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Theory of operation

yo2loj edited this page Nov 23, 2014 · 2 revisions

IPIP Encapsulation

AMPRNet (also known as 44net) uses a full mesh configuration employing IPIP (IP protocol 4 - encap) tunnels. Each node maintains a complete list of all possible link partners and uses this information to directly forward IP traffic via a P2MP IPIP tunnel interface to the needed peers.

Ampr Gateway

A central gateway, keeps track of these peers and provides a consolidated list of hosts/subnets with their relevant gateway information (the public IP via which the tunnel endpoint can be reached). Traditionally this information is provided as a text file which is available for download after registration on the AMPRNet portal ( This information has to be parsed and routes have to be set up accordingly.

RIPv2 Broadcasts

In addition to the download method, the AMPRnet gatway provides up to date RIPv2 informations via a IPIP tunnel to their registered gateways, which contain the encapsulation information. Each RIP entry contains a subnet address, a netmask and the gateway IP address for that specific subnet. The RIPv2 data is sent out every 5 minutes as multicast traffic.

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