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This module is a part of yocto node modules for NodeJS.

Please see our NPM repository for complete list of available tools (completed day after day).

This module manage init / start our node core stack based on :

This module is core module of our tools : YoctopusJs

Read this before any usage

How to use

First you need to setup a core.json config file at process.cwd() path.

This file must have this structure :

  "config" : "YOUR_CONFIG_PATH_HERE",
  "env" : {
    "development" : {
      "logger" : {
        "rotate" : {
          "path" : "YOUR_LOG_PATH_HERE",
          "name" : "YOUR_LOG_FILE_NAME_HERE"
    "staging" : {
      "logger" : {
        "rotate" : {
          "path" : "YOUR_LOG_PATH_HERE",
          "name" : "YOUR_LOG_FILE_NAME_HERE"
    "production" : {
      "logger" : {
        "rotate" : {
          "path" : "YOUR_LOG_PATH_HERE",
          "name" : "YOUR_LOG_FILE_NAME_HERE"

And start your app like example below :

var logger    = require('yocto-core-stack');
var core      = require('yocto-core-stack');

// set debug to true if needed
core.debug = true;

// Init your app first
core.init().then(function () {
  // Init succeed start your app
  core.start().then(function () {

   *              YOUR CODE HERE              *

  }).catch(function (error) {
    // error process
}).catch(function (error) {
  // error process

How to add external middleware on current app

It's simple juste use an utility method for that :

// your middleware
var YOUR_MIDDLEWARE = function(){} ...
// add it

Yocto Stack Generator

You can also use our yeoman generator to generate an app automatically.

For this see yoctopus-generator FAQ