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A port of Ruby's minitest assertions to JavaScript, ready to be consumed with mocha (or another runner).

Since mocha provides the necessary framework to run tests, this port of minitest focuses on the assertions part, which are first class citizens, then on everything that's built on those assertions (expectations) or related to them (eg: mocks, stubs).

Overall, the assertions are a direct port of their ruby counterparts, but modified to be compatible with javascript language bugs/features, and thus conforms to the CommonJS Unit Testing/1.0 test suite.

Please see for usage and API documentation.

Browser support

Minitest.js assumes that your browser support ECMAScript 5, either natively or through a polyfill and can be used in any browser, back to Internet Explorer 6.

Spec expectations (eg: mustEqual), on the other end, do require native support for Object.defineProperty, which restrict support to modern engines only (eg: Node.js, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 12+, etc). But thanks to a little hack, we can support Firefox 3.6 and Internet Explorer 9 (unless we find another bug).

Differences with CommonJS' Unit_Testing/1.0

Minitest.js is compatible with the CommonJS Unit Testing/1.0 spec, but there are some differences since we follow minitest conventions.

The parameters have been flipped: use assert.equal(expected, actual) instead of assert.equal(actual, expected).

Use refutations instead of assert not, so refute.equal() replaces assert.notEqual() for instance.

The assert.equal and refute.equal assertions have been removed, because the == operator is unreliable, at best. Since deepEqual does a better job to fix its shortcomings, we renamed assert.deepEqual and assert.notDeepEqual to be the actual assert.equal and refute.equal.

assert.strictEqual and its refutation have been renamed to assert.same (and refute.same).

Last but no least, assert is itself an assertion, and assert.ok is just an alias for it. The same goes for refute and refute.ok.


minitest.js is distributed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE.


minitest Copyright © Ryan Davis, seattle.rb
minitest.js Copyright © Julien Portalier


A JavaScript port of the minitest ruby gem







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