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Paper has been accepted by IJCAI2020. PyTorch code demo for "Trained Rank Pruning for Efficient Deep Neural Networks"
Our code is built based on bearpaw

What's in this repo so far:

  • TRP code for CIFAR-10 experiments
  • Nuclear regularization code for CIFAR-10 experiments


  • torch
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • progress

Simple Examples

optional arguments:
  -a                    model_name
  --depth               number layers
  --epoths              training epochs
  -c                    path to save checkpoints
  --gpu-id              specifiy using GPU or not
  --nuclear-weight      nuclear regularization weight (if not set, nuclear  reglularization is not used)
  --trp                 boolean value, set to enable TRP training
  --type                the decompsition type 'NC','VH','ND'

Training ResNet-20 baseline:

python -a resnet --depth 20 --epochs 164 --schedule 81 122 --gamma 0.1 --wd 1e-4 --checkpoint checkpoints/cifar10/resnet-20 

Training ResNet-20 with nuclear norm:

python -a resnet --depth 20 --epochs 164 --schedule 81 122 --gamma 0.1 --wd 1e-4 --checkpoint checkpoints/cifar10/resnet-20 --nuclear-weight 0.0003

Training ResNet-20 with TRP and nuclear norm:

python -a resnet --depth 20 --epochs 164 --schedule 81 122 --gamma 0.1 --wd 1e-4 --checkpoint checkpoints/cifar10/resnet-20 --nuclear-weight 0.0003 --trp --type NC

Decompose the trained model without retraining:

python -a resnet --depth 20 --resume checkpoints/cifar10/resnet-20/model_best.pth.tar --evaluate --type NC

Decompose the trained model with retraining:

python -a resnet --depth 20 --resume checkpoints/cifar10/resnet-20/model_best.pth.tar --evaluate --type NC --retrain


During decomposition, TRP using value threshold(very small value to truncate singular values) based strategy because the trained model is in low-rank format. Other methods including Channel or spatial-wise decomposition baseline methods use energy threshold.


  • Results on CIFAR-10(without decomposing the final FC):
Network Method Scheme # Params FLOPs Acc
Resnet20 Origin None 0.27M 1x 91.74
Resnet20 TRP+Nu Channel 0.1M 2.17x 90.50
Resnet20 TRP+Nu Spatial 0.08M 2.84x 90.62
Resnet20 TRP+Nu ND 0.14M 2.04x 90.88
Resnet32 Origin None 0.47M 1x 92.26
Resnet32 TRP+Nu Channel 0.16M 2.2x 91.40
Resnet32 TRP+Nu Spatial 0.11M 3.4x 91.39
  • Results on ImageNet(without decomposing the final FC):
Network Method Scheme FLOPs Top1 Top5
Resnet50 Origin None 1x 75.90 92.80
Resnet50 TRP+Nu Channel 2.23x 72.69 91.41
Resnet50 TRP+Nu Channel 1.80x 74.06 92.07
Resnet50 Channel Pruning(ICCV) None 2.00x - 90.91
Resnet50 Filter Pruning(ICCV) None 1.58x 72.04 90.67
Resnet50 Filter Pruning(TPAMI) None 2.26x 72.03 90.99


If you think this work is helpful for your own research, please consider add following bibtex config in your latex file

  title={Trained Rank Pruning for Efficient Deep Neural Networks},
  author={Xu, Yuhui and Li, Yuxi and Zhang, Shuai and Wen, Wei and Wang, Botao and Qi, Yingyong and Chen, Yiran and Lin, Weiyao and Xiong, Hongkai},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.02402},


Pytorch implementation of TRP






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