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Gradle plugins for managing Liberty profile servers #devops


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A Gradle plugin to support the manipulation of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile servers.


Clone this repository and then, with a JRE on the path, execute the following command in the root directory.

$ gradlew build

This will download Gradle and then build the plugin liberty-gradle-plugin-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in to the build\libs directory. It is also possible to install the plugin in to your local Maven repository using gradlew install.

To build the plugin and run the integration tests execute the following commands in the root directory.

  1. To run the integration tests against an existing Liberty profile installation.
$ gradlew build -Prunit=offline -DwlpInstallDir=<liberty_install_directory>
  1. Run the integration tests against automatically downloaded and installed Liberty profile server.
$ gradlew build -Prunit=online -DwlpLicense=<liberty_licesnse_code> -DwlpVersion=<liberty_version>


###1. Configuring your dependencies

Adding the Ant plugin to the build script

This plugin needs the wlp-anttasks.jarfile as dependency, this file can be downloaded from the snapshot repository or the Maven central repository.

The following code snippet shows an example on how to set up your build script correctly.

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath files('gradle/wlp-anttasks.jar')

###2. Adding the binary plugin to the build script

Within your Gradle build script, you need to set up the classpath to include the Liberty Gradle plugin. You also need to define the Maven Central repository to find the plugin or its dependencies.

If you are using a snapshot version of the plugin make sure to define the Sonatype Nexus Snapshots repository in addition to the Maven Central repository.

Your build script should look like this:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = 'Sonatype Nexus Snapshots'
            url = ''
    dependencies {
        classpath 'net.wasdev.wlp.gradle.plugins:liberty-gradle-plugin:1.1-SNAPSHOT'

Alternatively, you might choose to include the plugin JAR file. For example:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath files('gradle/liberty-gradle-plugin.jar')
        classpath files('gradle/wlp-anttasks.jar')

To use the Liberty Gradle Plugin, include the following code in your build script:

apply plugin: 'liberty'


The plugin will have made the following tasks available to your project:

Task Description
installLiberty Installs Liberty Profile from a repository.
libertyCreate Creates a WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
libertyStart Starts the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
libertyStop Stops the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
libertyRun Runs a WebSphere Liberty Profile server under the Gradle process.
libertyPackage Generates a WebSphere Liberty Profile server archive.
libertyDump Dumps diagnostic information from the Liberty Profile server into an archive.
libertyJavaDump Dumps diagnostic information from the Liberty Profile server JVM.
libertyDebug Runs the Liberty Profile server in the console foreground after a debugger connects to the debug port (default: 7777).
libertyStatus Checks the WebSphere Liberty Profile server is running.
libertyPackage Generates a WebSphere Liberty Profile server archive.
deploy Deploys a supported file to the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
undeploy Removes an application from the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
installFeature Installs a new feature in the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
uninstallFeature Uninstall a feature in the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.
cleanDir Deletes files from some directories in the WebSphere Liberty Profile server.

###Extension properties The Liberty Gradle Plugin has some properties defined in the Liberty closure which will let you customize the different tasks. These properties are divided in two groups, the general properties (Which need to be set for any task excluding installLiberty task) and the specific ones. (Which only must be set when a specific task will be kicked off).

####General properties.

Attribute Description Required
installDir Location of the Liberty profile server installation. Yes
outputDir Value of the ${wlp_output_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/servers/${serverName}. No
userDir Value of the ${wlp_user_dir} variable. The default value is ${installDir}/usr/. No
serverName Name of the Liberty profile server instance. The default value is defaultServer. No

Server Properties

Attribute Description Required
clean Clean all cached information on server start up. The default value is false. Only used with the libertyStart task. No
timeout Waiting time before the server starts. The default value is 30 seconds. The unit is milliseconds. Only used with the libertyStart task. No
include A comma-delimited list of values. The valid values vary depending on the task. For the libertyPackage task the valid values are all, usr, and minify and must be declared in the packageLiberty closure. For the libertyDump task the valid values are heap, system, and thread and must be declared in the dumpLiberty closure. For the libertyJavaDump task the valid values are heap and system and must be declared in the javaDumpLiberty closure. Yes, only when the os option is set in the packageLiberty closure
archive Location of the target archive file. Only used with the libertyPackage or libertyDump tasks on their respective closures. No
template Name of the template to use when creating a new server. Only used with the libertyCreate task. No
os A comma-delimited list of operating systems that you want the packaged server to support. Only used with the package operation and in the packageLiberty closure. The 'include' option must be set to 'minify'. No

This example shows you how to configure these properties in your script:

apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = 'c:/wlp'
    serverName = 'myServer'
    userDir = 'c:/usr'
    outputDir = 'c:/usr'
    clean = true
    timeout = "10000"

    packageLiberty {
        archive = ""
        include = "usr"
    //Example to package with 'os' parameter
    packageLiberty {
        archive = ""
        include = "minify"
        os = "Linux"
    dumpLiberty {
        archive = "C:/"
        include = "heap, system"
    javaDumpLiberty {
        archive = ""
        include = "system"

Of the plugin configuration, only the installDir property is required. The default configuration is to use a server named defaultServer under the build\wlp directory of the Gradle project.

installLiberty task

The install-liberty task is used to download and install Liberty profile server. The task can download the Liberty runtime archive from a specified location (via runtimeUrl) or automatically resolve it from the Liberty repository based on a version and a runtime type.

In certain cases, the Liberty license code may need to be provided in order to install the runtime. If the license code is required and if you are installing Liberty from the Liberty repository, you can obtain the license code by reading the current license and looking for the D/N: <license code> line. Otherwise, download the runtime archive and execute java -jar wlp*runtime.jar --viewLicenseInfo command and look for the D/N: <license code> line.


Attribute Description Required
licenseCode Liberty profile license code. See above. Yes, if type is webProfile6 or runtimeUrl specifies a .jar file.
version Exact or wildcard version of the Liberty profile server to install. Available versions are listed in the index.yml file. Only used if runtimeUrl is not set. The default value is 8.5.+. No
runtimeUrl URL to the Liberty profile's .jar or a .zip file. If not set, the Liberty repository will be used to find the Liberty runtime archive. No
baseDir The base installation directory. The actual installation directory of Liberty profile will be ${baseDir}/wlp. The default value is ${project.buildDir}. No
cacheDir The directory used for caching downloaded files such as the license or .jar files. The default value is ${}/wlp-cache. No
username Username needed for basic authentication. No
password Password needed for basic authentication. No
maxDownloadTime Maximum time in seconds the download can take. The default value is 0 (no maximum time). No
type Liberty runtime type to download from the Liberty repository. Currently, the following types are supported: kernel, webProfile6, webProfile7, and javaee7. Only used if runtimeUrl is not set. The default value is webProfile6. No


  1. Install using Liberty repository.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      install {
          licenseCode = "<license code>"
  1. Install from a specific location.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      install {
          licenseCode = "<license code>"
          runtimeUrl = "<url to runtime.jar>"
  1. Install Liberty runtime with all Java EE 7 features using Liberty repository.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      install {
          type = "javaee7"
  1. Install from a specific location using a zip file.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      install {
          runtimeUrl="<url to wlp*.zip>"

deploy task

The deploy task supports deployment of one or more applications to the Liberty Profile server.


Attribute Description Required
file Location of a single application to be deployed. The application type can be war, ear, rar, eba, zip, or jar. Yes, only when a single file will be deployed.
dir Location of the directory where are the applications to be deployed. Yes, only when multiples files will be deployed and file is not specified.
include Comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included. All files are included when omitted. No
exclude Comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded. No files are excluded when omitted. No

Deploy's properties must be set up in the deploy closure inside the liberty closure.

  1. Deploys a single file.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      installDir = 'c:/wlp'
      serverName = 'myServer'
      deploy {
          file = 'c:/files/app.war'
  1. Deploy multiple files. Specifically, deploy app.war and sample.war but exclude test-war.war.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty { 
      installDir = 'c:/wlp'
      serverName = 'myServer'
      deploy {
          dir = 'c:/files'
          include = 'app.war, sample.war'
          exclude = 'test-war.war'
  1. Deploy multiple files using multiple closures.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty { 
      installDir = 'c:/wlp'
      serverName = 'myServer'
      deploy {
          file = 'c:/files/app.war'

      deploy {
          file = 'c:/resources/test.war'
      deploy {
          dir = 'c:/extras'
          include = 'sample.war, demo.war'

The following examples shows you how to deploy a file using the WAR or the EAR Gradle plugins:

    /* Deploys 'sample.war' using the WAR plugin */
    apply plugin: 'war'

    war {
        destinationDir = new File ('C:/files')
        archiveName = 'sample.war'

destinationDir and archiveName are native properties of Gradle's WAR plugin. For more information see here.

    /* Deploys 'test.ear' using the EAR plugin */
    apply plugin: 'ear'

    ear {
        destinationDir = new File ('C:/files')
        archiveName = 'test.ear'

destinationDir and archiveName are native properties of Gradle's EAR plugin. For more information see here.

undeploy task

The undeploy task supports undeployment of one or more applications from the Liberty Profile server.


Attribute Description Required
application Name of the application to be undeployed. Yes, only when a single application will be undeployed.
include Comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included. All files are included when omitted. No
exclude Comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded. No files are excluded when omitted. No

Undeploy's properties must be set up in the undeploy closure inside the liberty closure.


  1. Undeploys a single application.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      installDir = 'c:/wlp'
      serverName = 'myServer'
      undeploy {
          application = 'app.war'
  1. Undeploy multiple applications. Specifically, undeploy app.war and sample.war but exclude test-war.war.
  apply plugin: 'liberty'

  liberty {
      installDir = 'c:/wlp'
      serverName = 'myServer'
      undeploy {
          include = 'app.war, sample.war'
          exclude = 'test-war.war'

If no property is set for the undeploy closure, but the EAR or WAR plugin is being used and their properties destinationDir and archiveName are declared, this will be the application that will be undeployed. Otherwise, all the applications available in the server at the moment of the execution will be undeployed.

installFeature task

The installFeature task installs a feature packaged as a Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to the Liberty runtime.


Attribute Description Required
featureName Specifies the name of the Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to be installed. The value can be a feature name, a file name or a URL. Yes
acceptLicense Accept feature license terms and conditions. The default value is false. No
whenFileExists Specifies the action to take if a file to be installed already exits. Use fail to abort the installation, ignore to continue the installation and ignore the file that exists, and replace to overwrite the existing file. No
to Specifies feature installation location. Set to usr to install as a user feature. Otherwise, set it to any configured product extension location. The default value is usr. No

The following example shows what properties must be set up to install the mongodb-2.0 feature to your server:

apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = "c:/wlp"

    features {
        name = ['mongodb-2.0']
        acceptLicense = true

Also is possible install multiple features in a single closure, for example:

/* Install 'mongodb-2.0' and 'ejbLite-3.1' features using a single closure. */
apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = "c:/wlp"

    features {
        name = ['mongodb-2.0', 'ejbLite-3.1']
        acceptLicense = true

UninstallFeature task

The uninstallFeature task uninstall a feature packaged as a Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to the Liberty runtime.


Attribute Description Required
featureName Specifies the name of the Subsystem Archive (ESA file) to be uninstalled. The value can be a feature name, a file name or a URL. Yes

The following example shows what propertie will be uninstall the mongodb-2.0 Feature to your server:

apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = "c:/wlp"

    uninstallfeatures {
        name = ['mongodb-2.0']

Also is possible uninstall multiple features in a single closure, for example:

/* Uninstall 'mongodb-2.0', 'monitor-1.0' and 'oauth-2.0' features using a single closure. */
apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = "c:/wlp"

    uninstallfeatures {
        name = ['mongodb-2.0', 'monitor-1.0', 'oauth-2.0']

clean task

The clean task deletes every file in the ${wlp_output_dir}/logs, ${wlp_output_dir}/workarea, ${wlp_user_dir}/dropins or ${wlp_user_dir}/apps.


Attribute Description Required
logs Delete all the files in the ${wlp_output_dir}/logs directory. The default value is true. No
workarea Delete all the files in the ${wlp_output_dir}/workarea directory. The default value is true. No
dropins Delete all the files in the ${wlp_user_dir}/dropins directory. The default value is false. No
apps Delete all the files in the ${wlp_user_dir}/apps directory. The default value is false. No

The following example removes every app deployed to the ${userDir}/dropins and every file in the ${wlp_output_dir}/workarea and ${wlp_output_dir}/logs directories:

apply plugin: 'liberty'

liberty {
    installDir = "c:/wlp"
    serverName = 'Server'

    cleanDir {
        dropins = true

Note: If you want to delete files from ${wlp_output_dir}/workarea and ${wlp_output_dir}/logs directories, the server needs to be stopped.


Gradle plugins for managing Liberty profile servers #devops







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