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My implementation of homework 3 for the Machine Learning class in NCTU (course number 5088).

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Homework 3 for Machine Learning


  • ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • python2.7.12 (using Pycharm 2017.3)
  • extra modules: numpy, scipy, pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, prettytable

Usage of each file

Gussian Process for Regression (task 1-1)

The file gaussian_process will display four gaussian process regression curve using different parameters combination with exponential-quadratic kernel, and their RMS error.

|   parameters   |  train error  |   test error  |
|  {1, 4, 0, 0}  | 1.05224307499 | 1.29879575822 |
|  {0, 0, 0, 1}  | 6.65758954447 | 6.74853909467 |
|  {1, 4, 0, 5}  | 1.02884040382 |  1.2860902333 |
| {1, 64, 10, 0} | 1.03287726411 | 1.37490152336 |

Automatic relevance deetermination (task 1-2)

The file ARD_gaussian_process will display the parameters updating curve using ARD and the regression result using the optimal value compare to bayesian in the previous homework.

For ARD gaussian process
|          optimal parameters         |  train error   |   test error  |
| {3.387085, 6.0, 4.005092, 5.000385} | 0.841025010819 | 1.12727668046 |
For bayesian linear regression
|  train error   |   test error  |
| 0.838483185841 | 1.15444532053 |

Support Vector Machine (task 2)

The file svm will plot four differnet svm decision boundary using iris data set, which are

  • linear kernel with first two attribute
  • polynomial kernel (degree 2) with first two attribute
  • linear kernel with two-dimensional LDA
  • polynomial kernel (degree 2) with two-dimensional LDA

Gaussian Mixture Model (task 3)

The file kmeans_gmm will first compute k (user defined) mean values of the input image and output the same image except the pixel values are scale to the nearest mean. Then, using these means as initial value for GMM, after perform EM algorithm, output the image scale to the most probable mean value.

original image

k-means(k = 3)

GMM(k = 3)

log likelihood curve when performing EM algorithm.

It will also output the RGB value of the mean, like the following:

26 iterations for k = 3
Time cost : 0:00:03
| k-means mean value |  r  |  g  |  b  |
|         0          | 191 | 136 |  48 |
|         1          |  51 |  34 |  9  |
|         2          | 208 | 201 | 176 |
EM finished, time cost : 0:00:39
| GMM mean value |  r  |  g  |  b  |
|       0        | 149 |  98 |  24 |
|       1        |  27 |  18 |  1  |
|       2        | 190 | 180 | 148 |