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What is J-diff

J-diff is a simple Java library for finding the difference between two Plain old java objects or POJOs. It will take the two java objects and analyze their difference. It would return the result difference either in the form of HashMap<Field, Object> or as a JSON.


Grab via Maven:


or Gradle:

compile 'com.github.yordan-desta:j-diff:1.0.0'


J-diff analyzes the difference between entities that implements the IDifferentiableEntity interface or extends from DifferentiableEntity. The reason for this is because j-diff not only tracks the types of objects but also gives you the capacity to specify what objects are eligible for comparison by overriding the isEqual(Object o); even if they are instances of the same class.


public class SomeDiffClass implements IDifferentiableEntity{
    public int someIntField;
    public String someStringField;
    //...... some other fields
    public String uuid; // unique field for each object instance

    public boolean isEqual(Object object) {
        //return true; if we don't care about the uniqueness of objects
        return object != null && object instanceof SomeDiffClass && Objects.equals(((SomeDiffClass) object).uuid, uuid);


1. @Differentiable

By default every class that implements the IDifferentiableEntity interface or extends from DifferentiableEntity are differentiable. But J-diff gives you the ability to take further control which classes and also fields you want to skip differentiation by annotating them with the @Differentiable annotation. By default its considered differentiable.
public class SomeDiffClass implements IDifferentiableEntity{

   @Differentiable(ignoreDiff = true) // difference will be ignored for this field
   public int someIntField;

   // other differentiable fields with out annotation
    public String someStringField;


And also if you are extending from a base class which implements IDifferentiableEntity or extends from DifferentiableEntity you can annotate any class you do not want to be differentiated, just like the fields in the example above.

2. DifferentiableLevel

J-diff allows you to modify how deep you want objects differentiated through 3 levels.

2.1. SHALLOW_UPDATE (default)
This level wil track the differential for primitive types, Dates and Strings. For differentiable class objects and lists field, it will set the new field as the diff result. It will not go deeper to find which fields of the new object has changed.
This is similar to the SHALLOW_UPDATE but instead of setting the the new field as a result it will be ignored.
2.3. DEEP
Does what SHALLOW_UPDATE does but also goes deeper to find what fields of the object (in the new IDifferentiable object) are different (if they are) and returns those values. By default it would go two levels but you can change it by setMaxDepthCount (int maxDepthCount) method.

3. DifferentialEntityAnalyzerAsync

J-diff allows you to perform differential analysis asynchronously and notifies the calling class upon completion through IDifferentiableCallback. Upon successful completion, an AsyncDiffResult object will be returned.


     IDifferentialEntityAnalyzer analyzer = new DifferentialEntityAnalyzer<SomeDiffClass>(oldObject, newObject);
     HashMap<Field, Object> result = analyzer.runDifferential(); //returns Field Object hashmap
     String jsonForm = analyzer.getPrettyJson();// returns json form result
     // creating analyzer with custom depth
     IDifferentialEntityAnalyzer analyzerWithDepth = new DifferentialEntityAnalyzer<SomeDiffClass>(oldObject, newObject,DifferentiableLevel.DEEP);

Asynchronous call

class CallingClass implements IDifferentiableCallback{

    DifferentialEntityAnalyzerAsync asyncAnalyzer = new DifferentialEntityAnalyzerAsync<CallingClass, SomeDiffClass>(this, oldObject, newObject);
    public void onSuccess(AsyncDiffResult asyncDiffResult) {

        //do on successful result

    public void onError(DifferentialException exception) {

        //log error or what ever you want on failure




Java library for finding the difference between two POJOs







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