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How to implement DDD

Sinopac CMS Architecture - HackMD



Introduction to 3 steps


  1. Business Diagnosis
    • Business Event
    • Business Logic
    • Business Category
  2. Strategic Modeling
    • Bounded Context
    • Context Mapping
  3. Tactical Modeling
    • Value Object
    • Entity
    • Aggregate
    • Repository
    • Domain Services
    • Domain Events
    • Modules

Business Diagnosis(1st step)

Defines the boundary of each domain and solutions

Domain experts, Design team, and Dev team discuss by Event Storming


  • Clarify business problems domain and business expectations.
  • Ubiquitous language
  • Determine the Domain Events, Domain Objects, Domain Behaviors

Strategic Modeling(2nd step)

Defines the structure and method of implementation.

Depart each domain into more sub-domains


  • The sub-domains
  • The boundary of each domain and their priority (Boundary Context)
  • Their relationships and how they interact (Context Mapping)

Tactical Modeling(3rd step)

Defines how to code them.

Sino CMS Arch.drawio.png

Strategic Modeling


Depart the Domain

$$ \begin{matrix} &\text{Domain} &= &\text{Problem Space} + \text{Solution Space}\\ \\ &\text{Problem Space} &= &\text{Core Domain} + \sum\text{Supporting Subdomain} + \sum\text{Generic Subdomain}\\ \\ &\text{Solution Subdomain} &= &\sum\text{Bounded Context} + \sum\text{Context Mapping} \end{matrix} $$

Problem Space

The departure of the Problem Space is based on the business target

Core Domain

  • The most valuable part
  • Takes the greatest effort
  • e.g. The editor

Supporting Subdomain

  • Support the core domain
  • Should be implemented by our-self
  • e.g. The infra

Generic Subdomain

  • Provides services for Core Domain and Supporting Subdomain
  • Generally are ready-made tools
  • e.g. Authentication

Solution Space

The departure of the Solution Space is based on subdomains defined by Problem Space

Bounded Context

  • The same word in different Bounded Contexts would have different meanings(e.g. an Account in a blog, game or bank having different definitions)
  • All Bounded Contexts are separate. We can be relieved to do any stuff in a Bounded Context without caring about others.
  • Very good for separating the micro-services(*but a micro-service might not be a Bounded Context)
  • Optimally, one Subdomain to one Bounded Context
  • How do determine Bounded Contexts?
    1. By Linguistic
      • the words with close definitions
      • the words with close names have different meanings in different sentence contexts.
      • be careful to define duplicated Bounded Context
    2. By Business Capability
  • What is a good Bounded Context
    • Autonomy
    • 1 Bounded Context to 1 Subdomain
  • Myths
    1. Only do one times analysis: formally, a system might start from one Bounded Context or many different sizes of Bounded Contexts
    2. Separate by layers or techs: separate by Database, Infrastructure, Controller Layer, Domain Layer, or framework is not a good idea.
    3. Separate by tasks: If there is a new feature, we have batter judge that should we create a new Bounded Context for it or not.

Context Mapping

  • Defines how Bounded Contexts communicate and their relationships
  • There are 8 modes:
    1. Shared Kernel

      2 Bounded Contexts sharing the same module, then they are Shared Kernel relationship

      • Minimize the shared kernel bound
      • Have batter pass their Bounded Contexts testings
      • e.g. 審核頁面Context編輯頁面Context 之間都需要有Page Entity


    2. Partnership

      2 Bounded Context need cooperate to with each other, or the task would get fail

      • Without an up/downstream relationship


    3. Anti-corruption Layer(ACL)

      Like an adapter, ACL would transform the data from upstream to the data which downstream can accept.

      • bidirectional or single directional
      • could be a service
      • could apply FACADE design pattern to hide the complex transformations
      • without any business logic
      • emphasis is not on the direction but on the mechanism of transformation
      • e.g. 編輯Context中的儲存,與儲存至bucket Context須要轉換為靜態html


    4. Open Host Service/Published Language

      Upstream defines a protocol let any downstream could use to define what service they need.

      • Generally, this happens when 1 upstream provides services for multiple downstream, it’s too expansive to implement all ACLs for all downstream

      • Implement with Published Language, which defines the protocol format(e.g. XML, JSON, Protocol Buffer, etc.)


    5. Separate Way

      When the dependent relation of 2 Bounded Contexts is too complex or too expansive.

    • e.g. 編輯Context中編輯者可能希望有類似commit功能,但我們儲存時只採用html,因此採取Separate Way,將commit功能與編輯Context分離
    1. Big Ball of Mud

      Just literally, the system might mix into a lump already

      • sometimes others need to add an ACL when communicating with it
      • should carefully modify the internal
    2. Customer-Supplier



    3. Conformist



An eCommerce example

Before applying Strategic Design:


First, we should determine the Problem Space

  1. Core Domain: Recommendation System
  2. Supporting Subdomain: Purchasing Requirements
  3. Supporting Subdomain: Inventory Requirements
  4. Generic Subdomain: Resource Planning

Secondly, determine the Bounded Context

After applying Strategic Design:



Applying Tactical Design would maybe like this:


Therefore, the project structure might be like this:

├── catalog
│   ├── applicationService
│   ├── domain
│   └── infrastructure
├── identity
│   ├── applicationService
│   ├── domain
│   └── infrastructure
└── purchase
    ├── applicationService
    ├── domain
    └── infrastructure

Tactical Modeling


Value Object [domain object]: Don’t care about the life cycle

  • Some key points:

    • Without ID: we only care about what are they not who.
    • Immutability: therefore, if we want to update the value of a Value Object, we need to copy all attributes from this to the other.
    • Conceptual Whole: a Value Object could contain many attributes, all attributes establish a Value Object.
    • Equality: since Value Objects without ID, therefore, a Value Object have all same attributes as the other, we say they are equality
    • No side effects: It is just an attribute of Entity
  • A simple implement, here we have a Product and a Money struct. Money is a Value Object.

    LF_Golang/ddd/value_object at series/ddd · yiting-tom/LF_Golang

    package main
    import (
    	log ""
    // Product 
    type Product struct {
    	Name string
    	Cost *Money
    	l    *log.Logger
    // NewProduct creates a new product
    func NewProduct(name string, cost *Money, l *log.Logger) (*Product, error) {
    	if name == "" {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("name must not be empty")
    	return &Product{Name: name, Cost: cost, l: l}, nil
    // AddCost adds cost to Money of the product
    func (p *Product) AddCost(amount int) error {
    	newCost, err := p.Cost.AddAmount(amount)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	p.Cost = newCost
    	return nil
    // Money is a value object
    type Money struct {
    	Amount   int
    	Currency string
    // NewMoney creates a new Money
    func NewMoney(amount int, currency string) (*Money, error) {
    	if amount < 0 {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("amount must be positive")
    	return &Money{Amount: amount, Currency: currency}, nil
    // AddAmount adds amount to Money, and returns a new Money
    func (m *Money) AddAmount(amount int) (*Money, error) {
    	if amount < 0 {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("amount must be positive")
    	newAmount := m.Amount + amount
    	return NewMoney(newAmount, m.Currency)
    func main() {
    	p := Product{
    		Name: "coffee",
    		Cost: &Money{
    			Amount:   100,
    			Currency: "NTD",
    		l: log.New(),
    	// just for demo
    	m, _ := json.Marshal(p)
    	fmt.Printf("P = %+v", string(m))

Entity [domain object]: Do care about the life cycle

  • Some key points:

    • With ID: even 2 entities with all same attributes but if they don’t have the same ID they still are not the same.
    • Mutable: except ID, all attributes are mutable
    • Long lifetime: an Entity even would not be destroyed
    • Complex: a system with more Entities would get more complicated, therefore, we should seriously decide whether it should be an Entity or not.
  • A simple implement, here we have an Address Value Object and a User Entity. (but generally, if the Entity is an Aggregate Root. Generate the Entity by the Repository would be a great way)

    LF_Golang/ddd/entiry at series/ddd · yiting-tom/LF_Golang

    package main
    import (
    // Address is a value object for address of a User
    type Address struct {
    	City   string
    	County string
    	Street string
    	Detail string
    // User is an entity
    type User struct {
    	Id      uuid.UUID
    	Name    string
    	Address *Address
    // NewUser creates a new user with auto-generated uuid as id
    func NewUser(name string, address *Address) (*User, error) {
    	// generate uuid
    	newId, err := uuid.NewRandom()
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate uuid: %w", err)
    	return &User{
    		Id:      newId,
    		Name:    name,
    		Address: address,
    	}, nil
    // SetAddress sets the address of the user
    func (u *User) SetAddress(address *Address) {
    	u.Address = address
    // Equals checks if two users are equal
    func (u *User) Equals(other *User) bool {
    	return u.Id == other.Id
    // String returns the string representation of the user
    func (u *User) String() string {
    	m, err := json.Marshal(u)
    	if err != nil {
    	return string(m)
    func main() {
    	// create a user
    	user1, _ := NewUser("John", &Address{
    		City:   "New York",
    		County: "New York",
    		Street: "Wall Street",
    		Detail: "No. 1",
    	user2, _ := NewUser("John", &Address{
    		City:   "New York",
    		County: "New York",
    		Street: "Wall Street",
    		Detail: "No. 1",
    	// print user
    	fmt.Printf("user1: %s\nuser2: %s\n", user1.String(), user2.String())
    	fmt.Printf("user1 equal to user2: %v",user1.Equals(user2))

Aggregate [domain object]: Provides Invariant for many objects and their relationships

  • Some key points:

    • Zone: defines relationships of objects and their states update, so which?
      1. Relationships of models
      2. Bounds of these relationships
      3. Method to store models and relationships
      4. Should create a Repository for each Entity or not
    • A unit of states update: Aggregate is a set of models and their relationships. It would be seen as a unit when updating the states.
    • Need a leader: every Aggregate needs an Entity to be the leader, we call the Entity an Aggregate Root. Every event passing or state update needs to be sent by Aggregate Root.
  • Illustration

    Before applying aggregate


    After applying aggregate, The Order is the leader of this Aggregate


  • Design principle

    1. The Aggregate Root(is an Entity) must be unique in this Bounded Context, Its ID can not be reused in other Aggregate Roots.
    2. Aggregate Root needs to check all rules in this Bounded Context
    3. Aggregate Root is the only port to external.
    4. Only Aggregate Root could access the database.
    5. Deletion would delete the entire Aggregate.
    6. Even just updating a part of Aggregate. It still should satisfy all rules of this Aggregate(therefore, every operation should do to the entire Aggregate)
  • In an implementation, Aggregate is much more like a concept, not an object. Therefore, generally, it would be defined as an abstract class.

Factory Pattern: handle the birth of objects

  • Why do we need it?
    • Aggregate is combined by multiple objects, therefore, when we create a new Aggregate it would be hard.
    • When creating an Aggregate, it might reference other Aggregate Root IDs. If there are so many Aggregates that have to be created the reference relationship would be messy.
  • How to use it?
    • Aggregate produce Aggregate:

      e.g. A Forum can generate many Discussions, and a Discussion can be added many Post, so at first, we might have an Aggregate like this:


      consider that:

      1. A website might have many Forum
      2. A Forum might have many Discussion
      3. A Discussion might have many Post
      4. Each User can create their Discussions
      5. Each User can publish their Posts

      In the previous graph, it would be weird that if a user is modifying a Discussion content, the others can not publish any Posts, so we separate it into 3 Aggregates:


      Then we found that if a Discussion need to be created and the referenced Forum has been shut off. We can not create the Discussion, so we modify the 2nd image into:


      After modified, the dotted lines are Factory Pattern, a Forum can produce a Discussion by the startDiscussion() function, and a Discussion can produce a Post by calling the post() function.

    • implementation of Forum and Discussion Aggregates. The Forum would generate a Discussion by calling the startDiscussion() function.

      LF_Golang/ddd/factory_pattern at series/ddd · yiting-tom/LF_Golang

      package main
      import (
      	log ""
      type Forum struct {
          id uuid.UUID
          Closed bool
          Subject string
          Description string
      // StartDiscussion create a new discussion
      func (f *Forum) StartDiscussion(author *Author, subject string) (*Discussion, error) {
          // check if forum is closed
          if f.Closed {
              return nil, fmt.Errorf("Forum is closed")
          dId, err := uuid.NewRandom()
          if err != nil {
              return nil, err
          // create a new discussion and return it
          return &Discussion{
              id: dId,
              Author: author,
              Subject: subject,
          }, nil
      type Discussion struct {
          id uuid.UUID
          ForumId uuid.UUID
          Author *Author
          Subject string
      type Author struct {
          id uuid.UUID
          Name string
      func main() {
          aId, _ := uuid.NewRandom()
          author := &Author{
              id: aId,
              Name: "John Doe",
          fId, _ := uuid.NewRandom()
          forum := &Forum{
              id: fId,
              Closed: false,
              Subject: "Go",
              Description: "For discussion about Go",
          d, _ := forum.StartDiscussion(author, "Go is a programming language")
          fmt.Printf("%+v\n", d)

Repository: handle the life and end of objects

  • Why do we need Repositories?

    • The Domain Objects have business logic, but these objects need to be stored still.
    • We use Repository to manage the save/load of Aggregate, and ensure the separation of Domain Model and Data Model
    • Easy to test(using Mock data and Mock infrastructure)
  • How to implement a repository and what should we be aware of?

    • 1 Repository 1 Aggregate
    • A Repository is an explicit contract.
    • The repository only can access states by the Aggregate Root
    • Provides a Façade Pattern for hiding the details
    • Defines the boundary of a Domain Model and a Data Model
  • e.g. Implementation of an Order Repository

    LF_Golang/ddd/repository_pattern at series/ddd · yiting-tom/LF_Golang

    1. Define all interfaces in the Domain Layer
    // location: domain/order/order.go
    package order
    import ""
    // OrderId is the unique identifier of an Order and it should be a Value Object
    type OrderId struct {
        // and other fields
    // Order is an Entity
    type Order struct {
        id OrderId
        // and other fields
    // OrderRepository is the interface for the OrderRepository
    type OrderRepository interface {
        GetById(id OrderId) (*Order, error)
        Save(order *Order) error
        Remove(id OrderId) error
    1. Implement all interfaces in the Infrastructure Layer
    // location: infrastructure/persistence/order/order_repository.go
    package order
    import (
    // SqlOrderRepository implements the OrderRepository interface
    type SqlOrderRepository struct {
        db *sql.DB
        // and other fields
    // NewSqlOrderRepository returns a new SqlOrderRepository
    func NewSqlOrderRepository(db *sql.DB) *SqlOrderRepository {
        return &SqlOrderRepository{
            db: db,
            // and other fields
    // GetById returns the order with the given order.OrderId
    func (r *SqlOrderRepository) GetById(id order.OrderId) (*order.Order, error) {
        // do what should be done to get the order
        return nil, nil
    // Save saves the order
    func (r *SqlOrderRepository) Save(order *order.Order) error {
        // do what should be done to save the order
        return nil
    // Remove removes the Order with the given order.OrderId
    func (r *SqlOrderRepository) Remove(id order.OrderId) error {
        // do what should be done to remove the order
        return nil

Application Service

  • What is an Application Service?
    • Operates the Domain Models and passes business logic from the interface(external service) to Domain Model
    • Focus on use cases not the details of interactions with external service
  • Applying the Clean Architecture(Screaming Architecture), so for each use case would be a single file having the following characters:
    1. Input (Request Model) struct
    2. Output (Response Model) struct
    3. A class named by use case
      • implement execute(input): output method
      • Clients can only access execute() method
    • e.g. Implement a RegisterMember Application Service

      // application_service/member/registerMember.go
      package order
      // ApplicationService is the interface for the application service
      type ApplicationService interface {
          // Execute is the entry point for the application service
          Execute(ApplicationServiceInput) (*ApplicationServiceOutput, error)
      // ApplicationServiceInput is the input for the ApplicationService
      type ApplicationServiceInput struct {}
      // ApplicationServiceOutput is the output for the ApplicationService
      type ApplicationServiceOutput struct {}
      // RegisterMemberInput is the input for the RegisterMember application service
      type RegisterMemberInput struct {
          Name string
          Email string                    
          Password string
      // RegisterMemberOutput is the output for the RegisterMember application service
      type RegisterMemberOutput struct {
          Success bool
          Member *MemberDto
          ErrorMessage string
      // MemberDto is the data transfer object for the Member
      type MemberDto struct {
          Name string
          Email string
      // RegisterMember is the application service for registering a new member
      type RegisterMember struct {
          // should have repository and other fields
          // but for the sake of the example we will leave it empty
          // repo *MemberRepository
      // NewRegisterMember returns a new RegisterMember application service
      func NewRegisterMember() *RegisterMember {
          return &RegisterMember{}
      // Execute executes the application service
      func (r *RegisterMember) Execute(input RegisterMemberInput) *RegisterMemberOutput {
          // do what should be done to register the member
          // it would operates the domain model and the repository
          return &RegisterMemberOutput{
              Success: true,
              Member: &MemberDto{
                  Name: input.Name,
                  Email: input.Email,
              ErrorMessage: "",

Domain Event

  • What is a Domain Event?

    • Something that happened in the domain that we want other parts of the same domain to be aware of and may do some react to the events.
    • When the Domain Experts said: “when … then …”, “if … then …”
  • How to implement Domain Events? take a simple illustration:


    1. Aggregate creates an Event
    2. Aggregate use Event Publisher to publish an Event
    3. The Subscriber can receive this Event by 3 ways:
      1. Event Storing Sub: Store the Event
      2. Easy Sub: Subscriber and Publisher are in the same Bounded Context
      3. Cross-System Sub: The Event would be forwarded by a Message Queue(Infrastructure) from this Bounded Context to the other.
    • e.g. Implement this Event: “When publishing a page, we need to check if this page has been approved be a project manager.

      We can do this analysis:

      • Command: Publish Page
      • Aggregate: Page, Admin
      • Output Event: PagePublished

      implement these 3 ways:

      • Callback method: passing callback for Domain Model to Handle, but this way only work when 1 Event 1 Sub

        LF_Golang/ddd/domain_event/1_callback_method at series/ddd · yiting-tom/LF_Golang

        • First, we need to define the admin and page domain, and we define the page_published Domain Event in domain/page/events

          // domain/page/events/page_published.go
          package events
          import (
          // DomainEvent is the base struct for all domain events.
          type DomainEvent struct {
          	occurredAt time.Time
          	name       string
          	version    string
          // PagePublished is the domain event for a page being published.
          type PagePublished struct {
          	PageId  string
          	AdminId uuid.UUID
          // NewPagePublished returns a new PagePublished domain event.
          // the occurredAt field is set to the current time.
          func NewPagePublished(pageId string, adminId uuid.UUID, version string) *PagePublished {
          	return &PagePublished{
          		DomainEvent: DomainEvent{
          			occurredAt: time.Now(),
          			name:       "PagePublished",
          			version:    version,
          		PageId:  pageId,
          		AdminId: adminId,

          and here is the page domain model, we add a new field into page struct named PagePublishedHandlers, which could keep the PagePublishedHandler list, only when PublishPage (Application Service) calling Publish method defined in page domain model

          // domain/page/page.go
          package page
          import (
          // Page is the domain model for a page.
          type Page struct {
          	ID                    string
          	Title                 string
          	Content               string
          	State                 PageState
          	CreatedAt             time.Time
          	UpdatedAt             time.Time
          	CreatedBy             uuid.UUID
          	UpdatedBy             uuid.UUID
          	PagePublishedHandlers []PagePublishedHandler
          // PageState is the state of a page.
          type PageState struct {
          	s string
          var (
          	Draft       = PageState{"draft"}
          	Published   = PageState{"published"}
          	Unpublished = PageState{"unpublished"}
          	Archived    = PageState{"archived"}
          // PageRepository is the interface for the PageRepository defined at infrastructure's persistence.
          type PageRepository interface {
          	GetById(id string) (*Page, error)
          	Create(page *Page) error
          	Update(pageId string, page *Page) error
          	Remove(id string) error
          // PagePublishedHandler is a function which is called when a page is published.
          type PagePublishedHandler func(*events.PagePublished)
          // AddPagePublishedHandler adds a PagePublishedHandler to the list of PagePublishedHandlers.
          func (p *Page) AddPagePublishedHandler(handler PagePublishedHandler) {
          	p.PagePublishedHandlers = append(p.PagePublishedHandlers, handler)
          func (p *Page) Publish(adminId uuid.UUID) {
          	event := events.NewPagePublished(p.ID, adminId, "1.0")
          	for _, handler := range p.PagePublishedHandlers {
        • Second, define the publish_page Application Service in app/page/publish_page.go

          // app/page/publish_page.go
          package page
          import (
          // PublishPageInput is the input for the PublishPage.
          type PublishPageInput struct {
          	PageId  string
          	AdminId uuid.UUID
          // PublishPageOutput is the output for the PublishPage.
          type PublishPageOutput struct {
          	err error
          	// and other outputs
          // PublishPage is the application service for publishing a page.
          type PublishPage struct {
          	pageRepository  page.PageRepository
          	adminRepository admin.AdminRepository
          	// just for example
          	publishBucket interface{}
          // NewPublishPage returns a new PublishPage application service.
          func NewPublishPage(pageRepository page.PageRepository, adminRepository admin.AdminRepository) *PublishPage {
          	return &PublishPage{
          		pageRepository:  pageRepository,
          		adminRepository: adminRepository,
          		publishBucket:   nil,
          // Execute is the entry point for the PublishPage application service.
          func (s *PublishPage) Execute(input PublishPageInput) PublishPageOutput {
          	// 1. get the page from the repository
          	page, err := s.pageRepository.GetById(input.PageId)
          	if err != nil {
          		return PublishPageOutput{err: err}
          	// go func() {
          	// 	s.publishBucket.Publish(page)
          	// }()
          	return PublishPageOutput{
          		err: nil,
          func (s *PublishPage) OnPagePublished(event *events.PagePublished) {
          	// do something
      • Publisher directly publish: A DomainEventPublisher would handle the Pub/Sub process

        • First, we need the DomainEventPublisher which would be defined in infrastructure

          // infrastructure/pubsub/pubsub.go
          package pubsub
          import "time"
          // DomainEvent is the base struct for all domain events.
          type DomainEvent struct {
          	occurredAt time.Time
          	name       string
          	version    string
          // DomainEventHandler is the type of the handler function for a domain event.
          type DomainEventHandler func(DomainEvent)
          // DomainEventPublisher is the publisher for domain events.
          type DomainEventPublisher struct {
          	// an Event could have many subscribers
          	handlersMap map[string]([]DomainEventHandler)
          // NewDomainEventPublisher returns a new DomainEventPublisher.
          func NewDomainEventPublisher() (*DomainEventPublisher, error) {
          	return &DomainEventPublisher{
          		handlersMap: make(map[string]([]DomainEventHandler)),
          	}, nil
          // Register registers a handler for a given event name.
          func (p *DomainEventPublisher) Register(name string, handler DomainEventHandler) {
          	// check if the name is already registered
          	if _, ok := p.handlersMap[name]; ok {
          		p.handlersMap[name] = append(p.handlersMap[name], handler)
          	// if not, create a new slice to store the handler
          	p.handlersMap[name] = []DomainEventHandler{handler}
          // ClearHandler clears all handlers for a given event name.
          func (p *DomainEventPublisher) ClearHandlers(name string) {
          	p.handlersMap[name] = []DomainEventHandler{}
          // Publish publishes a domain event to all handlers for the event name.
          func (p *DomainEventPublisher) Publish(event DomainEvent) {
          	eventName :=
          	if _, ok := p.handlersMap[eventName]; ok {
          		for _, handler := range p.handlersMap[eventName] {
          // PublishAll publishes all domain events to all handlers.
          func (p *DomainEventPublisher) PublishAll(events []DomainEvent) {
          	for _, event := range events {
        • Second, the Application Service need to be update

Domain Service



A handbook for recording my learning footprint about DDD






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