/Results/PD/PD_SimonSanchez_Curated_GC1_GS7_withBaseline.results'
output_h2 = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/h2_file.txt'
PS = 0.3
output_pT = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/'+'pT'

# Two GenoPred priors #
prior_generating.generate_h2_pT(annot_file=annot_file, snp_chr_mapping_file=snp_chr_mapping_file, h5py_file=h5py_file, LDSC_results_file=LDSC_results_file, output_h2=output_h2, PS=PS, output_pT=output_pT)

# User defined h2 file #
user_provided_h2 = '/net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/h2_file.txt'
generate_h2_from_user(user_provided_h2=user_provided_h2, h5py_file=h5py_file, output='user_h2.txt')

######## main program -- AnnoPred #########
python --coord=h5py_file --ld_radius=R --local_ld_file_prefix=test_ld --hfile=h2_file --pfile=pT_file --PS=p0 --N=n --out=test_output N=sample_size --num_iter=ni --H2=user_total_h2 --user_h2==user_file
--coord: h5py file output by cord_trimmed
--ld_radius: a parameter provided by user or by default a number decided by the total number of SNPs for prediction (can be decided from previous step)
--local_ld_file_prefix: specify a prefix for local ld file (for one dataset the program will generate a ld file using provided prefix on the first run)
--hfile: the path of GenoPred h2 file
--pfile: the path of GenoPred pT file
--PS: parameter p0 (provided by user)
--N: sample size of the GWAS
--out: output path and prefix
--num_iter: number of iterations for MCMC, by default 60
--H2: the total heritability of user provided file (sum of heritability of each SNP)
--user_h2: the user provided heritability file

## example ##
cd /net/zhao/yh367/GenoPred_test/
python --coord=coord_output --ld_radius=145 --local_ld_file_prefix=test_ld --hfile=h2_file.txt --pfile=pd_p0_0.03.txt --PS=0.03 --N=5691 --out=test_output
python --sumstats=/dir/input.txt --ref_gt=/dir/ref --val_gt=/dir/val --coord_out=/dir/coord --N_case=Nc --N_ctrl=Ncl --P=p --ld_radius=r --local_ld_prefix=xxx --user_h2=/dir/user_h2.txt --temp_dir=/dir/xxx --out=/dir/xxx
#--sumstats: GWAS summary stats, fixed format
#--ref_gt: reference genotype, plink bed format
#--val_gt: validation genotype, plink bed format
#--coord_out: a path and file name for the output of (h5py file), if not provided save to
#--N_case: number of cases in GWAS training (for LDSC)
#--N_ctrl: number of ctrls in GWAS training (for LDSC)
#--P: tuning parameter in (0,1), the proportion of causal snps
#--local_ld_prefix: a path and file name for LD file
#--out: a path and file name prefix for output
#--num_iter: (optional) an integer, the number of iterations for mcmc, if not specified, use 60
#--ld_radius: (optional) an integer, if not provided, use the number of SNPs in common divided by 3000 (calculated later)
#--user_h2: (optional) a path and file name for user-provided heritability, if not provided, use LDSC with 53 baseline annotations, GenoCanyon and GenoSkyline annotations to generate two sets of priors.
#--temp_dir: (optional) Directory to output all temporary files. If not specified, will use the current directory.

## input for LDSC (should be fixed files)
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