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React Simple RBAC

Library consists of Context, Component, HOC and hooks to handle cross app Role-based access control (RBAC)

Table of Contents


This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and

should be installed as one of your project's dependencies:

npm install --save react-simple-rbac

This package also depends on react. Please make sure you have it installed

as well.


Simple example of basic usage

const roles = ['admin'];
const permissions = ['get_all_credits', 'delete_all_credits'];

const Component = () => {
return <h2>only user with certain permissions can see me!</h2>;

const App = () => {
  return (
    <RBACProvider roles={roles} permissions={permissions}>
      {/* Will be visible */}
      <RBACWrapper requiredPermissions={['get_all_credits']}>
        <Component />
      {/* Will be hidden */}
      <RBACWrapper requiredPermissions={['permission_that_not_exists']}>
        <Component />

Here you can see that we wrap the app with the RBACProvider that has only the role of "admin" and permissions ['get_all_credits', 'delete_all_credits']. The first component will be visible because it satisfies the existing permissions, but on other hand the second component will be hidden. This is a basic example and you have much more flexibility with the components and hooks.


Props to pass


React.ReactNode | ((props) => React.ReactNode) | required

Can pass the children as regular child or as function that will get access to all context props and will return a JSX element

permissions string[] - not required

The permissions of the entire app, can be modified during the use of the application, recommended to pass as memoized array


string[] - not required

The roles of the entire app, can be modified during the use of the application, recommended to pass as memoized array

The context provides the following props


string array

The permissions array that was provided to the RBACProvider


string array

The roles array that was provided to the RBACProvider



The roles array that was provided to the RBACProvider - normalized to object when the key and value is the Roles - for example

const existingRoles = ['admin'];
const existingRolesNorm = { admin: 'admin' };

The main reason for that is for the ease to find and existing role



The permissions array that was provided to the RBACProvider - normalized to object when the key and value is the Roles - for example

const existingPermissions = ['get_all_credits', 'delete_all_credits'];
const existingPermissionsNorm = {
  get_all_credits: 'get_all_credits',
  delete_all_credits: 'delete_all_credits',

The main reason for that is for the ease to find and existing permission



A manually set list of roles that are blocked, ( set with blockRoles func )



A manually set list of roles that are added, ( set with addRoles func )



A manually set list of permissions that are blocked, ( set with blockPermissions func )



A manually set list of permissions that are added, ( set with addPermissions func )


function ( permissionsToAdd: string[] )

Can manually add permissions to the state - If you add permissions that is currently in the blocked permissions object, it will be removed from the blocked list. for example:

// { get_all_credits : 'get_all_credits', delete_all_credits: 'delete_all_credits' }
console.log(addedPermissions); // {};

console.log(blockedPermissions); // { delete_all_credits: 'delete_all_credits' }
console.log(addedPermissions); // { get_all_credits: 'get_all_credits' }


function ( permissionsToBlock: string[] )

Can manually block permissions from the state If you block permissions that is currently in the added permissions list, it will be removed the permission from the added list. for example:

// { get_all_credits: 'get_all_credits', delete_all_credits: 'delete_all_credits' }
console.log(blockedPermissions); // {};

console.log(addedPermissions); // { delete_all_credits: 'delete_all_credits' }
console.log(blockedPermissions); // { get_all_credits: 'get_all_credits' }


function ( rolesToAdd: string[] )

Can manually add roles to the state - If you add roles that is currently in the blocked roles list, it will be removed from the blocked list. for example:

// { owner : 'owner' }
console.log(addedPermissions); // {};

console.log(blockedPermissions); // {}
console.log(addedPermissions); // { owner: 'owner' }


function ( rolesToBlock: string[] )

Can manually block roles to the state - If you block roles that are currently in the added roles list, it will be removed from the added list. for example:

// {}
console.log(addedPermissions); // { owner: 'owner' };

console.log(blockedPermissions); // { owner: 'owner' }
console.log(addedPermissions); // {}


function ( )

Will reset all manually added or blocked roles.


function ( )

Will reset all manually added or blocked permissions.


function ( )

Will reset all manually added or blocked permissions and roles.


Component wrapper for applying RBAC Roles

Props to pass


React.ReactNode | (({ hasRequiredPermissions, hasRequiredRoles }) => React.ReactNode) | required

The children that will be wrapped with the RBAC roles, the children can also be a function that will receive

hasRequiredPermissions, hasRequiredRoles

When you will pass the children as a function the component will not be hidden when there permissions or roles are blocked, you can do manually the needed implementation example:

<RBACWrapper requiredPermissions={['get_all_credits']}>
  {({ hasRequiredRoles, hasRequiredPermissions }) => {
    if (!hasRequiredRoles) {
      return <div>You dont have the required roles :[</div>;
    if (!hasRequiredPermissions) {
      return <div>You dont have the required permissions :[</div>;
    return <div>hi</div>;


string[] | optional

The required roles for the component


string[] | optional

The required permissions for the component



In case the permission is blocked and you want to return other element instead of hiding the component example:

<RBACWrapper requiredPermissions={['get_all_credits']} fallback={<div>Very sad</div>}>
  <div>So happy!</div>


boolean - default true

By default the flag is true, and when the permissions or roles not satisfy the component will be hidden, by setting the flag to false the component will not be hidden, usually will be combined with *blockedComponentPropsOverride Also the component will receive css class 'rbac-block' to enable styling the component

blockedComponentPropsOverride Will override the props passed to the component example:

    style: { color: 'red' },
    onClick: () => {
      console.log('IM BLOCKED :(');
    onClick={() => {

Note that if you pass a Component as children and blockedComponentPropsOverride will have props inside that are not part of the props of the component you will need to get them inside the component

const Button = ({ onClick, children, ...propsFromRBACOverride }) => {
  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={onClick} {...propsFromRBACOverride}>


boolean - default false

By default, the flag is false. When you pass it as true, it means that it's enough for only one of the array items in the roles and permissions to be found in the provided arrays ( if both roles and permissions passed to the RBACWrapper, then each one of them needs to have at least one ). example:

const App = () => {
  return (
    <RBACProvider roles={['admin']}>
      <RBACWrapper requiredPermissions={['admin', 'owner' ]} oneOf>
        <div>Admin or owner can see me</div>


function(ReactComponent, RBACWrapperProps)

withRBAC it's an HOC that the first parameter needs to be the component and second parameter is all the props that the RBACWrapper can receive example

const ComponentWithHOC = () => {
  return (

export default withRBAC(ComponentWithHOC, {
  requiredPermissions: ['delete_all'],


Hook that will return all props from the RBACProvider Note - will throw error if the component is not child of the RBACProvider


[hook] function( requiredRoles: string[], oneOf?: boolean (optional) ): boolean

Hook that In the first parameter will get the required roles that you want to check, second parameter is oneOf ( same as in the RBACWrapper ) by default false,

The hook will return true if the Roles exists in the list of existingRoles or in the List of the addedRoles and not exists in the blockedRoles


const Component = () => {
  const hasRequiredRoles = useHasRoles(['admin']);
    return <div>hello!</div>
  return </div>


[hook] function( requiredPermissions: string[], oneOf?: boolean (optional) ): boolean

Hook that In the first parameter will get the required permissions that you want to check, second parameter is oneOf ( same as in the RBACWrapper ) by default false,

The hook will return true if the Permissions exists in the list of existingPermissions or in the List of the addedPermissions and not exists in the blockedPermissions


const Component = () => {
  const hasRequiredPermission = useHasPermissions(['get_all_credits','delete_all_credits']);
    return <div>hello!</div>
  return </div>


[hook] function( roles: string[] ): { existing: boolean, added: boolean, blocked: boolean }[]

Hook that In the first parameter will get the roles that you want to check and will return an array based on the roles array of objects that each object will has the following properties

existing: boolean

Indicates if the role exists or not ( in existingRoles or in addedRoles )

added: boolean

Indicates if the role exists in the addedRoles list.

blocked: boolean

Indicates if the role exists in the blockedRoles list.


[hook] function( permissions: string[] ): { existing: boolean, added: boolean, blocked: boolean }[]

Hook that In the first parameter will get the permissions that you want to check and will return an array based on the roles array of objects that each object will has the following properties

existing: boolean

Indicates if the role exists or not ( in existingPermissions or in addedPermissions )

added: boolean

Indicates if the role exists in the addedPermissions list.

blocked: boolean

Indicates if the role exists in the blockedPermissions list.


For great Typescript experience you can use the RBACFactory function that can get generic union types of the permissions and roles, and will return back all the components and hooks of the library with full autocomplete. example

// in RBAC.ts
import { RBACFactory } from 'react-simple-rbac'

export type Roles = 'admin' | 'owner';
export type Permissions = 'get_all' | 'allow_auth';

export const { RBAC } = RBACFactory<Roles, Permissions>();

  // in App.tsx
const App = () => {
  return (
    <RBAC.Provider roles={['admin']}>
      <Component />

  // in Component.tsx
const Component = () => {
  const hasRequiredRoles = RBAC.useHasRoles(['admin']);
  return (
    <RBAC.Wrapper requiredRoles={['admin']}>
    </RBAC.Wrapper />




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