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Setup envirenment (Prerequisites)

1- Install the chocolatey

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. Let's use it!

  • Open your cmd.exe (Run as Administrator)
  • Go to the root of your C: drive C:\>
  • Copy @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin" and run it in the command promt to install Chocolatey onto your system.
  • After the installation is complete, restart your cmd.exe and type choco -v to verify the installation completed without a problem.

2- Install Cmder

Using cmd.exe is not an alternative, first thing to do is download and install a good Console Emulator.

  • Open your cmd.exe (Run as Administrator) (for the last time)
  • Run: C:\> choco install cmdermini
  • Find the executable Cmder.exe file on your system and pin it to your taskbar for easy access.

3- Install Java JDK 8

Now, we are ready to use Cmder to install all kind of applications from the command line.

  • Open your command line (Cmder)
  • Run: C:> choco install jdk8
  • Restart your console and run javac -version to verify installation.

4- Install Maven

Now, we are going to install Maven (Project management tool)

  • Open your command line (Cmder)
  • Run: C:\> choco install maven
  • Restart your console and run mvn -v to verify installation.

How to install FirmadanTeklif

1- Clone the project on your local pc

First thing first. We will clone the project from github and save it on our local pc.

  • Copy the repository url from here
  • On your local pc, create a folder in a location of your choise. e.g. c:\my_projects\firmadanteklif
  • Run this command to clone the repository on your local machine. C:\>my_projects\firmadanteklif>git clone

2- Importing the project into Intellij

After cloning the project, we will import the project into Intellij IDEA.

  • File > New > Project from existing code...
  • Locate and chose the root folder of your project (firmadanteklif)
  • Chose import project from external model and select maven and click Next
  • On the next meny, check the import maven projects automatically box and click Next
  • In the remaining menues, just click Next and finally click Finish to complete import process
  • Intellij will resolve all the dependencies for the project at this point, just wait Intellij to complete.

3- Install MySQL

Now, when our development envirenment is ready to write some code, we need to setup MySQL server as well before we can run the application successfully.

  • Click here and download the mysql-installer-community-
  • When you click on the link above, it will take you to mysql download page. At this point follow the instructions on this youtube clip from the current time. But read the next step before you doing that.
  • While you are watching it, when you come to this point you need to select one more component before continue to follow the instructions. You need to click on MySQL Connectors, expend the submenu of Connector/J and select the available version as well. Read next step as well.
  • When you come to this point to choose a username and password, choose admin for both username and password since our application is configured to use these credentials to connect to the database.
  • When you complete installation and while your MySQL Workbench is open, click your admin connection to open up mysql console and type CREATE SCHEMA firmadanteklif and click CTRL + Enter in order to run the query & create the application database.

4- Run the application

At this point everything should be ready to start our application. In order to that go to Intellij and click on the little green play button (right under the top navigation menues) and watch the console . You should see something like this at the end of console output to confirm that everything worked fine.

Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''

Started Application in 5.941 seconds (JVM running for 6.968)

Now you can open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to test the application.


Firmadan Teklif Spring Boot Application






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