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The L1 and L_inf Norms of CNN Layers and Adversarial Robustness

This repository hosts the python code for our paper Large Norms of CNN Layers Do Not Hurt Adversarial Robustness.


  • The code has been tested with Python 3.6.
  • To avoid breaking the packages in your python environment, we recommend creating a virtual environment for this project. Then activate the virtual environment and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.

Usage of The Norm Decay Algorithm

Our norm decay algorithm is very easy to use and is very efficient. Currently, it only supports PyTorch models. Suppose we have a PyTorch model model (subclass of nn.Module). To use norm decay in the training of the model, we first bind some methods to the model

from lip.add_lip import bind_lip
bind_lip(model, norm='1-norm', beta=1e-3)

where norm can be '1-norm' or 'inf-norm' and beta is the regularization parameter.
Then, before each update of the model parameter (i.e., before optimizer.step()), apply the norm decay

lipc, all_lip = model.add_lip_grad(linear=True, conv=True, bn=False)

where linear, conv, bn controls whether norm decay is applied to fully connected layers, convolutional layers, and batch normalization (BN) layers, respectively. The return all_lip is a list of the norms of all layers in the model and lipc is simply sum(all_lip). There is also a method solely for calculating the norms:

lipc, all_lip = model.calc_lip()

Since we find that it is quite difficult to control the norms of BN with norm decay, we also provide a method for projecting the norms of BN to a fixed value using the code


There is also a Recorder class for recording the layer norms and drawing the change of the norms in training. Please see the training files (e.g., for how to use it.


  • The norm decay algorithms and related code are located in the directory ./lip. In the code, "lip" is used as a synonym of "norm" (though they bear different meanings in the paper and literature).
  • Most of the code is based on PyTorch and only singular value clipping (SVC) is based on TensorFlow because SVC requires singular value decomposition for complex matrices which is not available in PyTorch.


These are the experiments conducted in our paper.

Algorithmic Efficiency Comparison of Computing Norms of Convolutional Layers

Run the command python The results will be printed on the console.

Norm Regularization

Run the command bash The clean and robust accuracy will be saved to ./regularization/acc_table.txt. The images of the norms of fully connected and convolutional layers will be saved to ./regularization/log/{model}/conv_linear and the norms of batch normalization layers to ./regularization/log/{model}/bn, where {model} could be vgg, resnet, senet, and regnet.

Norm Comparison of Adversarially Robust Models and Non-Adversarially Robust Models

Run the command bash The images of the distribution of norms will be saved to ./img_den, and the images of comparison between norms for individual layers will be saved to ./img_compare_norm.


Part of the code is based on these awesome GitHub repositories: pytorch-cifar, AT_HE, and auto-attack.