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Pointwise Mutual Information Based Metric and Decoding Strategy for Faithful Generation in Document Grounded Dialogs


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Pointwise Mutual Information Based Metric and Decoding Strategy for Faithful Generation in Document Grounded Dialogs

This repo contains the code for our paper Pointwise Mutual Information Based Metric and Decoding Strategy for Faithful Generation in Document Grounded Dialogs

In our paper, we propose:

  1. pmi-faith: a metric for quantifying faithfulness of a response to a given document
  2. pmi-decode: a decoding strategy that generates more faithful responses than simple likelihood based decoding.

Accordingly, our repo is divided into two parts:

  1. faithfulness-metrics: This folder contains code for measuring pmi-faith
  2. faithful-decode: This folder contains finetuning and inference code. It has been copied from a public repo FaithDial. To implement pmi-decode, we only modify their inference code while keeping the training part as it is.



Create a conda env using env.yaml.

conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate pmifaith
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Computing PMI-Faith

Given a grounding document, D, dialogue history, h, and a response, r, we define PMI-Faith as:

PMI-Faith(D, h, r) = log Pr ( r | D,h) - log Pr (r | h)

To compute the log probabilities, we can use any LLM. In our experiments, we use Bloom-560m to compute PMI.

As suggested by one of the reviewers, we also compute unconditional PMI as one of the metrics to quantify faithfulness. In unconditional PMI-Faith, the probabilities are not conditioned on dialogue history h. It is defined as:

Uncond-PMI-Faith(D, h, r) = log Pr ( r | D) - log Pr (r)


Checkout `notebooks/compute_faithfulness_api.ipynb' for an example.

import src.compute_faithfulness_api as faithfulness
model_name = 'bigscience/bloom-560m'
model,tokenizer = faithfulness.get_huggingface_pretrained_model(model_name, device_map = 'auto')

api = faithfulness.ComputeFaithfulness((model, tokenizer))
document = ' '
response = ' ' 
history = ' '
result = api.compute_faithfulness(document, history, response = response)


This folder contains finetuning and inference code. Finetuning code has been copied from a public repo FaithDial. To implement pmi-decode, we only modify their inference code while keeping the training part as it is. We also provide scripts to preprocess Topical-Chat and Multidoc2dial datasets into the format required by FaithDial.


Please follow the instructions in the README of FaithDial to setup the training environment. We have

cd faithful-decode
conda env create -f faithdial_conda_env.yaml
conda activate faithdial
pip install -r requirements.txt

Preprocess Topical-Chat and Multidoc2Dial

FaithDial requires data to be in a specific format for training and inference. Accordingly, we provide scripts to process Topical-Chat and MultiDoc2Dial in the required format


Please ensure that you download the Topical-Chat dataset by following the instructions in official repo:

Run the following commands to process the data:

    cd faithful-decode
    python data_preprocessing/ --conversations_dir=../../Topical-Chat/conversations --knowledge_dir=../../Topical-Chat/reading_sets/post-build --outdir=data/tc_nopersonal --split=train
    python data_preprocessing/ --conversations_dir=../../Topical-Chat/conversations --knowledge_dir=../../Topical-Chat/reading_sets/post-build --outdir=data/tc_nopersonal --split=valid_rare
    python data_preprocessing/ --conversations_dir=../../Topical-Chat/conversations --knowledge_dir=../../Topical-Chat/reading_sets/post-build --outdir=data/tc_nopersonal --split=test_rare


Please ensure that you download the multidoc2dial dataset by following the instructions in its official repo: Once you follow the download process, it will download the document and dialogue data into folder <path_to_md2d_repo>/data/multidoc2dial

Run the following commands to process the data:

    cd faithful-decode
    python data_preprocessing/ --data_dir <path_to_md2d_repo>/data/multidoc2dial

The above command will create data/multidoc2dial folder with train.json, test.json and validation.json files.


Please see faithful-decode/scripts/ script for the exact train commands. The command below will finetune bart-large model on FaithDial dataset. It will create two folders in the output_dir (trained-models/fd/bart-large/lr-5): one for best model checkpoint (best_model) and the other for the last model checkpoint (last_model)

cd faithful-decode
python models/ --model_name_or_path facebook/bart-large --do_train --output_dir trained-models/fd/bart-large/lr-5  --warmup_ratio 0.04 --max_seq_length 512 --max_history 2 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --num_train_epochs 10 --train_batch_size 32 --loss_truncation 0 --filter 0 --learning_rate 6.25e-5


Please see generate scripts within faithful-decode/scripts folder. The following command will generate responses on FaithDial test set with alpha=0.25 and masking top_p=0.6:

python models/ --model_name_or_path trained-models/fd/bart-large/lr-5/best_model --output trained-models/fd/bart-large/lr-5/generated/best_model --batch_size 32 --top_p 0.6 --pmi_weight 0.25 --pmi_decode

Computing the faithfulness-adjusted score during decoding

At each step t, PMI decoding needs to adjust the log likelihood with pmi-faith of the sequence decoded so far. We do so by defining a custom LogitProcessor: PMILogitsProcessor and pass it to the generate function in

It assumes that the first half of the batch is being decoded with document and dialogue history in the input context, and the second half of the batch is decoding the same examples as in the first half, but with only corresponding dialogue history in the input context. Logits are converted into log probabilities and pmi-faith adjusted score is computed as:

   final_score = (
               pmi_weight * (log_prob[:(batch_size//2)] - log_prob[(batch_size//2):])
               + (1.0 - self.pmi_weight) * log_prob[:(batch_size//2)]

To ensure that the same token gets selected when decoding with (1st half of the batch) and without (2nd half of the batch) document, the PMILogitsProcessor returns the same scores for the corresponding inputs (with and without document in the context) so that any non-sampling based selection (greedy or beam search) would pick the same token:

    return final_score.repeat(2,1)

Hack for sampling based method (nucleus sampling and beam sampling)

Even though the PMILogitsProcessor returns the same scores for decoding with and without document, there is no gaurantee that the same token will be selected due to randomness in the sampling based decoding strategies. To do so, we need to first sample, ignore the tokens sampled by the lower half of the batch (decoding without document), and repeat the tokens selected by the 1st half of the batch (decoding with document):

    probs = nn.functional.softmax(next_token_scores, dim=-1)
    next_tokens = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).squeeze(1)

    next_tokens[next_tokens.shape[0] // 2 :] = next_tokens[
       : next_tokens.shape[0] // 2

The above code needs to go in generate function in Transformers. We provide a modified For sampling based decoding, we need to replace the in Transformers with the modified one provided in this repo.


Pointwise Mutual Information Based Metric and Decoding Strategy for Faithful Generation in Document Grounded Dialogs







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