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Repository files navigation


This extension allows you review pull requests on github withing vscode!

Some features:

  • Compare changes
  • Leave comments on changes
  • View all the comments left on a specific file
  • Submit a pull request review (Comment, Approve, Reject)
  • Checkout your local branch to the PR's head.

What's the workflow?

  1. Start the flow by running - "Select a pull request to work on"

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  1. Select a pull request


  1. Once a PR is selected, the file changes and the original files will be downloaded.

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  1. You should be able to see all the files in the explorer window -

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  1. When a file is selected - you will see the diff.

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  1. You can leave a comment in any line / send a review on this PR (Approve/Reject/Comment) -

screen shot 2018-06-03 at 22 19 40


You must generate a personal access token.

To do so, go to

Important: Make sure you give repositories read permission when creating the token

Afterwards, select the command "add github token" from the command platte.

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