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1. Introduction

Codes and weights of recall and ranking models for paper《What Image do You Need? A Two-stage Framework for Image Selection in E-commerce》.

This is the main project, and there is an extra visualization project of showing our recall ability using html where is at .

2. Requirments

please refer to the requirments.txt

3. Datasets


  • Test dataset with 500 popular and different items title and related 5k images (ten for each item). For the security of enterprise data, we desensitize the title into POI name, which we used the same dataset in the experimental results of the paper.

Its location is data/temp_recall_biztype0_fc5_imagern_500.csv and the csv header is poi_id,poi_name,image_url,rank_number,width,height,extend. You should download the image_url into a dir by yourself using a script.

  • Train dataset contains 1M text-image pair and is still under Enterprise Security Audit and will open source soon, which will not interfere with the replication of experimental results.


  • Training and testing datasets are data/dwd_mml_train_dataset_1007_urls_train_with_poi_tuomin.csv and dwd_mml_train_dataset_1007_urls_val_with_poi_tuomin.csv. We desensitize the CTR value and only preserve relative ordering which will not interfere with the replication of experimental results.

The csv header is :

item_id, url_a, url_b, ctr_a, ctr_b, title, cate_name, oss_url, oss_url2, poi_names = line.split('$record$')

which means given one same item in online A/B testing, image with url_a and image with url_b of this item are shown under two traffic buckets separately within a same lifetime. Their CTRs are ctr_a and ctr_b. Refer to paper to learn more the delivery strategy. oss_url is the backup url of url_a due to that the url_a could be 404 after a long time but oss_url will not. So you should use oss_url in reproduction.

4. Model weights


  • Recall model weights: download and rename align_model.pth into the root dir. Download url : recall model

  • Ranking model weights: download shoucai_siamese_train_concat_poi_020_0.6520.ckpt and put under root dir without rename. Download url: ranking model


  • We finetuned Taiyi-Clip under our datasets. and the finetuned Bert weight file is at here. You should replace the original pytorch_model.bin with this .bin.

  • We finetuned M6 on our datasets. However, since m6 only provides interface testing within Alibaba Group. If you need it, you can contact us through the email address of the paper.

5. Paper experiment reproduction

Recall model reproduction

  1. download the align_model.pth and bert-base-chinese from hugging-face website, put them under root dir.
  2. (optional) change the config dict into your weights dir in
  3. download recall test images from csv file into a dir temp_recall_biztype0_fc5_imagern_500
  4. run the script python to generate a result csv which outputs data/align_recall@k_with_MKG_20221021_poi_500.csv as default.
  5. run the script python to evaluate the recall@5.
  6. Get the recall@5 metric of 0.788 as shown in paper.

Ranking model reproduction

  1. download the align_model.pth and bert-base-chinese from hugging-face website, put them under root dir.
  2. download the shoucai_siamese_train_concat_poi_020_0.6520.ckpt and put it under the root dir.
  3. run the script python to get the AUC score of 0.652 as shown in paper.


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