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This package is used to automatically generate kdotp effective Hamiltonians, developed based on the kdotp-symmetry package by D. Gresch.

To use this package, users can either input their symmetry data and compute the effective Hamiltonians, or directly refer to the pre-computed results for magnetic space groups (MSGs) in the MSG_kp_results folder.

If you are using this package, please cite the following works:


Pip is used to install the package:

pip install kdotp-generator

The pre-computed results for MSGs are not included in the pip installation. They can be downloaded from the MSG_kp_results folder in the Github page of this package.

Recently, we also add a new folder MSG_kp_results_pair, which contains the kp results for any pair of irreducible representations.


Two examples are given in the examples folder, i.e., and, which calculate the effective Hamiltonians for k and (E, B), respectively, for non-magnetic space group 123 P4/mmm, representation $\Gamma_6, \Gamma_9$, up to the second order.

File in this folder can be used to generate O(3) rotation matrices in Cartesian coordinates.


Three parameters need to be specified to run the main function symmetric_hamiltonian:

  1. symmetry_operations
  2. kp_variable
  3. order


The symmetry operations of the group generators. They are generated using python dictionary, with three keys:

  • rotation_matrix: the O(3) (real-space) rotation matrix of the operation.
  • repr_matrix: the representation matrix of the operation, either reducible or irreducible.
  • repr_has_cc: a boolean flag to determine whether the operation is unitary or anti-unitary. If repr_has_cc=True, the operation becomes g*T, with g being unitary and specified in rotation_matrix, and repr_matrix contains a complex conjugation.

Both rotation_matrix and repr_matrix are recommended to use sympy.Matrix(), and non-integer numbers should be typed by sympy.Rational() and sympy.sqrt(). If there are exponential numbers, converting them to square numbers is more efficient to compute, e.g., sp.exp(I*Pi/4)=(sp.sqrt(2)+sp.sqrt(2)*I)/2.


The variable of the effective Hamiltonians. When using the default value 'k', the kp Hamiltonian is calculated. Other variables include 'E', 'B', and 'e' (the strain tensor epsilon), as well as combinations of them like 'k E', 'k B', and 'E B' (use space to separate different variables). Three or more variables may also be used, but the computation could be very slow.


The order of the Hamiltonian to be computed. If kp_variable contains only one variable, order=[n], while if kp_variable contains two variables, order=[n1,n2].

The monomial basis is automatically generated from order and kp_variable:

>>>import kdotp_generator as kp
>>> kp.monomial_basis([1], kp_variable='k')
[kx, ky, kz]
>>> kp.monomial_basis([2], kp_variable='k')
[kx**2, kx*ky, kx*kz, ky**2, ky*kz, kz**2]
>>> kp.monomial_basis([1,1], kp_variable='E B')
[Bx*Ex, By*Ex, Bz*Ex, Bx*Ey, By*Ey, Bz*Ey, Bx*Ez, By*Ez, Bz*Ez]

Optional parameters

There are also three optional parameters repr_basis, msg_num, and kvec. The last two are used to specify the MSG number and the conventional coordinate of the little group. When specified, the Hamiltonian is decomposed into symmetric bases of monomial functions f(k) and hermitian matrices, while if not, the Hamiltonian is decomposed simply by monomial functions.

The repr_basis parameter specifies what hermitian matrix basis is adopted, which can be 'pauli' (default value), 'auto', or other user-specified bases. The dimension of the hermitian matrices is determined by the representation matrices.

When repr_basis='auto', the natural basis of n-dimensional hermitian matrices is used. When repr_basis='pauli':

  • If dim=2, the 4 Pauli matrices are used, denoted by s_i, i=0~3.
  • If dim=4, the 16 Gamma matrices are used, denoted by Gamma_ij, i,j=0~3.
    The cases of dim=2^n are similar.
  • If dim=3, the 9 Gellmann matrices are used, denoted by G_i, i=0~8.
  • If dim=6, the 4*9 Pauli matrices direct product with Gellmann matrices are used, denoted by G_ij, i=0-3, j=0-8. The cases of dim=3 *2^n are similar.
  • For other dimensions, the natural basis of hermitian matrices is used.

Users can use the hermitian_pauli_basis function check the matrix form of basis:

>>>import kdotp_generator as kp
[1, 0],
[0, 1]]), Matrix([
[0, 1],
[1, 0]]), Matrix([
[0, -I],
[I,  0]]), Matrix([
[1,  0],
[0, -1]])]
>>> kp.hermitian_pauli_basis_symbols(dim=2)
['s_0', 's_1', 's_2', 's_3']


An example output is listed below:

# ===  Result of msg 10.44  GM3d_GM4d  order = [1]  ===
Matrix([[kz, 0], [0, kz]])
Basis vector: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

Decomposed basis using linear IR: 1 GM1  
Coefficient basis:

Matrix basis:
Symbol: s_0   Expression: Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) 

For each independent kp basis, there are 5 parts:

  • The matrix form of the Hamiltonian.
  • The basis vector, written in the direct product basis, i.e., monomial basis direct product with the hermitian matrix basis. For example, when order=1 and dim=2, the basis is: [kx*S_0, kx*S_1, kx*S_2, kx*S_3, ky*S_0, ky*S_1, ky*S_2, ky*S_3, kz*S_0, kz*S_1, kz*S_2, kz*S_3]
  • Linear IR: the linear irreducible corepresentation (coirrep) label of the decomposed basis. The definition of linear coirreps can be found in the MSG_kp_results folder.
  • Coefficient basis and Matrix basis: the decomposed symmetric basis. When fails to decompose into symmetric basis, the output will be marked as not symmetric. This message only means the decomposition fails, and the kp results are still correct.
  • The output k-monomials are written in basis of kx,ky,kz. Note that they represent three directions of the coordinate system of the input O(3) rotation matrices (not necessarily cartesian coordinates). For example, for trigonal and hexagonal lattice systems, the rotation matrices on Bilbao are not orthogonal matrices, but written in the conventional lattices. If one wants to compute the kp Hamilonians in cartesian coordinates, the input rotation matrices must also be written in cartesian coordinates ( in the example folder can be used to generate O(3) rotation matrices in Cartesian coordinates).

Pre-computed results

We have pre-computed kp results in the MSG_kp_results folder and MSG_kp_results_pair folder, which contain the kp Hamiltonians of a single IRREP and a pair of IRREPs, respectively. In the MSG_kp_results folder, there are 1651 subfolders that contain the results of 1651 Shubinikov space groups, with kp results written in conventional lattice. There is also a file in this folder which can help read certain kp results of given MSG number, IRREP label, and kp variable (github shows only 1000 files on the webpage, and this file is hidden, but can be seen by downloading the data).


There are a few tips on the usage of this package:

  • For order>3 and dim>8, the computation could be very slow (~ a few hours).
  • In the package, the strain tensor epsilon $e_{uv}$ is treated as two independent polar vectors $e_u e_v$.

Modifications from the kdotp-symmetry package

The original kdotp-symmetry package is well-written and the main program structure is maintained in the kdop-generator package. We remark here the major modifications:

  • Generalize the input so that it can compute the effective Hamiltonians of external fields and their couplings to k.
  • Add a post-processing step to decompose the Hamiltonian into symmetrical monomial function and Hermitian matrices bases using linear coirreps.
  • Pre-compute effective Hamiltonians in magnetic space groups up to the third order.
  • Slightly improve the efficiency of the code.

Bug fixing

  • 2022.5: We update the kp results for some type-IV MSGs, which have problematic representation matrices for some antiunitary operators.


A tool for computing k.p effective Hamiltonians with couplings to external fields including E, B, and epsilon, under given symmetry constraints.







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