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QuizIslamicAI is an innovative application that combines Islamic knowledge with AI-powered quizzes to provide an interactive learning experience. This repository contains the source code for the backend implementation of QuizIslamicAI, built using Go with the Echo web framework and Gorm ORM.

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Project Golang: QuizIslamicAI

QuizIslamicAI is a Golang-based project that aims to revolutionize the learning experience by combining personalization and automated content creation using the latest AI technology.

Running the Golang Application Locally

To run the Golang application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Go installed and have correctly configured the Go environment on your computer.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to your Golang project directory.

  3. Run the following command to execute the application:

    go run main.go

    Alternatively, if you are using Air as a runner for hot reload:

    air -c .air.toml
  4. Your Golang application will be running and accessible at http://localhost:8080/.

Postman Documentation

The Postman API documentation can be accessed at the following link: Postman Documentation

Deploying to the Public Server

This Golang application has been deployed to a public server with the IP address: You can access the application using this link.

CI/CD with GitHub Actions

In this repository, we utilize GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) of the Golang application.

CI/CD Process

Every time there is a push to the main branch, GitHub Actions will perform the following steps:

  1. Checkout the source code from the repository.

  2. Set up the SSH private key and allow access to the AWS server using webfactory/ssh-agent.

  3. Pull from the repository on the AWS server to get the latest changes.

  4. SSH to the AWS server, build a Docker image from the Golang code in the /var/www/be-alta-quizislamic-ai/ directory, and run the Docker container using the newly created Docker image.

GitHub Actions Configuration

The GitHub Actions configuration can be found in the .github/workflows/go-push-docker.yml file. You can customize the necessary steps for CI/CD according to your project's requirements.

Make sure you have set up the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY as a secret in your repository for successful SSH access to the AWS server.

Note: Ensure you have properly configured and set up the AWS server before performing CI/CD with GitHub Actions.

Table of Contents

Pertemuan 1

  • Ide: Understand the initial idea behind QuizIslamicAI and what problem it aims to solve in the education sector.
  • Repository: Set up the GitHub repository for the QuizIslamicAI project, including defining the project structure and initializing version control.

Pertemuan 2

  • User Login/Register: Implement the user login and registration functionality for CourseGenAI. Users should be able to create accounts and log in to access personalized learning content.
  • CRUD (table apapun): Create basic CRUD operations for one of the tables in the database to efficiently manage data within the application.
  • Postman: Set up Postman to test the APIs and ensure they are working correctly for CourseGenAI.
  • Setup Docker: Dockerize the CourseGenAI application to make it easier to deploy and manage across different environments.

Pertemuan 3

  • Live di AWS: Deploy CourseGenAI live on AWS (Amazon Web Services) to make the application accessible to users over the internet.
  • Continue Rest API: Continue working on the Rest API to enhance its functionality and make it more robust.

Nice To Have (Optional)

  • Pagination: Implement pagination in CourseGenAI to efficiently handle large amounts of data and improve user experience.
  • Middleware (JWT, Static): Set up middleware for CourseGenAI, such as JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and Static Middleware for serving static assets.
  • Docs: Create comprehensive documentation for CourseGenAI, including API documentation and guidelines for developers who want to contribute to the project.


QuizIslamicAI is an innovative application that combines Islamic knowledge with AI-powered quizzes to provide an interactive learning experience. This repository contains the source code for the backend implementation of QuizIslamicAI, built using Go with the Echo web framework and Gorm ORM.





