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How to Run the Backend


  • JDK 17+
  • Any IDE with Java EE support
  • MySQL installation
  • Internet connection (first time build only)


  1. clone the project
  2. In /student-initiatives-backend/src/main/resources/ ,change the credentials to your MySQL details
  3. Run the Schema generator.sql file to generate the database
  4. Run the at the root of com.woxsen.studentinitiatives package.
  5. The application will run on localhost:8080 by default and all APIs can be accessed from there.

API Description

References -

Club -


    "clubId": number,
    "clubName": string,
    "presidentName": string,
    "vicePresidentName": string,
    "mission": string,
    "vision": string,
    "school" : School

Event (Club) -

    eventId: number,
    title: string,
    eventDesc: string,
    date: string (format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
    club: Club


    "id": number,
    "name": string,
    "coFounderName": string
    "user": {
        "email": string
    "mentors": string,
    "mission": string,
    "vision": string

School -

    "schoolId": number,
    "schoolName" : string

COEPosts -

    id: number,
    title: string,
    desc: string,
    date: string (format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    coe: COE


URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/user/login POST

JSON format - {

"email" : string

"password" : string

JSON Format -

{clubId: string}


{coeId: string}

Provided that the email-password combination is correct, returns a json containing either the clubId associated with it the account or the coeId associated with the account
/api/user/ POST


Format -


"email" : string

"password" : string


JSON format - {"success": string} Adds a new user and returns success: "true" or success: "false"
/api/user/ DELETE

JSON Format -


"email":string, "password": string


JSON with success: "true" or "false" Deletes the user with those credentials AND the club associated with that user
/api/admin POST JSON format -
{ "email": string, "password": string }
JSON with success: "true" or "false" Adds the given credentials as an Admin
/api/admin/login POST JSON format -
{ "email": string, "password": string }
JSON with success: "true" or "false" Returns success = "true" if credentials are correct or returns false
/api/admin DELETE JSON format -
{ "email": string, "password": string }
JSON with success: "true" or "false" Returns success = "true" if given admin was removed successfully from the database or returns false


URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/school/ GET Nothing


JSON format - School[]

Gets the list of all schools available in the DB
/api/school/{schoolId}/clubs GET The {schoolId} path variable

JSON Format -


Get the list of all the clubs associated with that schoolId
/api/school/{schoolId} GET The {schoolId} path variable JSON Format - School Gets info on the specific school
/api/school/ POST

JSON Format -

{ "schoolName" : string }

JSON format {"success":string} Add a school to the database and return success ("true" or "false")
/api/school/{schoolId} DELETE The {schoolId} path variable JSON format - {"success":string} Delete a school from DB by it's ID and returns success: "true" or "false"


URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/club/ GET Nothing JSON Format - Club[] Returns list of all clubs
/api/club/ POST JSON Format -


"clubName": string,

"presidentName": string,

"vicePresidentName": string,

"mission":string | null,

"vision": string | null,

"email": string,

"schoolId": number | null


JSON format - { "clubId": number } Adds the given club to the DB and returns the generated clubId. The email and school with given schoolId must already exist in the DB.
/api/club/{clubId} GET The path variable {clubId} JSON Format - Club Gets info on the specific club associated with the given clubId
/api/club/{clubId} DELETE The path variable {clubId} JSON format - {"success": string} Deletes club with the given clubId and returns success: "true" or "false"
/api/club PATCH JSON format -


"clubName": string,
"presidentName": string,
"vicePresidentName": string,
"mission": string
"vision": string

on success, Club On success, returns the same club with the updated fields
/api/club/{clubId}/image/{type} GET The {clubId} and {type} path variables. Type can only be "logos", "president" or "vice-president" A JPEG,JPG or PNG image Returns an image of the club associated with the given clubId. Image is of the president, vice-president or the club logo.
/api/club/{clubId}/image/{type} POST The {clubId} and {type} path variables and a form-data as request body. Form-data should have a parameter "image" with the actual image (in JPEG,JPG or PNG format) attached as value. {type} can only be one of ["logos","president", "vice-president"] JSON format - {success: string} Adds the club logo, president or vice-president of the given club and returns success: "true" or "false"

Club Events

URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/event GET Nothing JSON format - Event[] Gets a list of all events available in the database
/api/event/{eventId} GET The {eventId} path variable JSON format - Event Gets complete information on the given club
/api/event/club/{clubId} GET The {clubId} path variable JSON format - Event[] Gets a list of all event associated with the club
/api/event/dateRange POST JSON format -
"start": string (in format yyyy-mm-dd),
"end": string (in format yyyy-mm-dd)
Event[] Returns events between start date and end date (inclusive). Note: To get events for one date, put start and end as same
/api/event POST

JSON Format -


"title": string

"eventDesc": string

"clubId": number

"date": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"


JSON Format - { "eventId": number } Adds the given event to DB.
/api/event/{eventId} DELETE The {eventId} path variable JSON format - {success: string} Deletes the given event from the DB and returns success: "true" or "false"
/api/event/{eventId} PATCH The {eventId} path variable and JSON format -


"title": string

"eventDesc": string

"clubId": number

"date": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"


JSON format - {"success" : string} Updates the event associated with given event ID and returns success: "true" or "false"
/api/event/image/{clubId}/{eventId} GET The {clubId} and {eventId} path variables Image in .JPG, .JPEG or .PNG format Gets image for the given eventId and clubId
/api/event/image/{clubId}/{eventId} PUT The {clubId} and {eventId} path variables and a form-data as request body. Form-data should have a parameter "image" with the actual image (in JPEG,JPG or PNG format) attached as value JSON format - {"success" : string} Saves image and returns success = "true" or "false"


URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/coe GET Nothing JSON format - COE[] Returns a list of all COEs in database
/api/coe/{id} GET The {id} path variable JSON format - COE Returns information on a particular COE
/api/coe/{coFounderEmail} POST

the {coFounderEmail} path variable and

Request body = JSON Format -


"name": string,

"coFounderName": string

"mentors": string | null,

"mission": string | null,

"vision": string | null


JSON format - { "id" : string } Adds the given COE to database and returns it's id
/api/coe/{id} PATCH

Request Body =

JSON format -


"name": string,

"coFounderName" : string

"mentors": string | null,

"mission": string | null,

"vision": string | null


JSON format - COE Returns the COE with updated information
/api/coe/{id} DELETE The path variable {id} JSON format - {"success" : string, "id": string} Deletes the COE with given id and returns a success: "true" or "false" and returns the deleted COE's id if true
/api/coe/{coeId}/image/{type} GET The path variable {coeId} and {type}. Valid type values = ["logo","cofounder"] Image or JSON Gets the image or returns a JSON in case of incorrect type or no image being found for those params.
/api/coe/{coeId}/image/{type} PUT The path variable {coeId} and {type}. Also, a Form-Data as body with the image attached to key "image" .Valid type values = ["logo","cofounder"]. Only JPEG, JPG or PNG allowed. JSON format - {"success": string} Adds the given image to the backend

COE Posts

URL Method Consumes Produces Description
/api/coe-post/ GET Nothing COEPosts[] Gets all COE Posts (Not recommended for general user-sided tasks)
/api/coe-post/coe/{coeId} GET The path variable {coeId} COEPosts[] Gets all COE Posts from COE whose id = coeId
/api/coe-post/{coePostId} GET The path variable {coePostId} COEPosts Gets info for COE Post with id = coePostId
/api/coe-post/dateRange POST JSON format -
"start": string (in format yyyy-mm-dd),
"end": string (in format yyyy-mm-dd)
COEPosts[] Returns COE Posts between start date and end date (inclusive). Note: To get posts for one date, put start and end as same
/api/coe-post/{coeId}/ POST

The path variable {coeId} and request body = JSON Format -


"title" : string

"desc" : string | null

"date" : string (format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") | null


JSON Format - {"coePostId": string} Adds COE and returns it's ID in database
/api/coe-post/{coePostId} PATCH

The path variable {coePostId} and request body =

JSON format -


"title" : string

"desc" : string | null

"date" : string (format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") | null


The updated COEPosts as JSON Updates the COE post with id = {coePostId} with given request body
/api/coe-post/{coePostId} DELETE The path variable {coePostId} JSON format - {"success" : string} Deletes the given COE post which has id = {coePostId} and returns success = "true" or "false"
/api/coe-post/{coeId}/image/{coePostId} GET The path variables {coeId} and {coePostId} .JPEG, .PNG or .JPG in case of success or a JSON in case of error Gets the image with the given coeId and coePostId
/api/coe-post/{coeId}/image/{coePostId} PUT The path variables {coeId} and {coePostId} and a Form-Data as body with image attached to key "image" JSON format - {"success": string} Saves the image with given {coeId} and {coePostId} and returns "success" = "true" or "false"
/api/coe-post/{coeId}/file/{coePostId} GET The variables {coeId} and {coePostId} .zip, .pdf or JSON Gets the file from the database otherwise returns a JSON with success:"false" in case of error
/api/coe-post/{coeId}/file/{coePostId} PUT The variables {coeId} and {coePostId} and request body should have a Form-Data and the file attached to key "file" JSON format = {"success": string} Stores the file in database and returns success: "true" or "false". Accepted file types = [".zip",".pdf"]


The backend for Woxsen's student initiatives website






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