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Alternative to ol.source. Depends on OpenLayers(+v6.15.0), geotiff.js.

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The source continues to hold the image internally as a canvas element.
Note that loading large images consumes large memory.
To display a large number of layers at the same time, it is recommended to use the official methods.

An upper limit can be set for a canvas size.
If a size of loaded image is larger than maxSize, an image is scaled down. So, that maximum resolution to be worse.

Other than that, displaying tiles also consumes memory.

Also, the performance of Reader.render is not optimal.

Common Process

  1. Load image.
  2. Resize to fit the aspect ratio of extents.
  3. Resize to fit upper limit of canvas size.
  4. If short side is smaller than tileSize, it will be enlarged to fit tileSize.
  5. Saved as a canvas element.
  6. Cut out from canvas to each tile.


Alternative to ol.source.ImageStatic.

  • Support KML-like rotation.
  • It can also be displayed in a projection system other than the one specified by source. (Official ol.source.ImageStatic fail in some cases.)
  • Area beyond +-180 degrees latitude can also be displayed when wrapX is true.


const imageSource = new ImageStatic({
    projection: "EPSG:27700",
    url: "https://~",
    imageExtent: [0, 0, 700000, 1300000],
    rotate: (45 / 180) * Math.PI,
    maxPixel: 1000*1000,
    crossOrigin: "anonymous",
    wrapX: true,
if (imageSource.getState() === "ready") {
    const layer = new TileLayer({
} else {
    const sourceListener = () => {
        const sourceState = imageSource.getState();
        if (sourceState !== "loading") {
            imageSource.removeEventListener("change", sourceListener);
            if (sourceState === "ready") {
                const layer = new TileLayer({
    imageSource.addEventListener("change", sourceListener);

// When no longer needed.


Name Type Description
options object params.
url string Image URL. Required if file is not provided. Not recommended for use with large file as it takes time to download.
file blob File blob. Required if url is not provided.
rotate number Image rotation angle. Set in radians.
maxPixel number Maximum size of canvas to hold.
maxWidth number Maximum width of canvas to hold.
maxHeight number Maximum height of canvas to hold.
tileSize number | module:ol/size~Size Inner TileGrid's tile size. Default is 256.
wrapX boolean WrapX. Defaults is true.

For other props, refer to TileGrid's Options. However, some props are ignored.


Alternative to ol.source.GetTIFF.

  • Support rotated GeoTIFF. (The official ol.source.GetTIFF ignore rotation.)
  • Area beyond +-180 degrees latitude can also be displayed when wrapX is true.

If you don't need any of the above feature, you should use the official ol.source.GetTIFF.


const imageSource = new GeoTIFF({
    files: [fileblob1, fileblob2],
    mode: "ndi",
    maxPixel: 1000*1000,
    cmap: "jet",
    wrapX: true,
    sources: [
            index: 0, // fileblob1
            min: 0,
            max: 2**16 - 1,
            band: 1,
            nodata: 0,
            index: 1, // fileblob2
            min: 0,
            max: 2**16 - 1,
            band: 3,
            nodata: -9999,
if (imageSource.getState() === "ready") {
    const layer = new TileLayer({
} else {
    const sourceListener = () => {
        const sourceState = imageSource.getState();
        if (sourceState !== "loading") {
            imageSource.removeEventListener("change", sourceListener);
            if (sourceState === "ready") {
                const layer = new TileLayer({
    imageSource.addEventListener("change", sourceListener);

// When no longer needed.


Name Type Description
options object params.
urls string[] Image URLs. Required if files are not provided. Not recommended for use with large files as it takes time to download.
files blob[] File blobs. Required if urls are not provided.
sources SourceConfig[] REQUIRED. Source configures.
mode RenderMode render mode. rgb, single, or ndi. Default is rgb.
cmap string colormap name. Ignored if mode is rgb.
maxPixel number Maximum size of canvas to hold.
maxWidth number Maximum width of canvas to hold.
maxHeight number Maximum height of canvas to hold.
tileSize number|module:ol/size~Size Inner TileGrid's tile size. Default is 256.
wrapX boolean WrapX. Defaults is true.

For other props, refer to TileGrid's Options. However, some props are ignored.


Name Type Description
index number REQUIRED. Index of files or urls.
band number REQUIRED. Band numbers to be read from (where the first band is 1).
nodata number Values to discard (overriding any nodata values in the metadata).
min number The minimum source data value (overriding minimum value of data type).
max number The maximum source data value (overriding maximum value of data type).


Name Description
rgb Display in RGB color(or True color). sources are required 3. sources[0] is red, sources[1] is green, sources[2] is blue.
single Display in monochrome. sources are required 1.
ndi Display in The normalized difference index. sources are required 2. Calculated (sources[0] - sources[1]) / (sources[0] + sources[1]).
