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NLSL: NonLinear solver using Nelder-Mead algorithm

Objective and Design Consideration

There are many applications mainly based on linear algebraic analysis but requiring small part of nonlinear equation solver. NLSL interface is designed suitable to treating linear algebraic vectors and matrices.
Another consideration is ease of design change and understanding internal structures. I considered following issues.

  • Portability: All the sorce codes are written in ISO-C 99 and does not depends on third party OSS.
  • Modularity: In many cases, small OSS mathematical programs are not well modularized and not easy to understand.
  • Documentation: Good documentation and adequate sample codes helps users to understand the code.
  • Supply a derivative free solver: Nelder-Mead method
  • Supply a non-derivative free solver: Gauss-Newton method, which requires multiple callbacks for Jacobian but very fast.

Therefore I kept following features as much as possible.

  • Sticking to ISO-C 99
  • Build with gnu make (It is sufficient and good for small simple projects.)
  • Equipped with small linear algebraic matrix functions and sample main program.
  • All functions and structures exposed from a source file are detailed commented.

Source Files

Names Description
NLSLapp.c main source of sample applications for Nelder-Mead method (applications are switched by #define EQUSETUP )
NLSLapp2.c main source of a sample application for Gauss-Newton method
NLSLapp3.c main source of a sample application for Gauss-Newton method
NLSLapp4.c main source of a sample application for Gauss-Newton method(latest and most well documented)
NLSLsolver.c/.h top level solver library functions of Nelder-Mead method
NLSLvars.c/.h container struct of x independent variable vector, y dependent variable vector
NLSLutils.c/.h simple array and pointer operations
NLSLmatrix.c/.h algebraic matrix operations, which is used in the sample applications and NLSLgnsolver.c.
NLSLgnsolver.c/.h top level solver library functions of Gauss-Newton method

Note: Refer to for details of Gauss-Newton solver.

Sample Codes in NLSLapp.c

Sample 0: Simple 2nd order optimization

Sample 1: three 2x2 matrices make three 2x2 matrix products.

Three independent variable matrices X0, X1, and X2 are estimaged from the three products,
        Y0 = X0 X1
        Y1 = X1 X2
        Y2 = X2 X0
Targets of the elements of Y0, Y1, and Y2 are given as YT0 , YT1 , and YT2. Varying X0 , X1 , X2 elements, calculating Y0 , Y1 , Y2 elements, Yi and TTi are compared to update X0 , X1 , X2 elements for next iteration.
Iteration is terminated by its limit or convergence of X or Y.

Sample 1: code details

Initial values of X and Y are shown below.

#if (EQUSETUP == 0)
#define YTARGET { -1.4f, -1.8f, -10.6f, -24.4f, 1.0f, -26.1f, 0.0f, 15.2f, 1.2f, -4.9f, 11.56f, 0.55f }
#define XIDEAL { 1.0f, 2.2f, -3.2f, 0.5f, 3.0f, 7.0f, -2.0f, -4.0f, -2.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -3.3f }
#define XINITIAL { 2.0f, 2.2f, -3.2f, 0.5f, 3.0f, 7.0f, -2.0f, -4.0f, -2.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }
#define PARAMS { 0.0f }

YTARGET consists of elements of three 2x2 matrices of objective function target values,
Representing in gnu octave style where each matrix row is terminated by a semicolon,
YT0 = [
    -1.4, -1.8;
    -10.6, -24.4
YT1 = [
    1.0, -26.1;
    0.0, 15.2
YT2 = [
    1.2, -4.9;
    11.56, 0.55

XIDEAL consists of elements of three 2x2 marices of ideal independent variables to make objective function results equal to their target values which are shown as YTARGET above.
    1.0, 2.2;
    -3.2, 0.5
    3.0, 7.0;
    -2.0, -4.0
    -2.0, -1.0;
    1.0, -4.0
XIDEAL is not used actually. It is written in the code just for reference information.

XINITIAL consists of elements of three 2x2 matrices of initial independent variables. The objective function has multiple local minima. Then the example problem start at a point a little close to the ideal point.
    2.0, 2.2;
    -3.2, 0.5
    3.0, 7.0;
    -2.0, -4.0
    -2.0, -1.0;
    0.0, 0.0

Sample Code in NLSLapp2.c

It is an application program to calculate elements of a homography matrix. It is one of popular computer graphics problem.


Nonlinear solver using Nelder-Mead algorithm







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