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Beta B.2.0

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@yodarocks1 yodarocks1 released this 12 Aug 18:02

Construct Mod Loader (CML) Version Beta B.2.0

Changes in this release:

  • Launch from cache!
    • If your most recent profile hasn't changed since you last launched, you can skip straight to launching the game!
  • New plugin system
  • Simplified and streamlined UI
  • Workshop markdown parsing
  • UI now supports GIF animations
  • Added popovers
  • Added cml:// protocol
  • Steam CMD
  • CML Download Tool
  • Read and display GIF and Sprite animations
  • Change detector
  • Pastebin sharing (no GUI - future feature)
  • Main menu mod
  • Added
  • Updated
  • Reorganized stuff
  • Fixed uninstaller
  • Started creating a CML Javadoc
  • Began implementing concepts from Efficient Java (3rd Ed.)
  • Added debugging tool (ScenicView; Use -DevPanel=true)
  • Log file locations
    • Patch file: Construct/mods/_._patches_._/YYYY-MM-DD+HH;MM;SS.txt
    • Heavy log: Construct/API/heavy_log.xml
    • Log: Construct/API/log.txt
  • And more!


What are plugins? They allow for the creation of a whole slew of tools for Scrap Mechanic! You can handle mods as they are being applied. You can replace existing CML functionsWIP if you can think of a better way to do it. You can launch an application or a background task.

Some ideas for what this may entail:

  • Backup tool
  • Mod tool
  • Crafting recipe manager
  • Shapeset manager
  • SM Backwards compatibility Proposed by AnotherBot


I recently purchased a book called Efficient Java (3rd Ed.). I have already implemented quite a few of the suggestions it makes, and you can expect even more improvements over time.

Installation instructions:

  • Checkout the documentation page! It will help guide you through installation or updates.

To apply a Scrap Mechanic update:

  1. Go to the settings tab
  2. Click (Re)-Generate Vanilla Folder

To disregard a Scrap Mechanic update:

  1. Open your vanilla folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Construct\vanilla by default)
  2. Delete installscript.vdf

Note: If you don't delete this file, Steam will automatically update any time you try to launch, thus deleting any modifications you have applied.

Situation Report

For those who don't know, I will be off to college later this month. I will have a job and classes, so life is going to be pretty hectic. I will not be setting this project aside, but development will certainly slow. You can expect pertinent bug fixes, as well as optimizations, but very few new features.

So, what's next for CML?

  • The plugins themselves! Mod tool is priority 1.
  • "Wide" GUI. So you don't have to guess what each button does. (Check out API/IconMap.png!)
  • More optimizations! As I learn new things while I'm pursuing my degree, I will be sure to apply them here.
  • Removal of the patches folder. Once the Construct Mod Tool is done, the patches folder will be irrelevant.
  • Moving documentation to a new Fandom site. This is to allow for a better user experience with a large number of pages, and allow for the creation of pages for various mods and plugins.
  • Pastebin profile sharing. Already, I have a system to share and get data to Pastebin. In future versions, this will be turned into a system to share profiles with your friends or followers. Please note: The option for the link to never expire will be disabled due to limitations on the number of permanent Pastebins a single dev key can create. If you would like it to never expire, please create a Pastebin account and copy/paste the data.
  • Auto-updating of plugin, profile, and mod data. I am quite close to being able to auto-update changes - I can already detect them - but this version was too long in the making already. You can expect it in the next major update.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to create an 'issue' (and mark it as a suggestion), or let me know on discord.

Known issues:

-- If you have any issues, let me know. You can do so by creating an issue here or by joining the discord below. --

CML currently doesn't support character mods. This would increase the size of the vanilla folder by approximately 1.5 GB, thus greatly increasing the generation time and disk space requirements. If you have a strong opinion on the matter, let me know at this straw poll:

CML currently doesn't support modification of various folders (See here). If you would like any of these to be supported, let me know at this straw poll:
If you think any folders ought to be added to the list, let me know in the #suggestions channel on discord.

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