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#Composer as a service SensioLabsInsight

What is it ?

Originally the idea came from @pgodel


Having some issue with little instances or slow connection, I decided to make the tool as a side-project.


rabbitmq-server account (free plan for few connections)


composer create-project pborreli/composer-service -sdev
cd composer-service
php -S localhost:9090 -t web &
rabbitmq-server &
php app/console sonata:notification:start

Run test suite

You will need phantomjs executable:

brew update && brew install phantomjs


  • An API is planned so it could be possible to be called from inside composer itself.
  • More tests
  • Better code
  • Insert your needed feature here

License License

It's MIT, you can do whatever you like without need of thank or anything. I'd be glad if you use it, happy if you enjoy it and very happy if you decide to contribute to make it better.


Code Climate Codacy Quality Score Scrutinizer Quality Score SensioLabsInsight Build Status Dependency Status


If you wish to contribute to this website, please fork it on GitHub, push your change to a named branch, then send me a pull request.

