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Convert explode-element-name to take a string, not a keyword
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hlship committed Nov 9, 2011
1 parent e4421c1 commit cbdf8f2
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 81 deletions.
161 changes: 80 additions & 81 deletions src/main/clojure/cascade/internal/viewbuilder.clj
Expand Up @@ -35,19 +35,18 @@
(pr-str any))))))

(defn explode-element-name
"Explodes an element name keyword into a seq of three-element vectors. Each vector
"Explodes an element name string into a seq of three-element vectors. Each vector
consists of the portion of the name prior to the match, the match character, and
the match term. :div.alpha#beta would split to [[\"div\" \".\" \"alpha\"] [\"div.alpha\" \"#\" \"beta\"]]."
(let [name-str (name element-name)]
; match sequences of word characters prefixed with '.' or '#' within the overall name
(loop [matcher (re-matcher #"([.#])([\w-]+)" name-str)
result []]
(if (.find matcher)
(recur matcher (conj result [(.substring name-str 0 (.start matcher))
(.group matcher 1)
(.group matcher 2)]))
the match term. div.alpha#beta would split to [[\"div\" \".\" \"alpha\"] [\"div.alpha\" \"#\" \"beta\"]]."
[^String element-name]
; match sequences of word characters prefixed with '.' or '#' within the overall name
(loop [matcher (re-matcher #"([.#])([\w-]+)" element-name)
result []]
(if (.find matcher)
(recur matcher (conj result [(.substring element-name 0 (.start matcher))
(.group matcher 1)
(.group matcher 2)]))

(defn extract-attributes
[exploded match key attributes]
Expand All @@ -66,80 +65,80 @@
a keyword if there is only a single value. The attributes map may be nil if the
element-name is simple."
(let [exploded (explode-element-name element-name)]
(let [exploded (explode-element-name (name element-name))]
(if (empty? exploded)
[element-name nil]
(let [simple-element-name (keyword (get-in exploded [0 0]))
extract (partial extract-attributes exploded)
attributes (->> {} (extract "." :class) (extract "#" :id))]
[simple-element-name attributes]))))

(defn combine
"Given the results of rendering (where each step provides a render result), combine the results
into a single sequence of DOM nodes. Each of the render results should be a DOM node,
or a collection of DOM nodes (or a nested collection of DOM nodes, etc.). Strings are also allowed,
which are converted into :text DOM nodes."
[& render-results]
(loop [output (transient [])
queue render-results]
(let [current (first queue)
remainder (next queue)]
(nil? current) (if (empty? remainder) (persistent! output) (recur output remainder))
(sequential? current) (recur output (concat current remainder))
:otherwise (recur (conj! output (convert-render-result current)) remainder)))))

(with-monad parser-m
(declare parse-embedded-template)

(def parse-text
(domonad [text match-string]
; The encode-string occurs just once, at macro expansion time
`(raw-node ~(encode-string text))))

(def parse-name
; An attribute or element name is either a keyword or a form that yields a keyword.
(match-first match-keyword))

(def parse-body
(domonad [body match-vector]
(parse-embedded-template body)))

(def parse-entity
(domonad [entity-name match-keyword :when (.startsWith (name entity-name) "&")]
`(raw-node ~(str (name entity-name) ";"))))

(def parse-element
(domonad [name parse-name
attributes (optional match-map)
body (optional parse-body)]
(let [[factored-element-name implicit-attributes] (factor-element-name name)
assembled-attributes (merge implicit-attributes attributes)]
`(element-node ~factored-element-name ~assembled-attributes ~body))))

; Accept a single form that will act as a renderer, returning a render
; result, which will be combined with other render results via the
; parse-forms parser. This form may be a symbol or a list (a function call).
(def parse-form
(domonad [form match-form]

(def parse-single-form
(match-first parse-text parse-entity parse-element parse-form))

(def parse-forms
(domonad [forms (none-or-more parse-single-form)]
; Evaluation order means that the DOM tree is effectively constructed bottom-to-top
; (because combine is not lazy).
; This may be be relevent in terms of ordering of CSS stylesheets & JavaScript libraries,
; since that information is "collected on the side" (in an atom) and therefore not
; purely functional. Perhaps there's a monadic approach that will allow the construction
; of the DOM tree and the collection of CSS/JS data to occur in a stricly functional way?
`(combine ~@forms)))
) ; with-monad parser-m

(defn parse-embedded-template
"Used as part of (defview) or (template) to convert the a form, the embedded template, into
(defn combine
"Given the results of rendering (where each step provides a render result), combine the results
into a single sequence of DOM nodes. Each of the render results should be a DOM node,
or a collection of DOM nodes (or a nested collection of DOM nodes, etc.). Strings are also allowed,
which are converted into :text DOM nodes."
[& render-results]
(loop [output (transient [])
queue render-results]
(let [current (first queue)
remainder (next queue)]
(nil? current) (if (empty? remainder) (persistent! output) (recur output remainder))
(sequential? current) (recur output (concat current remainder))
:otherwise (recur (conj! output (convert-render-result current)) remainder)))))

(with-monad parser-m
(declare parse-embedded-template)

(def parse-text
(domonad [text match-string]
; The encode-string occurs just once, at macro expansion time
`(raw-node ~(encode-string text))))

(def parse-name
; An attribute or element name is either a keyword or a form that yields a keyword.
(match-first match-keyword))

(def parse-body
(domonad [body match-vector]
(parse-embedded-template body)))

(def parse-entity
(domonad [entity-name match-keyword :when (.startsWith (name entity-name) "&")]
`(raw-node ~(str (name entity-name) ";"))))

(def parse-element
(domonad [name parse-name
attributes (optional match-map)
body (optional parse-body)]
(let [[factored-element-name implicit-attributes] (factor-element-name name)
assembled-attributes (merge implicit-attributes attributes)]
`(element-node ~factored-element-name ~assembled-attributes ~body))))

; Accept a single form that will act as a renderer, returning a render
; result, which will be combined with other render results via the
; parse-forms parser. This form may be a symbol or a list (a function call).
(def parse-form
(domonad [form match-form]

(def parse-single-form
(match-first parse-text parse-entity parse-element parse-form))

(def parse-forms
(domonad [forms (none-or-more parse-single-form)]
; Evaluation order means that the DOM tree is effectively constructed bottom-to-top
; (because combine is not lazy).
; This may be be relevent in terms of ordering of CSS stylesheets & JavaScript libraries,
; since that information is "collected on the side" (in an atom) and therefore not
; purely functional. Perhaps there's a monadic approach that will allow the construction
; of the DOM tree and the collection of CSS/JS data to occur in a stricly functional way?
`(combine ~@forms)))
) ; with-monad parser-m

(defn parse-embedded-template
"Used as part of (defview) or (template) to convert the a form, the embedded template, into
a new list of forms that constructs the structure layed out by the template."
(run-parse parse-forms forms "embedded template forms"))
(run-parse parse-forms forms "embedded template forms"))

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