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This code is the implementation of Gibbs energy minimization in Miyazaki and Korenaga (ApJ, 2017).

Folder Gibbs_data

  • Thermodynamic data for species that can be considered in the minimization are stored in this folder.
    • Thermodynamic data for silicates phases are taken from Robie & Hemingway (1995), and those for the rest of the phases are from the JANAF Thermochemical Tables (

CGgibbsmin.cpp / CGgibbsmin.h

  • Class gibbseminCG provides the equilibrium composition by Gibbs energy minimization
    • based on Gibbs energy data MoleculeData_G and an initial composition
  • To calculate the equilibrium composition,
    1. Construct MoleculeData_G object from a text file containing list of species - MoleculeData_G gibbs_list("./spec_atmos.txt", Ts, 1.0);
    2. Construct gibbsminCG object from MoleculeData_G and tensor1d vector containing molar amount of each species.
    3. Equilibrium composition is obtained by - tensor1d<double> nequil = min.getnbest();

gibbse.cpp / gibbse.h

  • Class Molecule_Gibbs is an inheritance class of Molecule
    • apparent Gibbs energy & phase information at temperature T and pressure P
  • Class MoleculeData_G contains the list of phase and Gibbs energy

elment.cpp / element.h

  • Class defenition of Element & Molecule, which contains molar mass and other information
    • Make an element or molecule object from string

massb.cpp / massb.h

  • Class defenition of massBalance
    • Construct a mass-balance matrix (see Eq.13 of Miyazaki and Korenaga, 2017)
    • from initcomp

initcomp.cpp / initcomp.h

  • Class initcomp reads the input file including the list of molecules and their molar amount

tensor.h, tensor_s.h, matrix.h, matrix_s.h

  • Define tensor1d, an array object used in this code


  • List of physical constants


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