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LALR, SLR generator macro library in Nim.


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nimyacc is a LALR parser generator

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The core algorithms (first/follow sets, canonical collection, lookahead propagation for lalr) is based on the code in nimly. Numerous performance enhancements and fixes were made on top of that code.

A list of features

  • Support for bison style %left, %right, %nonassoc declarations, as well as rule level %prec declarations to use in conflict resolution.
  • Output of debug string containing shift/conflict resolution info, the state machine itself, and the action and goto tables to the location specified by -d:nimydebug=<debug_file_path>
  • Output of dot string of automaton to the location specified by -d:nimygraphviz=<dot_file_path>
  • Error recovery using error symbol, similar to bison. This is the ad hoc error recovery using error token, as described in Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, p.76. I believe this is similar to what yacc/bison does. For another description of the algorithm, see the python yacc clone PLY documentation.
  • Use lexim which is a high performance scanner library that implements the dfa directly as a jump table, eliminating the overhead of table lookups. It supports lexer states for ease of handling common constructs such as comments and strings.

Possible future extensions

  • Add more grammars as examples.

  • Local error recovery strategies that does not require any change to grammar.

    Error rules are manual, invasive changes to the grammar and force the grammar writer to anticipate error sites. On the other hand, there's a whole class of error recovery techniques that rely on doing a bounded search of possible token insertions, deletions and change on the local parse context. For example, ml-yacc implements burke fisher error repair. There's several other techniques. For a relatively recent list of references, see section 18.2.7 of Parsing techniques: a practical guide. It would be ideal for this library to provide at least 1 such automated error recovery option as an alternative to the error token.

  • Example-based error message specification

    The (state, input token, error message) data can be semi-automated as a series of (bad input, error message) that gets fed to the parser, and the state at which the parser error occur can be discovered during the parse.

  • Canonical LR with table compression

    This would give full LR(1) power with negligible overhead compared to LALR. This would also eliminate the class of "mysterious reduce/reduce" conflicts that can happen with LALR parsers. See bison doc for example of such conflicts.

  • Counterexample generation to debug grammar development

    See bison doc for a description of the feature.


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requires " >= 1.0.0"

Usage Overview

The examples assume use of the patty lib to create the case object types.

variant MyToken:
  NUM(val: int)

Use of patty is optional. However, the parser generator does expect a naming convention for the "kind" parameter of the case object.

Namely, if you case object is called MyToken, then the "kind" parameter must be MyTokenKind. In other words, it uses & "Kind".

lexer usage

You need to define an object type that have these fields: startPos, endPosExcl, like so:

type LexerState* = object
    startPos*: int # needed for lexim  
    endPosExcl*: int # needed for lexim

Then you use the genStringMatcher macro to define your lexer. Note, it generates an iterator, so you must yield. You can also discard patterns you wish to ignore.

genStringMatcher testLex[LexerState,MyToken]:
    yield LPAREN()
    yield RPAREN()
    yield PLUS()
    yield MULTI()
    yield NUM(parseInt(input.substr(oldpos, pos-1)))
    yield DOT()

The above generates a testLex proc, that can be used to create a lexer like this:

  var s: LexerState
  var lexer = testLex.newWithString(s, str)

You don't really need to call the lexer's procs directly. The typical usage is to just pass it to a parser later. But if you need to you can pull out the individual tokens. Note the example below is for the NimlLexer defined in lexer.nim, which uses the lexim api under the hood.

  var s: LexerState
  var testLexer = testLex.newWithString(s, "some input string")
  while not testLexer.isEmpty():
    discard testLexer.lexNext()

lexNext returns a LexerOutput type which is a case object that can be of kind Jammed, Token, or Eof for lexical error, valid token, and end of file, respectively.

If already at Eof or Jammed, future calls to lexNext will return Eof or Jammed, respectively. isEmpty() will return false.

parser usage

macro nimy generates the parsing table and the code to invoke the parser, at compile time. The generated code simply creates a proc that, when called, invokes the parser engine on the given input, and use the parser table to derive the parse tree. The parse tree is then traversed post-order. During the traversal, the user-specified code blocks are run.

basic parser dsl

The dsl looks like this:

nimy testPar[MyToken]: # generates parse_testPar proc. 
  top[string]: # left hand side "top", returning a string. 
    plus: # right hand side "plus"
      return $1 # user action. supports the $n references to the matches. n>=1. 

In the above, top is the start symbol. It is always the first nonterminal that appears in the specification.

Also, note the $n syntax for retrieving the subtrees. n>=1. Note that this is implemented by pattern matching the nim ast for Prefix([Ident(strVal: "$"), IntLit()]), so $n usually needs to be surrounded by spaces or ($n), otherwise nim might confuse it as part of some other syntax.

The above example generates a testPar constant, which is of type ParsingTable. It can be used to construct a new parser using newParser.

The above example generates a parse_testPar procedure. It always adds the parse_ prefix to the name (in this case testPar). The type is:

proc parse_testPar[LexerState, Token](p: var Parser, l: NimlLexer[LexerState,Token]) : Option[Token]

Snippet of using the generated parse_testPar routine in the example:

  var s: LexerState
    lexer = testLex.newWithString(s, str)
    parser = testPar.newParser()
  return parser.parse_testPar(lexer) 

If there is a parse error, then parser.hasError returns true.

Note that different left hand sides can have different return types.

nimy testPar[MyToken]:
      return $($1) # plus returns an int, so we need to convert it to string

      return ($1).val # extract the int value of the NUM token.

accessing symbol positions

Each grammar symbol's start and end positions can be accessed using this syntax. nimyacctree is of type ParseTree[T]. The name nimyacctree is available to user code. getStartPos(i) returns the start position of the ith grammar symbol, likewise for getEndPos(i) and the end position. i has the same range of values as the i in $i, i.e. i >= 1.

nimy testPar[MyToken]:
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(1)
      return $1 & @[(s,e)]
    plus PLUS plus:
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(3)
      let ps = nimyacctree.getStartPos(2)
      let pe = nimyacctree.getEndPos(2)
      return $1 & @[(ps,pe)] & $3 & @[(s,e)]
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(1)
      return $1 & @[(s,e)]
    mult MULTI mult:
      let mults = nimyacctree.getStartPos(2)
      let multe = nimyacctree.getEndPos(2)
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(3)
      return $1 & @[(mults, multe)] & $3 & @[(s,e)]
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(1)
      return $1 & @[(s,e)]
      let s = nimyacctree.getStartPos(1)
      let e = nimyacctree.getEndPos(1)
      return @[(s,e)]

option and repetition

0 or 1 matches:

The type is seq[xxx] where xxx is type of XXX.

nimy testOption[MyToken]:
      var cnt = 0
      for d in $1:
        inc cnt
      return cnt

0 or more matches:

The type is seq[xxx] where xxx is type of XXX.

nimy testRep[MyToken]:
      var cnt = 0
      for d in $1:
        inc cnt
      return cnt

Specifying precedence of tokens.

Note using a fake token to override rule level precendence is also supported (UMINUS in this example).

nimy testPar[MyToken]:
  %left PLUS MINUS
  %left MULTI DIV
  %nonassoc EXPON
  %nonassoc UMINUS

      return ($1).val
    exp PLUS exp:
      return $1 + $3
    exp MINUS exp:
      return $1 - $3
    exp MULTI exp:
      return $1 * $3
    exp DIV exp:
      return $1 div $3
    exp EXPON exp:
      return int(math.pow(float64($1), float64($3)))
    MINUS exp %prec UMINUS:
      return -($2)

error recovery

Here's an example of the use of the error symbol for error recovery. See test case.

nimy testPar[MyToken]:
      return 1 
    exps exp:
      return 1 
    error exp:
      return 1 
      return 1 
    exp PLUS exp:
      return 1 
      return 1 
    LPAREN error RPAREN: 
      return 1 

A complete example test case

import nimyacc 

## variant is defined in patty
variant MyToken:
  NUM(val: int)

genStringMatcher testLex[LexerState,MyToken]:
    yield LPAREN()
    yield RPAREN()
    yield PLUS()
    yield MULTI()
    yield NUM(parseInt(input.substr(oldpos, pos-1)))
    yield DOT()

nimy testPar[MyToken]:
      return $1

    mult PLUS plus:
      return $1 & " + " & $3

      return $1

    num MULTI mult:
      return "[" & $1 & " * " & $3 & "]"

      return $1

      return "(" & $2 & ")"

    ## float (integer part is 0-9) or integer
    NUM DOT[] NUM{}:
      result = ""
      # type of `($1).val` is `int`
      result &= $(($1).val)
      if ($2).len > 0:
        result &= "."
      # type of `$3` is `seq[MyToken]` and each elements are NUM
      for tkn in $3:
        # type of `tkn.val` is `int`
        result &= $(tkn.val)

test "test Lexer":
  var s: LexerState
  var testLexer = testLex.newWithString(s, "1 + 42 * 101010")
    ret: seq[MyTokenKind] = @[]

  while not testLexer.isEmpty():
    ret.add testLexer.lexNext().token.kind
  check ret == @[MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.PLUS, MyTokenKind.NUM,
                 MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.MULTI,
                 MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.NUM,
                 MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.NUM, MyTokenKind.NUM]


Due to the limitations on loop iterations in the nim compiler vm (see maxLoopIterationsVM flag in the nim compiler user guide for more info), parser table generation is offloaded to a separate executable yexe (otherwise the vm runs out of iterations and kills itself, plus it runs orders of magnitude slower than if logic is in a separate executable). staticExec to yexe is done in the nimy macro. If you make changes to yexe you need to run to update the local version.

The json parsing of debug/dot string is apparently too expensive for the nim vm, so yexe is also responsible for outputting to the file paths in -d:nimydebug=<debug_path> and -d:nimygraphviz=<dot_path>. It does return error to the caller of staticExec so error message surfaces as an unhandled exception during compile time. See parsegen.nim for details.

If you are not modifying yexe, then it should already be installed for you when you install nimyacc, and should not cause issues.

parsetypes.nim contains most of the type definitions, as well as the logic to compute FIRST and FOLLOW.

lalr.nim contains logic to compute the lookahead propagation.

parsegen.nim contains the logic to handle the dsl, call yexe, and do codegen. When changing this logic, you can use -dnimydebug to trigger the printing of the generated code to iterate. Note that due to use of a generated macro, the printed code isn't the final expanded version. But if you want you can wrap the nimy macro in the expandMacro call and see the actual finally generated code (most of the lines should contain the ParsingTable object).

debuginfo.nim contains logic to generate a debug or dot string from the parser automaton.

parser.nim contains the parser engine loop. The error recovery mechanism is also in there.