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Yonatan Magier edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Creating a new file

Press the "New File" button (Ctrl+N) to create a new file.

Opening an existing file

Click the notebook icon (Ctrl+O) to open "My Notebooks" sidebar, then double-click a file to open it.

Creating a notebook

Double-clicking "My Notebooks" title will open the local folder. Creating a subfolder there will create a notebook on Mathberet.

Working with a Mathberet file

Mathberet files are built with blocks that live on a grid; Currently, there are 6 types of blocks:

  • Text (Ctrl+T)
  • Math (Ctrl+M)
  • Graph (Ctrl+G)
  • Group (Ctrl+K)
  • Picture (Ctrl+P)
  • Divider

To add a block, simply click one of the buttons on the right of the page, or use the shortcuts mentioned above.

Text Blocks

Markdown Based.

  • To paste an equation, press Shift+4 ($).
  • To align a line, press Ctrl+</>/?.

Math Blocks

LaTeX based.

  • To assign a variable, write the variable name (x/y/z/...), then "::", then its value.
  • To substitute a variable back in, select a math input or a math block, then press Alt+X.
  • To graph a math input to the first graph block, select the input then press Alt+G.

Group Blocks

Group blocks are used to collect multiple related blocks together.

  • Group titles are editable.
  • To change the group type, right click the group's name/type and choose a type.
  • To collapse a group, click on the handle on the right of the block.

Picture Blocks

To upload an picture to a file, click the picture block and select a picture, or drag and release the picture to the picture block. Upon saving the file, the picture will be saved as a png file in the "attachments" folder.


To search in Mathberet, press the search icon (Ctrl+F) and start typing. Pressing a file name in the results will show all blocks in that files that include the search result.

The Archive

When creating multiple groups with the same name and a different type, Mathberet groups them together by name and displays them in the Archive.

Viewing the available shortcuts

Click the keyboard button on the right sidebar (Ctrl+Alt+H) to view all shortcuts.