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Natural Language Processing with Commonsense Knowledge: A Survey

This repository contains the relevant literature mentioned in our survey paper. We will continue to update this repository.

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📂 Knowledge Rescources

Our survey will NOT cover the widely-used lexical resources (such as WordNet) and factual knowledge bases (such as Wikidata), but focuses on the commonsense knowledge resources which is usually implicitly stated and considered obvious to most humans.

Naive Physics

It's the knowledge about the physical world, properties of objects, and their interaction. For example, "A cup can hold liquid," "A ball can roll," "Fire is hot", etc.

Intuitive Psychology

It's the knowledge about people's emotions, motivations, and mental states. For example, "People feel happy when they receive gifts," "A person may cry when they are sad", etc.

  1. SenticNet 6: Ensemble Application of Symbolic and Subsymbolic AI for Sentiment Analysis CIKM 2020 [paper], [webpage]

    Erik Cambria, Yang Li, Frank Z. Xing, Soujanya Poria, Kenneth Kwok

Social Commonsense Knowledge

It's the knowledge about social norms, conventions, and interactions between people. For example, "People usually greet each other when they meet," "It is polite to say 'thank you' when someone helps you", etc.

  1. Social Chemistry 101: Learning to reason about social and moral norms EMNLP 2020 [paper]

Maxwell Forbe, Jena D. Hwang, Vered Shwartz, Maarten Sap, Yejin Choi

Temporal Commonsense Knowledge

It's the knowledge about the temporal aspects of events and their order. For example, "Breakfast comes before dinner," "A person needs to wake up before going to work", etc.

  1. Zhou, B., et al. (2019). Temporal Commonsense Reasoning in Natural Language Inference. EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019.
  2. Ning, Q., et al. (2018). A Multi-Axis Annotation Scheme for Event Temporal Relations. ACL 2018.
  3. Vashishtha, S., et al. (2020). Temporal Common Sense Acquisition with Minimal Supervision. ACL 2020.
  4. Li, Z., et al. (2020). Temporal Reasoning on Complex Events in Natural Language. AAAI 2020.
  5. Qin, L., et al. (2021). TIMETRAVELER: Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting. EMNLP 2021.
  6. Ji, H., et al. (2022). Dynamic Temporal Reasoning for Procedural Text Understanding. AAAI 2022.
  7. Zhang, J., et al. (2022). Temporal Prompts: Predicting Temporally Consistent Commonsense Knowledge for Future Events. AAAI 2022.

Causal Commonsense Knowledge

It's the knowledge about cause-and-effect relationships between events. For example, "Eating spoiled food can cause sickness," "Studying hard leads to better grades", etc.


  1. Building large knowledge- based systems: Representation and inference in the Cyc project 1989 [paper]

    Charles Elkan and Russell Greiner

  2. ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge AAAI 2017 [paper], [webpage]

    Robyn Speer, Robyn Speer, Robyn Speer

  3. WebChild 2.0 : Fine-Grained Commonsense Knowledge Distillation ACL 2017 [paper]

    Niket Tandon, Gerard de Melo, Gerhard Weikum

  4. EventKG: A multilin- gual event-centric temporal knowledge graph ESWC 2018 [paper], [webpage]

    Simon Gottschalk and Elena Demidova

    p.s. focuses on the temporal commonsense knowledge

  5. ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning AAAI 2019 [paper], [webpage]

    Maarten Sap, Ronan LeBras, Emily Allaway, Chandra Bhagavatula, Nicholas Lourie, Hannah Rashkin, Brendan Roof, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi

  6. ASER: A Large-scale Eventuality Knowledge Graph WWW 2020 [paper], [webpage]

    Hongming Zhang, Xin Liu, Haojie Pan, Yangqiu Song, Cane Wing-Ki Leung

  7. (COMET-)ATOMIC 2020: On Symbolic and Neural Commonsense Knowledge Graphs AAAI 2020 [paper], [code]

    Jena D. Hwang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Jeff Da, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi

  8. Common Sense Beyond English: Evaluating and Improving Multilingual Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning ACL-IJCNLP 2021 [paper], [code]

    Bill Yuchen Lin, Seyeon Lee, Xiaoyang Qiao, Xiang Ren

📊 Benchmarks

[Add the description]

Naive Physics

Intuitive Psychology

Social Commonsense Knowledge

Temporal Commonsense Knowledge

Causal Commonsense Knowledge


  1. CODAH: An Adversarially-Authored Question Answering Dataset for Common Sense RepEval 2019 [paper], [code]

    Michael Chen, Mike D’Arcy, Alisa Liu, Jared Fernandez, Doug Downey

  2. Common Sense Beyond English: Evaluating and Improving Multilingual Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning ACL-IJCNLP 2021 [paper], [code]

    Bill Yuchen Lin, Seyeon Lee, Xiaoyang Qiao, Xiang Ren

🛠️ Methodologies

🌟 Applications


If you find our survey useful, please cite the paper


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