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CloneSquad Configuration reference

This document is focused on runtime configuration of CloneSquad. See the specific documentation about the CloneSquad deployment configuration


CloneSquad uses a multi-layered configuration system using the YAML semantic and format.

Each layer can override configuration defined in below layers.

Layer overrides by order of precedence (highest priority to lowest one):

  1. DynamodDB configuration table Parameter set,
  2. DynamodDB configuration table,
  3. Main Lambda 'ConfigurationURL' URLs,
  4. YAML URLs listed in configuration key config.loaded_files,
  5. Built-in Defaults

URLs can use the following protocols: ["s3", "http", "https", "internal"].

  • internal: references a file contained inside the Lambda filesystem,
  • s3:// references a file located into S3 with support for SigV4 authentication.

Note: If an URL resource fails to load, a warning is generated but it is safely ignored by the configuration subsystem to avoid a service malfunction. Users needs to take into account this expected behavior.

Customizing the Lambda package

The configuration subsystem allows reference to external URLs located in S3 or other Web servers. Some may have concerns that it creates dependencies to resources that could be unreachable under a Large Scale Event condition (Ex: AZ unavailability). In order to mitigate this concern, users can customize the Lambda package to embed their own configuration resources and so, be able to access them with the reliable internal: protocol scheme.

To do so, create a ZIP file containing your YAML files and push it to an S3 Bucket accessible to CloudFormation.

Tip: In the ZIP file, create a file named 'custom.config.yaml' that will be read automatically at each scheduling Lambda function launch (every 20s by default).

The Cloudformation template contains the parameter CustomizationZipParameters to inject this customization ZIP file at deployment time.

  • Format: <S3_bucket_name>:<S3_key_path_to_Zip_file>

Parameter sets

The parameter set mechanism allows dynamic configuration override. It is mainly used to enable a whole named bunch of configuration items with the single switch key config.active_parameter_set.

When set, the configuration subsystem is looking for a parameter set with the specified name.

A parameter set is a YAML dict (or using a special syntax in DynamoDB).


# Define a parameter set key aside non-paramater set keys.
ec2.schedule.min_instance_count: 2
	ec2.schedule.min_instance_count: 3
	ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count: 50%
# Activate the parameter set named 'my-pset' that will override matching non-parameter set keys.
config.active_parameter_set: my-pset   

This example shows a dynamic override of the ec2.schedule.min_instance_count and ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count keys. The configuration subsystem will evaluate the key ec2.schedule.min_instance_count to a value of 3 (instead of 2) when config.active_parameter_set is set to 'my-pset' value.

This mechanism is used in the demonstration demo-scheduled-events. The CloneSquad scheduler is used to set the config.active_parameter_set to temporarily activate a set of scaling parameters.

In the Configuration DynamoDB table, a specific syntax is used to describe key membership to a parameter set.

Example of configuration DynamoDB table with parametersets

Note: Every DynamoDB configuration keys starting by a character # are silently ignored (comment syntax).

Configuration keys


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Display all relevant configuration parameters in CloudWatch logs.

Used for debugging purpose.


Default Value: internal:predefined.config.yaml;internal:custom.config.yaml
Format : StringList

A semi-column separated list of URL to load as configuration.

Upon startup, CloneSquad will load the listed files in sequence and stack them allowing override between layers.

The default contains a reference to the empty internal file 'custom.config.yaml'. Users that intend to embed customization directly inside the Lambda delivery should override this file with their own configuration. See Customizing the Lambda package.

This key is evaluated again after each URL parsing meaning that a layer can redefine the 'config.loaded_files' to load further YAML files.


Default Value: ``
Format : String

Defines the parameter set to activate.

See Parameter sets documentation.


Default Value: ``
Format : StringList

A list of config keys that are generating a warning on usage, to disable them.

Typical usage is to avoid the 'WARNING' Cloudwatch Alarm to trigger when using a non-Stable configuration key.

Ex: ec2.schedule.key1;ec2.schedule.key2

Remember that using non-stable configuration keys, is creating risk as semantic and/or existence could change 
from CloneSquad version to version!


Default Value: seconds=20
Format : Duration

Period when the Main scheduling Lambda function is run.

The smaller, the more accurate and reactive is CloneSquad. The bigger, the cheaper is CloneSquad to run itself (Lambda executions, Cloudwatch GetMetricData, DynamoDB queries...)


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Flag to disable Main Lambda function responsible to start/stop EC2 instances.

It disables completly CloneSquad. While disabled, the Lambda will continue to be started every minute to test if this flag changed its status and allow normal operation again.

Default Value: ``
Format : StringList

List of Availability Zone names (ex: eu-west-3c) or AZ Ids (ex: euw3-az1).

Typical usage is to force a fleet to consider one or more AZs as unavailable (AZ eviction). The autoscaler will then refuse to schedule new instances on these AZs. Existing instances in those AZs are left unchanged but on scalein condition will be shutdown in priority (see to change this behavior).

This setting can be used during an AWS LSE (Large Scale Event) to manually define that an AZ is unavailable.

Note: CloneSquad also uses the EC2.describe_availability_zones() API to discover dynamically LSE events. So, setting directly this key should not be needed in most cases.

Please notice that, once an AZ is enabled again (either manually or automatically), instance fleet WON'T be rebalanced automatically:

  • If Instance bouncing is enabled, the fleet will be progressively rebalanced (convergence time will depend on the instance bouncing setting)
  • If instance bouncing is not configured, user can force a rebalancing by switching temporarily the fleet to 100% during few minutes (with ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count sets temporarily to 100%) and switch back to the original value.

Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Defines if instances running in a AZ with issues must be considered 'unavailable'

By Default, instances running in an AZ reported with issues are left untouched and these instances will only be evicted if their invidual healthchecks fail or on scalein events.

Settting this parameter to 1 will force Clonesquad to consider all the instances running in faulty AZ as 'unavailable' and so forcing their immediate replacement in healthy AZs in the region.


Default Value: ``
Format : String

Url pointing to a YAML file overriding EC2.describe_instance_status() instance states.

CloneSquad can optionaly load a YAML file containing EC2 instance status override.

The format is a dict of 'InstanceId' containing another dict of metadata:

    status: ok
    status: unhealthy

The status item can contain any of valid values returned by EC2.describe_instance_status()["InstanceStatus"]["Status"]. The valid values are ["ok", "impaired", "insufficient-data", "not-applicable", "initializing", "unhealthy"].

Please notice the special 'unhealthy' value that is a CloneSquad extension: This value can be injected to force an instance to be considered as unhealthy by the scheduler. It can be useful to debug/simulate a failure of a specific instance or to inject 'unhealthy' status coming from a non-TargetGroup source (ex: when CloneSquad is used without any TargetGroup but another external health instance source exists).


Default Value: ``
Format : StringList

List of metric pattern names to not send to Cloudwatch

This configuration key is used to do Cost optimization by filtering which CloneSquad Metrics are sent to Cloudwatch. It support regex patterns.

Ex: StaticFleet.*;NbOfBouncedInstances


Default Value: minutes=1,seconds=30
Format : Duration

The total period for a complete refresh of EC2 Instance metrics

This parameter is a way to reduce Cloudwatch cost induced by GetMetricData API calls. It defines indirectly how many alarm metrics will be polled in a single Main Lambda execution. A dedicated algorithm is used to extrapolate missing data based on previous GetMetricData API calls.

Reducing this value increase the accuracy of the scaling criteria and so, the reactivity of CloneSquad to a sudden burst of activity load but at the expense of Cloudwatch.GetMetricData API cost.

This parameter does not influence the polling of user supplied alarms that are always polled at each run.


Default Value: 1
Format : Bool

Enable or disable the Cloudwatch dashboard for CloneSquad.

The dashboard is enabled by default.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

Alarm specification to track for scaling decisions.

Ex: internal:ec2.scaleup.alarm-cpu-gt-75pc.yaml,Points=1001,BaselineThreshold=30.0

See Alarm specification documentation for more details.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

See cloudwatch.alarm00.configuration_url.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

See cloudwatch.alarm00.configuration_url.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

See cloudwatch.alarm00.configuration_url.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

See cloudwatch.alarm00.configuration_url.


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaString

See cloudwatch.alarm00.configuration_url.


Default Value: 50
Format : Integer

Maximum records to hold in the Event-LongTerm DynamodDB table

Setting this value to 0, disable logging to the LongTerm event table.


Default Value: days=5
Format : Duration

Retention time for Long-Term DynamoDB entries.

This table is used to deep-dive analysis of noticeable events encountered by a CloneSquad deployment. It is mainly used to improve CloneSquad over time by allowing easy sharing of essential data for remote debugging.


Default Value: 0
Format : PositiveInteger

Minimum number of healthy serving instances.

CloneSquad will ensure that at least this number of instances are runnning at a given time. A serving instance has passed all the health checks (if part of Target group) and is not detected with system issues.


Default Value: -1
Format : IntegerOrPercentage

If set to -1, the autoscaler controls freely the number of running instances. Set to a value different than -1, the autoscaler is disabled and this value defines the number of serving (=running & healthy) instances to maintain at all time. The ec2.schedule.min_instance_count is still authoritative and the ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count parameter cannot bring the serving fleet size below this hard lower limit.

A typical usage for this key is to set it to 100% to temporarily force all the instances to run at the same time to perform mutable maintenance (System and/or SW patching).

Tip: Setting this key to the special 100% value has also the side effect to disable all instance health check management and so ensure the whole fleet running at its maximum size in a stable manner (i.e. even if there are impaired/unhealthy instances in the fleet, they won't be restarted automatically).


Default Value: 50%
Format : IntegerOrPercentage

Maximum number of instances that could be in the CPU crediting state at the same time.

Setting this parameter to 100% could lead to fleet availability issues and so is not recommended. Under scaleout stress condition, CloneSquad will automatically stop and restart instances in CPU Crediting state but it may take time (up to 3 mins).

If you need to increase this value, it may mean that your burstable instance types are too 
small for your workload. Consider upgrading instance types instead.


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Disable the scaleout part of the autoscaler.

Setting this value to 1 makes the autoscaler scalein only.


Default Value: 5
Format : PositiveInteger

Number of instances to start per period.

This core parameter is used by the autoscaler to compute when to start a new instance under a scaleout condition. By default, it is set to 5 instances per period (see ec2.schedule.scaleout.period) that is quite a slow growth rate. This number can be increased to grow faster the running fleet under scale out condition.

Increasing too much this parameter makes the autoscaler very reactive and can lead to over-reaction inducing unexpected costs: A big value can be sustainable when CloudWatch High-Precision alarms are used allowing the autoscaler to get very quickly a feedback loop of the impact of added instances. With standard alarms from the AWS namespace, precision is at best 1 minute and the associated CloudWatch metrics can't react fast enough to inform the algorithm with accurate data.

Do not use big value there when using Cloudwatch Alarms with 1 min ou 5 mins precision.


Default Value: minutes=10
Format : Duration

Period of scaling assesment.

This parameter is strongly linked with ec2.scheduler.scaleout.rate and is used by the scaling algorithm as a devider to determine the fleet growth rate under scalout condition.


Default Value: 1
Format : Integer

Number of instances to start upfront of a new scaleout condition.

When autoscaling is enabled, the autoscaler algorithm compute when to start a new instance using its internal time-based and point-based algorithm. This parameter is used to bypass this algorithm (only at start of a scaleout sequence) and make it appears more responsive by starting immediatly the specified amount of instances.

It is not recommended to put a big value for this parameter (it is better to let the autoscaler algorithm do its smoother job instead)


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Disable the scalein part of the autoscaler.

Setting this value to 1 makes the autoscaler scaleout only.


Default Value: 3
Format : Integer

Same than ec2.schedule.scaleout.rate but for the scalein direction.

Must be a greater than 0 Integer.


Default Value: minutes=10
Format : Duration

Same than ec2.schedule.scaleout.period but for the scalein direction.

Must be a greater than 0 Integer.


Default Value: 0
Format : Integer

Number of instances to stop upfront of a new scalein condition

When autoscaling is enabled, the autoscaler algorithm compute when to drain and stop a new instance using its internal time-based and point-based algorithm. This parameter is used to bypass this algorithm (only at start of a scalein sequence) and make it appears more responsive by draining immediatly the specified amount of instances.

It is not recommended to put a big value for this parameter (it is better to let the autoscaler algorithm do its smoother job instead)


Default Value: ``
Format : MetaStringList

Policy for vertical scaling.

This setting is a core critical one and defines the vertical scaling policy. This parameter controls how the vertical scaler will prioritize usage and on-the-go instance type modifications.

By default, no vertical scaling is configured meaning all instances whatever their instance type or launch model (Spot vs On-Demand) are handled the same way.

This parameter is a MetaStringList

Ex: t3.medium,count=3,lighthouse;c5.large,spot;c5.large;c5.xlarge

Please consider reading detailed decumentation about vertical scaling to ensure proper use.


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Completly disable the LightHouse instance algorithm.

As consequence, all instances matching the 'LightHouse' directive won't be scheduled.

Typical usage for this key is to ensure the fleet always run with best performing instances. As a example, Users could consider to use this key in combination with the instance scheduler to force the fleet to be 'LightHouse' instance free on peak load hours.


Default Value: minutes=0
Format : Duration

Max instance running time before bouncing.

By default, the bouncing algorithm is disabled. When this key is defined with a duration greated than 0 second, the fleet instances are monitored for maximum age. Ex: 'days=2' means that, a instance running for more than 2 days will be bounced implying a fresh one will be started before the too old one is going to be stoppped.

Activating bouncing algorithm is a good way to keep the fleet correctly balanced from an AZ spread PoV and, if vertical scaling is enabled, from an instance type distribution PoV.

If your application supports it, activate instance bouncing.


Default Value: hours=12
Format : Duration

Maximum duration that an instance can spent in the 'CPU Crediting' state.

This parameter is a safety guard to avoid a burstable instance with a faulty high-cpu condition to induce 'unlimited' credit over spending for ever.


Default Value: 30%
Format : IntegerOrPercentage

The minimun amount CPU Credit that a burstable instance should have before to be shutdown.

This value is used by the 'CPU Crediting' algorithm to determine when a Burstable instance has gained enough credits to leave the CPU Crediting mode and be shutdown.

When specified in percentage, 100% represents the 'Maximum earned credits than be accrued in a single day'.

Ex: `30%` for a t3.medium means a minimum cpu credit of `0.3 * 576 = 172`


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Enable management of RDS databases.

Disabled by default to save Main Lambda execution time. This flag activates support of RDS instances in Static Subfleets.


Default Value: 0
Format : Bool

Enable management of TransferFamily services.

Disabled by default to save Main Lambda execution time. This flag activates support of TransferFamily services in Static Subfleets.

Configuration key formats


A duration specification expressed in 2 possible ways:

  • An Integer representing a number of seconds,

  • A MetaString following the meta keys as defined for the timedelta object

    Ex: days=1,minutes=15,seconds=20 means 1 day + 15 minutes + 20 seconds


A way to represent a string and an associated dictionary of metadata in a one-liner format.

Ex: <string_value>,<key1=val1>,<key2=val2>,<key3>
  • Omitting the value part of a meta key imply the value 'True'
  • If string_value has to contain a comma, it has to be escaped with a \


A list of MetaString separated by semi-colomn.

Ex: <string_value1>,<key1_1=val1>,<key1_2=val2>,<key1_3>;<string_value2>,<key2_1=val2_1>
  • Omitting the value part of a meta key imply the value 'True'
  • If string_valueX has to contain a comma or a semi-column, it has to be escaped with a \


A list of String seperated by semi-column.

Currently, it is managed as a MetaStringList internally so StringList is an alias to MetaStringList.

It may change in the future so do not specify meta data in keys flagged as StringList


A Integer value or a Percentage.

Ex: `1`or `30%`


A string...


A number without fractional part (Ex: -1, 0, 1, 2... etc...)


A positive Integer including the 0value.


A boolean value represented with an Integer.

0 means False. Other values mean True.